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Kite stake for hard ground


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Enjoying the pavement they call dirt at shoreline, eh?  I’ve given up on using a stake.  With care you can “walk back” your lines with slight tension so the kite stays put.  It’s not nearly as convenient, but you don’t need to carry a hammer.

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Lol, yes Shoreline. I'm used to flying in Monterey/Marina beaches where there's plenty of sand to hold the kite down. 

It's difficult to fly quads when the kite, lines, and handles are moving down wind without you. 

Walking back would probably be easier with a 2 string kite. 

Found a Prism stake that might work. 

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2 minutes ago, Zuul said:

Oh, so your one of those guys.   😁

Haha, yes but a rank amateur compared to most of the flyers on the forum. Paul mentioned magic stick to me and the advantages they provide. Totally forgot they act as a kick stand as well. Great suggestion! 

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Wrap line sets from your handles to your kites so you can attach and unroll without staking it down. Spend a lot of time learning cartwheels and belly flips. 
Try and fly on the side in the grass at shoreline? That’s what I do to try and keep the leading edges on my kites from getting to banged up there and you can stake down. 

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Pour a bucket of water on the ground. You'll have to come back to and find the same spot so you'll need to mark it with something. Make a stake using a golf ball and a 1/4" steel or fiberglass rod. It will penetrate much better than a tent stake, especially if you are using a plastic one.

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Yes, another good idea. I only bring kites and a backpack. I would need to place something a little bit heavier (bag of rocks) or something in backpack. Definitely doable. 

Better yet, a reusable shopping bag with a brick or 2 with carabiner might work best. 

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Whoa, @Sardonycus I just realized your Shoreline is the same as my Shoreline (though I haven't been out there much lately). Been following riffclown's build of your kite. Welcome. And I didn't realize there are so many other Shoreline fliers on here too. Hi everyone!

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Hey dragonfish, 

Thank you. I've made a few friends on here already. Riffclown said you fly a purple fade to black Rev, so I've been keeping an eye out for it. I just got an orange flying wings Vamp Devil today that I intend to try out this weekend. It looks fairly legit and it's huge! I hope it doesn't suck. I hope I see you out there sometime and thanks for the welcome. 




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15 minutes ago, Sardonycus said:

Don't you live in San Francisco? It was nice meeting you last week. 

Yeah I do but 40 min drive to catch good winds with good people is no deal at all. Out in so cal for the weekend.

on another note. Does anyone have a fulcrum or a benson airbow? I wanna try this 4 line with dual line capabilities, but not bad enough to spend the fulcrum money. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/5/2020 at 8:03 PM, Sardonycus said:

What's the best method for staking a kite in very hard dirt? I'm using tent pegs, but the ground where I fly is like concrete and the pegs usually just fall over. 

The solution I have found at shoreline is to find where a blade of grass is (was?) growing and the push/twist your stake in along the grass blade. The ground is actually a bit softer there. I know this sounds weird, but it works most of the time. Don't even bother trying in the areas that are bare of and growth.

If you are willing to wait a few weeks we will probably get some rain which softens the field and staking gets easier until the spring.🙂


I fly dual lines at Shoreline once or twice a week and will look for you next time I am there.


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5 hours ago, DavidB said:

The solution I have found at shoreline is to find where a blade of grass is (was?) growing and the push/twist your stake in along the grass blade.

Yes, that actually makes sense. I ditched the tent pegs and got a prism stake which is a lot better. Gotta have the right tool for job. 

I keep an eye out for other flyers and usually go talk. I've met NateyLB and Zuul already. I usually try to go after work on week days to avoid the crowds. I do go on weekends too. I'll be looking for you 😉

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  • 2 months later...

Between hard ground in the winter and leaving behind many stakes on the field I decided to get magic sticks for the rest of my kites. I used them on my first rev and should’ve done it for the rest of them all along. The ability to just drop the handles and leave the kite with no worries is well worth it for me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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