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Karma 9/5/13 - Benson Gemini STD

John Barresi

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Well, you can continue with the friendly banter and stop worrying about the mid vent. I had a dream that the RNG was going to pick my number, so it's as good as over. Now this Karma giveaway...that is one cool looking kite!

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Congratulations Mark! That's a nice kite for sure.

To start your karma drawing, start a new thread in the Karma Drawings category:

1. http://kitelife.com/forum/forum/158-karma-drawings/

2. Put in the title the word karma, the end date, the prize

3. Put the guidelines of your drawing such as how you'll number people's entries. Some have used the post number (upper right of each post here at KL) of the entrants "I'm in" post and some like JB did simply went in order of the people saying "I'm in" regardless of post number.

Here is the Rules and Guidelines thread from the inception of the wonderful Karma Drawings idea: http://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5426-rules-and-guidelines-please-read/

If I may make the suggestion of reading the first few posts of each karma drawing thread, you'll get the idea of how to roll with your drawing. I'm sure JB will lock down this thread soon, then pin your thread when you get it going.

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