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Indoor Flying Practice

Penny Lingenfelter

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I don't want to leave the last post as a sad one.

Here's some indoor video.

Have you ever seen a kite fairy? The voice over starts: Have you ever seen a kite fairy?


Lincoln City, OR Indoor Kite Festival: Fun for everyone.


Slower Rev flying. Penny's Mystery Ballet


Hot Tricks shoot out competition:


BB Penny ~who'd rather be flying a kite.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We had a wonderful kite picnick this weekend at Orting's Lion Field at the base of Mount Rainer. Yup, it was a fun weekend.. with mostly no wind. You should have seen the 3 year old fly an indoor Rev, but his older brother, all of 5 didn't want to quit for some time. Of course the adults tried.. and the kids made it look easy.

I have these pictures of in my mind of Jamie, and Cody and Zelda laughing while they are learning on the Rev. Aww, I'm exhausted... time to shower and curl up on the couch with Steve. He was hoping to see John and Lynn Madison but they left right before he got there---to bad----he brought wind.

I heard a neat thing.

The young man who bought a Rev off of Ebay... (not from around here) only to find it was a rev knockoff. Not Revolution Equipped at all. Ben, at Rev's told him to send it in and he would replace it with a real Rev. Which they did. It was the young man's father and mother who had come to fly with us. They were totally impressed with Rev.. Small world... and great product service. They added some nice stuff to the festival..

We had a colorful club mass assension and a dual line mega demo. I'm headed down.. Lots of fun no wind flying. Rory... not bad.. BB Penny TWO WEEKS TIL LONG BEACH! WSIKF!

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  • 1 month later...

It's time! Except for Pacific Beach.. which I won't be able to make and Whidby Island, which I have every intention of being at to give free kite lessons and indoor demo''s. Oh, and Santa Cruz's 2nd Annual Kite Festival next weekend, which I'll be at. It's now time for Indoor kite flying!!! Or at least indoor practice. :P I'm ready.. actually.. I'm beyond ready.. My wrist, my elbows, my rotary cuffs are feeling the burn.

I've been in the gym that last couple of nights working on short lines. I should only fly for an hour but I've been over my time limit.

I'm joining Scott W. Lisa W. Peter L. Glen D. Mark R. and a handful of other fliers in Kentucky in two weeks for a * surprise* production with Guildworks. No, I'm not flying Deca's.. though I can after about 1/2 hour of practice. But I'm flying my beloved Revolution.

I was told the area would be 15 x 25 ft. and me being me.. I'm FreAking out. ;) I pulled some chairs into the raquetball court and put them 15 ft. apart... It's less then 1/3 of the raquetball court.

I called Scotty and we know very little at this time, but with two days of practice ahead of us we're not worried. It's so funny.. I'm picturing people crowded around our 15 ft. Scotty, who's flown around and over people more then me, is picturing 12 - 15 ft. of line to play over the crowd in his beautiful slow fly style.

I'm picturing under 10 ft. of line and flying fast to the music. Especially the 2nd half of this awesome song. I've been hitting it at the gym, learning the music and getting an idea of how to fly and keep it over people's heads. I tell you... I'm FReaKing. :P lol

Scott assured me I had nothing to worry about. He is so sweet, he told me I could do it.. I thought about it and I guess it's been some years since I've actually wacked anyone with the kite. I'm not worried.. just over excited. Since I have no idea what length lines and style they will need I'll bring everything from 6 ft. to 15 ft.

The event will be internationally televised. I just can't post what it is. Flying a kite is so much more fun then jumping out of a cake. :P

BB Penny ~whos looking forward to the last outdoor events before reeling her lines in to the shorter lengths for the indoors.

Have you ever seen a kite fairy? The voice over starts: Have you ever seen a kite fairy?


Lincoln City, OR Indoor Kite Festival: Fun for everyone.


Slower Rev flying. Penny's Mystery Ballet


Hot Tricks shoot out competition:


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It's time! Except for Pacific Beach.. which I won't be able to make and Whidby Island, which I have every intention of being at to give free kite lessons and indoor demo''s. Oh, and Santa Cruz's 2nd Annual Kite Festival next weekend, which I'll be at. Oh my gosh.. and Lincoln City.. Oodles of Octopi in the sky fall kite festival. So.. except for those; it's now time for Indoor kite flying!!! Or at least indoor practice. :P I'm ready.. actually.. I'm beyond ready.. My wrist, my elbows, my rotary cuffs are feeling the burn.

I've been in the gym that last couple of nights working on short lines. I should only fly for an hour but I've been over my time limit.

I'm joining Scott W. Lisa W. Peter L. Glen D. Mark R. and a handful of other fliers in Kentucky in two weeks for a * surprise* production with Guildworks. No, I'm not flying Deca's.. though I can after about 1/2 hour of practice. But I'm flying my beloved Revolution.

I was told the area would be 15 x 25 ft. and me being me.. I'm FreAking out. ;) I pulled some chairs into the raquetball court and put them 15 ft. apart... It's less then 1/3 of the raquetball court.

I called Scotty and we know very little at this time, but with two days of practice ahead of us we're not worried. It's so funny.. I'm picturing people crowded around our 15 ft. Scotty, who's flown around and over people more then me, is picturing 12 - 15 ft. of line to play over the crowd in his beautiful slow fly style.

I'm picturing under 10 ft. of line and flying fast to the music. Especially the 2nd half of this awesome song. I've been hitting it at the gym, learning the music and getting an idea of how to fly and keep it over people's heads. I tell you... I'm FReaKing. :P lol

Scott assured me I had nothing to worry about. He is so sweet, he told me I could do it.. I thought about it and I guess it's been some years since I've actually wacked anyone with the kite. I'm not worried.. just over excited. Since I have no idea what length lines and style they will need I'll bring everything from 6 ft. to 15 ft.

The event will be internationally televised. I just can't post what it is. Flying a kite is so much more fun then jumping out of a cake. :P

BB Penny ~whos looking forward to the last outdoor events before reeling her lines in to the shorter lengths for the indoors.

Have you ever seen a kite fairy? The voice over starts: Have you ever seen a kite fairy?


Lincoln City, OR Indoor Kite Festival: Fun for everyone.


Slower Rev flying. Penny's Mystery Ballet


Hot Tricks shoot out competition:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I just flew in from California, and man are my arms tired. lol Really! I started the festival off with no wind.. so I can blog in here. ;)

We had such a fantastic time in sunny Santa Cruz, CA. Voted best vacation spot in the world. We helped to raise money for the children's hospice. The Mayor declared Sept. 13th National Kite day and vowed to work hard to continue the festival.

The sky was filled with color thanks to Brian Champie, John, Brian B. (who got teacher of the year) oh, and all the other big kiters, wranglers, etc. Jeanette and Mark Lumas, Brian Champie, Team airzone, Brian, Darrin Skinner, (who sometimes pretended to be Susie Skinner) Fransisco, and I'm so tired I can't come up with the 4th member. ;)

Amy Doran was my roommate. hehehe Arnold S. played on Roks with the audience. There were serious flyers and serious prizes. Dan B. and Mark. Ben Lummas flew too. He's so cute! John Gillespie and others helped with the bols. Dave S. put on a wonderful buggy display.. He can stay on 2 wheels forever. Sandra and Miguel even came out to play. Mikey did a great job as M.C. Paul worked here and there and played here and there. They all helped with setup and take down.

I look back through my magic kite (If you don't have one, you should get one) and saw George, Pat, Mike and Mary, And I met Jason and Eugene. Wally and Skylar were back~thank you ~ to help kids kites.

Tracy and Jeff Erzin did a wonderful job putting this together with the help of city volenteers like Virginia. They had us on the field by 7 AM.. it was nice being ready in plenty of time.

We hob nobbed with some of our sponsors at a barbeque which gave us all an opportunity to thank them.

Ron Desjorado, Amy, Arnold and I found out that we don't have to be flying kites to have To Much Fun. lol Or drink or anything else. Awww.. what trouble makers!!

I've got to get up in a few hours to fly to Houston and then Kentucky.. Hopefully the airport in Houston won't have any issues after Hurricane Ike yesterday.

Here's to a wonderful kite week for all.

No spell check. Must sleep. Did I mention we're flying at the Seattle Seahawks 1/2 time Dec. 21.

And ESPN Thursday, you'll see kite fliers! Cheers. BB Penny ~who needs to be up by 4 AM. Thank you sponsors and worker bees!! It was fabulous.


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Whidbey Island's Kite Festival is today and tomorrow. They have **Indoor flying tonight too.

Come try it, or just watch.

It's very easy to find. If you get off of the Keystone/Port Townsend Ferry on Whidbey Island just turn left it's about 1/4 of a mile on the right on the parade grounds. Camping and hotels are available. Come get a free Revolution lesson, or join in my skit.

BB Penny ~Who will be prepared for sprinkles.

Here's some indoor video.

Have you ever seen a kite fairy? The voice over starts: Have you ever seen a kite fairy?


Lincoln City, OR Indoor Kite Festival: Fun for everyone.


Slower Rev flying. Penny's Mystery Ballet


Hot Tricks shoot out competition:


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2008 Ryder Cup in Louisville, Kentucky.

We did it! Scott Weider and I were about 120 ft. from the stage on the left and right side. (Me- USA and Scott -Europe)

The crowd of 30-40,000 stretched on forever on a gorgeous day. Scott and I were in metal pens 15 x 25 ft. to keep them back with 2 microphones set at about 6 ft. with us.. People were shoulder to shoulder leaning and even sitting on our fences. hmm, they were not there at practice. I told myself they would be fine because Scotty had stood there for me and he was 6ft. tall.

Hurricane IKE left Kentucky in a mess, and even though Scotty tried to convince me that there would be no ground winds due to the crowds, he did not convince me. The wind was coming from 3 different directions and there was a fear that kites would be cut from the program. We worked harder then I've ever worked before. On the field early and getting back to our hotels for bed between midnight and 1:30 AM.

At practice, I would toss the kite out and it would get thrown back in my face, so I'd spin and toss it the other way and it would come back to me. I think it was the ugliest wind I've ever performed in. When we launched for our part of the song.. Sing with me.. sing for me hear.. The singer had the curtain go up behind her and a large orchestra surprised the crowd. Now, quite honestly, we didn't see this. Personally, I didn't even see the crowd looking at us till we were done. I didn't dare take my eyes off of my kite for one second. Scotty gave us confidence that we could do this and we did!

I felt like I was flying two feet off of the ground when I was done. I did it and it wasn't ugly.. and Scotty... I didn't tell you.. lol At the end before the final up/down landing.. Dream.. onnnnnnnnnnonnnn onnn onnn.. what was I going to do with that wind from front and back? Even side to side wanted to come down in my face. I went up and did my 360 overhead spin.. Arms laid out, kite overhead almost in an axel... *Take that California judge that said your hands have to be at your side, so your not flying right. :sign_kitelife: hmmp Whatever it takes. B)

I'm looking forward to working with that awesome group of flyers again.. What a wonderful motley crew we were.

On the way there I looked around the plane from Huston, I tried to figure out who the five people joining me would be.. Lets see.. Lego? Valentine? Spider Monkey? HighJinz? And one other.. Blake? Jim? Hmm..

There were a few people.. dreadlocks, funny hats, tattoo's.. and smiles! I think it was the smiles that made me think, this must be them.. I passed up a note that said,"Guildworks?" There were more smiles and nodding heads.. and I settled back in my seat knowing I was going to have a great adventure..and I did. Thank you Lolly, Rev, Guildworks and all!

BB Penny ~who better get ready for work and back to reality.

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2008 Ryder Cup in Louisville, Kentucky.

We did it! Scott Weider and I were about 120 ft. from the stage on the left and right side. (Me- USA and Scott -Europe)

The crowd of 30-40,000 stretched on forever on a gorgeous day. Scott and I were in metal pens 15 x 25 ft. to keep them back with 2 microphones set at about 6 ft. with us.. People were shoulder to shoulder leaning and even sitting on our fences. hmm, they were not there at practice. I told myself they would be fine because Scotty had stood there for me and he was 6ft. tall.

Hurricane IKE left Kentucky in a mess, and even though Scotty tried to convince me that there would be no ground winds due to the crowds, he did not convince me. The wind was coming from 3 different directions and there was a fear that kites would be cut from the program. We worked harder then I've ever worked before. On the field early and getting back to our hotels for bed between midnight and 1:30 AM.

At practice, I would toss the kite out and it would get thrown back in my face, so I'd spin and toss it the other way and it would come back to me. I think it was the ugliest wind I've ever performed in. When we launched for our part of the song.. Sing with me.. sing for me hear.. The singer had the curtain go up behind her and a large orchestra surprised the crowd. Now, quite honestly, we didn't see this. Personally, I didn't even see the crowd looking at us till we were done. I didn't dare take my eyes off of my kite for one second. Scotty gave us confidence that we could do this and we did!

I felt like I was flying two feet off of the ground when I was done. I did it and it wasn't ugly.. and Scotty... I didn't tell you.. lol At the end before the final up/down landing.. Dream.. onnnnnnnnnnonnnn onnn onnn.. what was I going to do with that wind from front and back? Even side to side wanted to come down in my face. I went up and did my 360 overhead spin.. Arms laid out, kite overhead almost in an axel... *Take that California judge that said your hands have to be at your side, so your not flying right. :prop: hmmp Whatever it takes. :)

I'm looking forward to working with that awesome group of flyers again.. What a wonderful motley crew we were.

On the way there I looked around the plane from Huston, I tried to figure out who the five people joining me would be.. Lets see.. Lego? Valentine? Spider Monkey? HighJinz? And one other.. Blake? Jim? Hmm..

There were a few people.. dreadlocks, funny hats, tattoo's.. and smiles! I think it was the smiles that made me think, this must be them.. I passed up a note that said,"Guildworks?" There were more smiles and nodding heads.. and I settled back in my seat knowing I was going to have a great adventure..and I did. Thank you Lolly, Rev, Guildworks and all!

BB Penny ~who better get ready for work and back to reality.

Awesome :)

You guys are just awesome :)

I had a breif chat with Scotty today :)

Awesome :)


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Hey T,

We talked about you all week. In Santa Cruz, Ca, In Lousiville, Kentucky and on Whidbey Island, WA. Even those crazy Kanuks from Canada mentioned your name. It must be nice to be recognized by so many people that are appreciative of you. Thank you for all your sponsorship. It doesn't go unnoticed!

BB Penny ~ who can't wait for Lincoln City Kite Festival and Camas in October.

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Santa Cruz’s 2nd Annual Kite Festival was a huge success. It started out with no wind, so indoor flying practice paid off again.

The event was a fundraiser for the families of the Children’s Hospice. I was out on the field with tears running down my face as I listened to the stories of some of the children and the families struggle for hope.

Children with life-threatening illness had designed logo’s on t-shirts and bracelets that they sold. I purchased a t shirt that says "Dance whenever, wherever, forever" and was a little dancing girl's dream. The hospice organization encouraged us to perform random acts of kindness when we wear the items. We fliers had the opportunity to help raise money for the Hospice with their new, “I spot Compassion” campaign. The Kitefliers and the public responded well to kites and a good cause. I think it was Mark Lummas who gave Santa Cruz’s Mayor Coonerty a kite lesson. The mayor then proclaimed Sept. 13th as Fly a Kite Day in Santa Cruz. It was all for such a good cause.

Large figure Kites and hard playing kite wranglers surrounded Brian Champie in the big kite field. The colors in the sky were so vibrant and varied it was hard to find the sky behind it. They offered the public the opportunity to hold a line and feel the powerful pull for a $1. What a neat idea. We’ll have to promote this a little more. It’s not as easy as it sounds with all the large kites and line in the area. The public has to be kept back behind the roped field and taken in one at a time for safety’s sake.

Some of the fliers were long time performers like Team’s To Much Fun and Airzone. Danny and Mark flying pairs. Dave Sabalino buggying like a dream in deep soft sand on a small field. That was very tricky.

Arnold S. was there to play with his family and the audience. He led some Rok battles with audience participation. Great entertainment and challenging not to cut a kite during battle so close to all the amusement park rides. No worries though. They didn’t tell them to cut, but to rather to only pull each other out of the sky. What a kite combat!

The running of the bols had everyone laughing and calls for a rematch at the end.

It was great seeing some of the California kite gang again and meeting some new faces. We even enjoyed a late barbeque with some of our sponsors. It offered us a nice opportunity to share our gratitude for all they did.

People told me Santa Cruz had recently been voted the Best Resort in the World by someone and I believe it. The amusement park is large enough to be comfortable even with large crowds. The wooden roller coaster, bumper cars, and long list of rides; the arcades, and plenty of food right on the sunny California beach. You better believe it.

Some people found benches on two stories of boardwalk and some people throw blankets down on the sand. It was perfect for kitefliers-their families, tourist and locals to enjoy everything the Santa Cruz boardwalk has to offer.

I don’t think I want to tell you where we ate breakfast. It was scrumptious, but a small cafe.. I don’t want the line to be any longer then it already is.  You’ll have to ask Sue and Darrin Skinner. Keep an eye out for next year’s dates for the Santa Cruz, CA 3rd annual kite festival. Come and help us to Entertain Angels for a good cause.

BB Penny

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Whidbey Island.. Here is some video, and there's more of the competition which was truley inspiring.

Thank you for the video Fumiko!

Whidbey Island.

Marjorie and Allen Taylor still appear to be the head worker bees behind this festival. Even the rain coudn’t stop it from being a great destination for kitefliers and on-lookers .. it just sort of .. well you know.. rained on us and the kites.. Hey, it’s Washington State.. wait 5 minutes and it changes. Rainbow country!

Actually, Whidbey Island is considered part of a banana belt and gets less rain then the surrounding North West. It’ really unusual to get rain at this festival.

It's so sad to say there were only a few blue clouds.. And little to no wind. Seriously though , It Did Not stop the flyers and new people from flying in it. It just slowed them down. I had to point out that I’m not the only crazy kiteflier out there. People flying in misty rain and no wind ~ now that’s crazy. One person told me that they expected to find nothing when they drove to see a kite festival and there we were. We were their kind of people. Hmmm.

I did something I'd never done before. I let people cut down some of my old lines to short lines to fly their rev’s in light wind and get an idea of what the indoor will do. Several people took the short lines home. The Rev Indoor is not difficult, lets see if they discover the same thing.

I did spend some money on the bag raffle and did well. An “I Love AKA bumper sticker”, buggy back and bag, Pendleton bear flying a kite shirt, a flower wind sock, a dinosaur kite for Ayden; ohh and a wine bottle of M & M’s from Dieppe that the Kings had brought back- Minus the wine. (Sorry, Rory).

I didn’t put a ticket in the REV II bag, augghhh-- but I wanted to. I wonder who won it?

The Whidbey Island kite festival holds one of the largest bag raffle’s around and they have amazing kites, clothes, tools, toy’s and just incredible items in it. Patty L. made the kewlest dolls and donated them. The Barnes family always add wonderful items many from Japan and other places. Just a plethora of possibilities. There were truly amazing items in it.

Oh, and the catered dinner was awesome. I wanted to activate my family right of being a “Thorton” and have a large piece of chocolate cake first. (Having desert first is what Thortons do.) But then I’d have to adopt everyone and there would have been a mad dash to the chocolate cake.  It was one of the best banquet dinners I’d had in some time.

On Sat., one woman said, “I have to shake your hand.” (and she did) She said her little girl’s eye’s popped when she saw me in costume and *poof* kites became a way to express herself! Her parents had recently started flying kites and she told her parents repeatedly she was bored and did not’ want to fly. Till Sat. night she whined.. I wanna go home~I wanna go home.

Entering in my Genie costume with *new harem pants held her attention. She flew any kite we’d give her afterwards. Her parents teased her and asked, Do you want to go home? Oh No!

On Sunday, they came back and she flew my UFO and the rev’s. Her mother said they had been looking for an interest for her but she simply did not like anything. She likes to sing and play around, but that’s a tough outlet with so many people out there with nice voices. I really think the thought of expressing herself with a kite really changed her outlook on kites. I’ll bet we see more of them in the future. Perhaps singing and flying. Huh, Zoe?

It was wonderful to be at Whidbey Island and see Island IQuad, and the local N.W. teams and fliers. You should check out Whidbey Island Kite Festival.

There is plenty of camping and lodging, indoor and outdoor flying. I highly recommend it. Now check out the competition video below.

BB Penny

From Fumiko~~

Also I posted other indoor kite flyers video at the competition as well. If you know who they were, please send the link to them.


Thank you.


Fumiko Kurose-Bretzke

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I've been working on a new routine. I've told the kitefliers to be afraid..

Here is a picture of one size fits all costumes. lol Canyou see Amy as Alice.. The skirt roles, so being short won't stop her. lol I still have to get the white stockings, etc... Yes, I'm thinking Connor would make a good sleeping bat... and Dave B. as the Rabbit.. Well, a "Very Merry Unbirthday to YOU!

What about a mass fly.. Strange magic?

Whidbey Island.. Here is some video, and there's more of the competition which was truley inspiring.

Thank you for the video Fumiko!

From Fumiko Kurose-Bretzke

Penny Lingenfelter Genie and Kite Fairy video.

Bud Hayes and Mario's competition video:


Thank you.


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I'll tell you what Penny,

I can't speak for anyone else.. but I will do the Alice... if you teach me how to dogstake.. deal??

I've been working on a new routine. I've told the kitefliers to be afraid..

Here is a picture of one size fits all costumes. lol Canyou see Amy as Alice.. The skirt roles, so being short won't stop her. lol I still have to get the white stockings, etc... Yes, I'm thinking Connor would make a good sleeping bat... and Dave B. as the Rabbit.. Well, a "Very Merry Unbirthday to YOU!

What about a mass fly.. Strange magic?

Whidbey Island.. Here is some video, and there's more of the competition which was truley inspiring.

Thank you for the video Fumiko!

From Fumiko Kurose-Bretzke

Penny Lingenfelter Genie and Kite Fairy video.

Bud Hayes and Mario's competition video:


Thank you.


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Deal.... you better get David B. in here to find out what it's going to take for him to be the white rabbit. lol And Connor...the little bat...or door mouse, or whatever it is.....


I'll bring that Dog stake to Lincoln City.

BB Penny ~ who has enjoyed all the video from Nationals on www.revkites.com

I'll tell you what Penny,

I can't speak for anyone else.. but I will do the Alice... if you teach me how to dogstake.. deal??

I've been working on a new routine. I've told the kitefliers to be afraid..

Here is a picture of one size fits all costumes. lol Canyou see Amy as Alice.. The skirt roles, so being short won't stop her. lol I still have to get the white stockings, etc... Yes, I'm thinking Connor would make a good sleeping bat... and Dave B. as the Rabbit.. Well, a "Very Merry Unbirthday to YOU!

What about a mass fly.. Strange magic?

Whidbey Island.. Here is some video, and there's more of the competition which was truley inspiring.

Thank you for the video Fumiko!

From Fumiko Kurose-Bretzke

Penny Lingenfelter Genie and Kite Fairy video.

Bud Hayes and Mario's competition video:


Thank you.


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Deal.... you better get David B. in here to find out what it's going to take for him to be the white rabbit. lol And Connor...the little bat...or door mouse, or whatever it is.....


I'll bring that Dog stake to Lincoln City.

BB Penny ~ who has enjoyed all the video from Nationals on www.revkites.com

I'll tell you what Penny,

I can't speak for anyone else.. but I will do the Alice... if you teach me how to dogstake.. deal??

I've been working on a new routine. I've told the kitefliers to be afraid..

Here is a picture of one size fits all costumes. lol Canyou see Amy as Alice.. The skirt roles, so being short won't stop her. lol I still have to get the white stockings, etc... Yes, I'm thinking Connor would make a good sleeping bat... and Dave B. as the Rabbit.. Well, a "Very Merry Unbirthday to YOU!

What about a mass fly.. Strange magic?

Whidbey Island.. Here is some video, and there's more of the competition which was truley inspiring.

Thank you for the video Fumiko!

From Fumiko Kurose-Bretzke

Penny Lingenfelter Genie and Kite Fairy video.

Bud Hayes and Mario's competition video:


Thank you.


Like I said, I can only speak for myself hugs

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  • 2 weeks later...

A Very Merry Unbirthday to You!

Look for the Mad Hatter at a Kite Event in the near future. :sign_kitelife:

Amy could only speak for herself, because when I saw David Bradley, he said.. "Just so you know Penny, I'm not going to wear a bunny suit." lol Well, "No, it's only the ears.. and the tail" I told him. "Ahh, Yea,,, No.." He said.. Fine.. I'll give up my part as the Mad Hatter and showed him the purple velvet hat for the mad hatter. Ahh... yeah.. NO.. lol he said again. Oh, well.. Dancing Al Washington offered to be my white rabbit.. so we'll see if we don't pull him in. :devil:

Lincoln City was a blast.. .It started out beautiful.... Beachiful. but "No Wind".... Colored banners surrounded the boardwalk. I missed Bob Serak and Deb Cooley and their beautiful banners. Still, what we had was great. Hope to see you sooner then next year. Aaron, you too.

The morning started off with a few no wind demo's, bubbles and then just on cue.. the wind kicked in. Clean, lovely wind.. We had Lam Hoc, IQuad, Gomberg and Sam (?) /Barbara's, Thralls Teddy Bear, Octopi, Trilby Train, a beautiful stack of custom rev's.. I know not who he was. Someone told me Bob Wendt has his card. I should be able to find out later.

They had kids kite making, kids parade... etc. But one memory that will keep me smiling for Years... is the ROK Battle..

I had just finished my Cat Hat skit. I was picking up kites, where the kids had laid them and still in my cat hat costume. They were asking kite fliers to join in on the Rok Battle. Well, I hadn't been in one in a while and thought, I will do this. So I went out there.

Now, I've been in a few Rok battles-only a few in 20 years of flying. The object of a Rok battle is to be the last to touch the ground. I pretty much know to pull when it points in the right direction... which to me would only be *up. 2/3 of my battles consist of the kite (even in teams) going up.. and then spinning and coming down. Your out!~ Next heat. Your out!

Rhonda Brewer and Lindsey Johnson bring a tub full of kites, gloves, Roks.. they provide everything for the Rok battle. They had very special kites they had made, with the Event sponsors on them. She hands me my kite and it's "An Exceptional Place to B and B" OMG -Ed Kunz's bed and breakfast that has sponsored Steve and I numerous times over the years. We love staying with him. This festival he was out of town, so we were going to miss him.

Here was an opportunity to make him proud. I'd fly his Rok to VICTORY!

Rhonda test drove it.. I mean flew it.. and it would swing to the right.. and swing to the right. she tweaked it.. and it swung.. to the right. After a few more tries she had it flying like a ROCK.. I mean Rok. It was steady on. Nice~sweet~ kite.

So.. fliers were Maggie Conrad.. event organizer, who's B-day it was, Chris, Katera, David Gomber, Rob Thrall, Rhonda Brewer.. Lindsey? Amy? Connor? Al Washington? I can't remember who all was in it.. I think they all were and more. And me- still in my CAT/Hat costume.

Ready -Set-They started the fight... and I ran.. because I knew I was a Scaredy CAT! I stood down wind from the rest.. my legs were just shaking in fear. :w00t:

This gave me two advantages. I could rest, and watch the rest of the kites without the sun in my eyes. Soon they came after me and I ran across the field at their first steps. David decided to take me out.. but his kite came down. The Cat had just take out David Gomberg!! (Or Davids kite had taken out David Gomberg) Then there was more tangling.. and more running and shaking in fear… but finally it was down to Rhonda Brewer and I.. we ran pushing each other as we tried to get by each other.. then it became just pushing. Lol Rhonda wrapped her lines around my kite. I never knew the rules. She could do that? :) What do you mean I can’t touch you! Rhonda and the cat fought and fought.. we sawed and sawed.. and wrapped and unwrapped our kites… we sawed and sawed… this line now a days doesn’t have the glass like before ..and I’m telling you we sawed! Finally they called it a draw! Whoo hoo.. I’m not sure about the Cat’s kite ethics.. but it was fun.. And then they said there was a second heat. Another battle? More running in soft sand? Oh boy.

Ok, I’m up for one more, a little tired.. :matrix: but I can do this.… And it starts…. And I’m not such a Scaredy Cat.. I’m more like a scat cat on the move. Running for my kites life.. oh, I forgot to mention.. after the first battle, a spectator *outside of the field said.. Now Gomberg has it in for you, he’s going to bring you down. Hmm and as I passed the fliers on the field about every other one said,.. Penny, now Gomberg has it in for you, he’s going to bring you down. … hmmm… I get to the end of the field where David is…and he says… “I’m going to bring you down.” I was wowed.. that rumor had started way up the beach.. How’d he do that? Lol

In any case… I ran.. but David Bradley ran faster then most and circled a bunch and yaking them down.. David Gomberg and I did do battle.. we ran.. we sawed.. ok, I sawed. We wrapped and unwrapped.. I was exhausted!! Totally exhausted in a hot heavy black cat costume.. in soft sand. What was I thinking? David Gomberg came down! Oh my, he came down!

After a few more battles it was Katera and I We tried to take each other out, but they finally had to call it a draw.

Since the cat had finished in two draws Bob Wendt declared me Rok CHAMPION… B) whoo hoo…. Well that’ better be taken with a grain of salt! I have no idea what the rules were and I’m sure…I broke a few, but it was fun…

I told David Gomberg the only thing that kept me running out there in the soft sand racing around madly while we fought was the thought going through my head…”I’m a few years younger then him.. He’s got to be more tired then Me!” If you get into a Rok battle, you can borrow that thought. 

I tried my new routine and they liked it… I was the Whimsical windless witch… but Bob could only think of words like weird and wacky.. which certainly works. Lol I enjoyed playing in the new costume and just stopped short of riding my kite off of the beach like a broomstick. I no wind flew it, and then I dog staked it with wind later.

I was a genie, a fairy, USA, and a witch. I didn’t get to be a dinosaur.. but I have to share the sky with others. It’s only fair.

Amy did a great Charlie Chapman and a few of the IQaud members jumped in on her routine, making the Charlie mad enough to threaten them. Amy’s routine is everchanging and always fun.

IQuad did a nice job flying a mystery ballet. They have their calls down so good they can fly to just about anything.

Gary and Nancie MacEchran (sp) came up from Brookings. Gary fly’s two and three kites at once and did a beautiful job of flying in no wind and light wind.

David brought the bols for the kids. Someone ran a teddy bear drop. I didn’t get to see what everyone was doing. There’s all sorts of people I’m forgetting.

Lincoln City held two days of sun and fun. Our room at the Surf’s Tide was wonderful~ overlooking the ocean with a fireplace and large screen TV.

We didn’t get enough visiting in with many people, but it was good to see their smiling faces. The next indoor will be March 2009 for the Indoor Show. There is no better in the US. Come check it out.

BB Penny ~the Windless Witch ~who has rabbit ears in one size fits all.

Whidbey Island.. Here is some video, and there's more of the competition which was truley inspiring.

Thank you for the video Fumiko!

From Fumiko Kurose-Bretzke

Penny Lingenfelter Genie and Kite Fairy video.

Bud Hayes and Mario's competition video:


Thank you.


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I had a quiet weekend ahead of me, so we picked up Devyn our 3 yr. old grandaughter for the weekend.

With our schedules I couldn't fly inside, but Devyn and I managed to fly the UFO and she put up kite balloons for a while while I cut the grass.

That UFO is a great no wind toy.

BB Penny~who's raising little kitefliers.

Whidbey Island.. Here is some video, and there's more of the competition which was truley inspiring.

Thank you for the video Fumiko!

From Fumiko Kurose-Bretzke

Penny Lingenfelter Genie and Kite Fairy video.

Bud Hayes and Mario's competition video:


Thank you.


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Aww Penny ,

those pics are great! ty for sharing.

Ok, I am putting my nose to the grindstone for the next three weeks... I have full use of the gym at the school I work at.. and I have my indoor rev. I am not going to fly anything else. It's time to get this gosh darn it ! :P

any tips welcome..

hugs mousie..

Oh, you will be at camas yes?????????????????????????

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Aww Penny ,

those pics are great! ty for sharing.

Ok, I am putting my nose to the grindstone for the next three weeks... I have full use of the gym at the school I work at.. and I have my indoor rev. I am not going to fly anything else. It's time to get this gosh darn it ! :P

any tips welcome..

hugs mousie..

Oh, you will be at camas yes?????????????????????????

I'm happy to hear that you will be practicing indoor revs! I'm looking forward to seeing your improvement at Camas! ( I will be there! I already have reservations at a hotel, and I have registered for all four comps! I'm excited!)

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Aww Penny ,

those pics are great! ty for sharing.

Ok, I am putting my nose to the grindstone for the next three weeks... I have full use of the gym at the school I work at.. and I have my indoor rev. I am not going to fly anything else. It's time to get this gosh darn it ! :P

any tips welcome..

hugs mousie..

Oh, you will be at camas yes?????????????????????????


I will be at Camas. I can't wait to see the improvement. Don't hurt yourself. :P BB Penny

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