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So I am thinking about my next dual line purchase.  I have a Quantum and a Zephyr.  I am looking to get something on the higher end of the spectrum that has high trickability in the sweet spot of 7-15 mph.  I live in Montana so the wind does not stay super consistent.  If wind is low I can always fly the Zephyr.  I was looking at either a Benson or a Sky Sport Design.  There are so many options for each in this wind category I am having a hard time zeroing in on which kite.  Benson Superfly looks pretty sick but so does a Deep Space.  The Sky Sport Designs kites are so customizable it is hard far me to figure out which kite to even look at.  

Any recommendations?


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Heck, it's Christmastime. Get an SUL, Standard and Vented of everyone you thought of. The ones you don't like or never fly you can send to me, and if I don't use them, I'll send them to another flyer.

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16 minutes ago, podenbeck said:

Skyburner is up and running again?  I just looked at their site the other day and it still said they were restructuring.  If this is true this changes everything.  Is this what your team ordered? http://www.kitesandfunthings.com/ProductInfo.aspx?productid=SBWM


Yup. :)

Skyburner is again producing small quantities of select models (including the WM) thanks to the skilled and well known assistance of @stapp59 (Tappestry Kites).


More color info...



Here are my new kites...

These are going to @windpoacher (Eli)...



End of the day, I don't think anyone else is actually producing competition quality kites in the US... Skyburner (Jon & Marieanne Trennepohl) and Mr Tapp (who makes his own designs too including the Enigma).

Otherwise, the next nearest is @Lam Hoac up in Canada - he also makes kick ass kites, more in the high end exotic range.

I think everything else sold by American manufacturers is made in China - gotta look to Europe or Asia for other high end dual line kites.

If I'm forgetting any other boutique sport kite makers in North America, please mention them - they deserve recognition. :)

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7-15mph is the upper of a standard. Maybe look at a;
"Light Vent"
"Mid Vent"
Or even a "Strong"

Skysport (Lam Hoac) does a few in the vents,
The Superfly range from Benson Kites covers that but it may be a bit of a hand full at 15,
The Deepspace has a Std and Vented that would be good,
SKD (SportKiteDesign) have the MXS in Strong that would suit as well.

Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app


I had a bunch of vented kites, and although I love to fly duallies, any wind over 15mph has me grabbing for a Rev. Yes, I flew my vented duallies in winds up to 30mph, but it just stopped being fun around 15-20mph. A full-vent quad is perfectly comfortable & fun to fly in 15mph wind.

If you're looking for a good duallie to take care of the 10-20mph range, I never flew anything better than the QPro VV. It will fly a little lower than 10mph, and up to 30mph if you're willing to stand out there in that kinda wind. I was never able to break mine, it's built like a tank. You might appreciate the familiar Prism feel, and I think the QPros are still made in Seattle.

  • Like 2

Heard that!

I love my duals (and quads) up to about 14mph, and only met a couple of vented dual line kites I've liked over the years.

Above that, my quads go all the way up to 50-60mph (factoring in the Xtra Vent B-Pro)... Duals stay in the bag.

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I think my "favorite" vented dual lines are as follows.... I say "favorite" because unlike quads which typically get more stable with venting, vented dual lines are pale comparisons to normal models (SUL/UL/standard).

The Shiva by Cavelier du Ciel, no longer made... Best in its mid vent configuration.

Sea Devil Mid Vent (by Lam Hoac) reframed in strong Aerostuff rods from Japan.

And, the vented X-Masque (by R-Sky) but it only handles well in the mid vent configuration, for my taste.

I really dislike it when my handling (steering) gets mushy and underpowered... Full vent kites may load up going straight or through wide turns, but almost always lose pressure (and drive) in sharp corners. :) 

  • 5 weeks later...

So I have got the funds together.  Now I just have to choose custom colors.  I am debating whether I should have the community crowd source my decision.  I have like 20 variations but have narrowed it down to around 5.  I would like to know what people think of the 5 I have narrowed it down to,

These are the 5.  Which one does everyone like?






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New Widow Maker, eh ? The last one looks great to me. Modern, asymmetrical design, nice colors. The asymmetrical design will help you keep track of the kites orientation while tricking... 

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