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RobB last won the day on January 25 2022

RobB had the most liked content!


About RobB

  • Birthday 10/17/1969

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    BIG kites
  • Flying Since
    Single line since '70s, dual & quad line, last few years.
  • Location
    Long Island, New York
  • Country
    United States
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Kite Romantic

Kite Romantic (7/7)



  1. There's a kite group that flies just about every weekend at Brenton Point State Park. If you can make it down there, you'll find some nice people that would be real interested to see your find...
  2. Hey Ralph... good to hear my first WM is still around ! Did you also buy that Blue set from Bobby ? Hopefully the OP has found one by now...
  3. How did I miss that this was back up for grabs ??? Love the colors, would look HOTT 🔥 flying on Long Island beaches ! 8)
  4. Hold out to find an original. They're out there. I had a NOS one in my collection until I flew it last year. What a dream, right out of the bag, flew like magic ! Just like my first one, and my second...
  5. Love the colors !
  6. I went to all the previous years, except last year. I priced the hotel I usually stay at and they wanted $500 per night for the cheapest room. Other hotels in the area are pricing the same. The event has become a tourist grab instead of a Kiter's fest, which is how it started out. So... I am not paying $1000 for a weekend in New Jersey when I can stay home and fly on my beach for free. I'm just sad to miss the many friends that I would always see at this event. LBI is nice, but not that nice...
  7. This is something missing from my bag... fingers crossed !
  8. Wow ! What a trip. I wouldn't mind flying that for an hour or two !
  9. Hope you find some, they are a BLAST to fly as a stack. Lots of little kites actually pull pretty hard, too ! This is a picture of a friend's stack that I got to fly...
  10. Finally found one ! Nice...
  11. There was a time that the Nirvana was THE sportkite. I've gotten to fly them, but somehow one never made it into my bag. As with many things, I guess I always had time. I guess not... Put that on a list with Focus kites and Sturdy kites as well.
  12. I find the spot I like in the bridle adjustment and almost never touch it again. Generally, I like to bias towards nose-forward. If the kite's not flying in lower winds, I usually take out a lighter kite. The Nexus likes 5-15mph, and like most Prism kites, it flies with a heavy-butt feel. Doesn't mean it won't fly, it just flies slow... If you fly the Nexus in lower winds, it will teach you how to fly a kite like the 4d in zero winds.
  13. Hello, yvescalzetta ! Welcome... you're in good company here. Let's see some pictures of what you fly & where you fly.
  14. A full sized SUL in light wind is divine. I am a size large person, so the small, light inputs required for the small kites just don't come naturally...
  15. I have both kites, and would keep the Kaiju over the 4d. Both are small, but the K is a little bigger. The K is also a little easier to get tricks out of. Neither kite is appropriate for winds over 5mph. Neither kite is a favorite, just because of their small size. I prefer a kite to be 7' or larger, smaller kites just feel like toys to me. But... that's just me. 😎
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