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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2018 in all areas

  1. I don’t really care what they’re buying long as they’re flying and winning - so many kites end up in the same bag anyway, let god and skill sort ‘em out.
    4 points
  2. Like that color scheme a lot.Got a baby goose born April 20th and brought home April 22nd. Geese do not do good alone. They'll go dingy and get mean. I really, really shouldn't admit this.Set up a pen for her in the TV room. At night I have to tuck her under my shirt. She burrows into my armpit and goes to sleep. It's extremely disgusting. I truly hate it . Be another week before she has enough feathers to sleep on her own. 2 more before she can go out with the other birds. She's an American Buff JB has been buff, buff, buffing the Dijjin. Me I've been buff, buff,buffing a Buff LOL.
    3 points
  3. Hmmm... Not factory finish yet, but looking forward to pushing its limits!
    3 points
  4. Congratulations to all! I seem to be too shy to even have a video of any my kite flying efforts. Don't know if I'll ever participate but I sure enjoy the spectating. I might have a chance to be an also ran in the kite collecting category though. SHBKF
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. The boss said go for it so count Jack and I in. [emoji847] Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
    2 points
  7. Not sure what the official “full size” range is, but I generally think of 7’-8’ wingspan.
    2 points
  8. Say it with me... Djinn. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
    2 points
  9. Hi, Bendial, and welcome to the forum. I look forward to flying with you someday. Although there are a few other brands out there, Prism is definitely a reputable manufacturer of excellent quality kites and has many models to choose from, so you can't go wrong with one of theirs. Everything from beginner to advanced models. I've had a few myself, and was very pleased with quality of build, durability and performance. Other commercially made kites you will encounter are: HQ, New Tech, Skydog, and a few others that I don't remember at the moment. I am mostly into quad-line kites, so I'll let the dual-line guys chime in with more info for you. There are also some being made that are high-end pro-quality/specialty kites, that are fragile by nature and intended for experienced flyers. These kites are extremely trickable, but a true burden as far as learning basic control goes, since they are intentionally designed to be "unstable". Like the difference between a high-wing easy-to-fly airplane with a dihedral wing, and a low-wing pylon racer (if that means anything to you). You must be flying it at all times or crash and burn. No mercy, no forgiveness. The two kites you and your partner have are ideal for learning the basic control needed for more advanced kites, and believe me, you will advance, probably quite quickly, as you're already wanting more. My recommendation, other than selecting your next kite, is to trade off and fly each others kites until you are comfortably in control and have learned how to stall, land and steer each one proficiently. I would say to put 100 hours behind you on those. This will also give you a good idea of where you might want to go next, and the experience to handle the challenge. Above all else, remember to have fun, smile and don't forget to breathe.
    2 points
  10. Yes, 1.5 format, yes, indent is intentional. Whys and hows will be addressed when we have kites in motion and build up a good summary.
    1 point
  11. You and I need to get together and make a video. Should be hilarious. We could do an instructional video about the importance of having at least two dozen kites on the field at all times.
    1 point
  12. Hi, spearfish13, and welcome to the forum.
    1 point
  13. Fun factor is ALWAYS huge at the clinics, and as I see it, a good weekend of education and fun can literally triple the value of all the kites you already have (applied knowledge).
    1 point
  14. Trying like crazy to get there. Don't know about flipping trucks though Khsidekick but I'd watch. Last time I flipped a truck kinda hurt . When researching for my 1st kite Hypnotist was 3rd. The choice between the Widow ng, Wolf ng and Hypnotist was so close it came down to money. Wouldn't have regretted either.Been saving for a higher end UL. It wouldn't make me any better of a flyer then a year of flying my Zephyr.Just want one . Spending money for the Clinic would. Plus I think the fun factor would be huge.If I can make it think I'd just bring the Hydra with 100' x 130# lines.
    1 point
  15. Easier to see what is happening at the kite, but remember the window goes by pretty fast. Helps you see any tip wraps as you relaunch too. I don't think I would ever try flying a full sized kite on 30', 50's yes. Most of my dualies were flown on 50' - 65', back in the day. There was a trend to use short lines to get more people to fit on the same amount of ground. Today, it appears to be back to longer lines.
    1 point
  16. The sad reality is legal remedies are very costly to pursue - there isn't much realistic protection from patent or copyright. The only effective way to address poor form is to educate consumers and let them "vote with their feet". Really appreciate everyone surfacing things like this and making the community aware of the situation. I agree with the comments about letting go of the past, but I'd also encourage making sure we keep the community aware of what is going on so consumers can make informed choices.
    1 point
  17. Damn, there's two more that I found a bit further down the list. I thought I was losing it. Can someone in admin combine all three of these?
    1 point
  18. Oh, one more thing. The Reflex function can be bypassed so it can fly just like the standard EXP, so you can experience both and decide if the new technology suits your flying style.
    1 point
  19. Thanks for the advise @RobB ended up trying the Hypnotist and Kymera. That combination should give us a pretty good range of experience.
    1 point
  20. 3 spots gone, we have enough for a team!
    1 point
  21. I got to run it by the boss but I would love to bring Jack to this. For me flippy trucks, slack line, and stalls and slides would be awesome. Team flying activities would be fun as well. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
    1 point
  22. Interesting. Very interesting. Fun how many questions can be created by one picture. Sent from my [device_name] using http://KiteLife mobile app
    1 point
  23. [emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
    1 point
  24. 😇 He knows were to get a second opinion!!
    1 point
  25. Looks freaking awesome, JB!!! I'm going to have to get another kite bag...
    1 point
  26. Nicely done. Congratulations to all. Of course I would have kicked all your butts. Please don't wake me up.😀 Just waiting for the Djinn contest.
    1 point
  27. I don't have a "B" bag. It's either "A" bag or no bag. My arsenal isn't extensive, but it's deadly.
    1 point
  28. It's back to normal for me John. Thanks! Sent from my [device_name] using http://KiteLife mobile app
    1 point
  29. Ground work and basic tricks, I would choose the Prism Hypnotist, it is full sized & built like a tank. I would stay away from the E3, it is an odd flier and not very strong. Save the E3 $$$ for a Zephyr, it is a much more predictable flier, and in my experience it is more durable. More advanced tricks, I would choose the Kymera. It is a great value right now, and quite capable. Along those lines would also be the ITW Hydra, also deeply discounted now. I've enjoyed every Lam kite that I've put my hands on, so his new offerings wouldn't disappoint, I'm sure. It is tough to find a Widow Maker right now, and I haven't flown a Widow NG. I would recommend the Widow Maker as a great all-around kite, if you can get your hands on one. Lots of people say good things about the NG, but I couldn't say for myself. I so wish I could attend, the last time we had a stunt kite clinic on the East Coast was 2008. I hope you all have a great time...
    1 point
  30. Welcome to KiteLife and to Kiting in general.. It was an awesome experience seeing the Cheshire grin on your face as you began the journey.
    1 point
  31. Thank you so much for having this competition and really honored to have competed against so many excellent flyers. I'm especially impressed with Adam, with more time and practice I won't have a prayer of a chance against him again. Extremely well done all!
    1 point
  32. Yes. The quantum is a fairly tough kite. I would suggest putting some "liquid electrical tape" on the nose piece. Re-apply as necessary. I am sure it can be broken, and there are less expensive kites that can take more abuse. I will use my Quantum with new fliers, if the wind is right. If it's windy, I might use an Osprey. In lighter wind- I'll use a Black Dog UL. The Quantum does a nice Turtle, which is an easy trick to teach a new flier. You need to practice "crashing softly". If something doesn't look right after a crash, take a walk to check it out before trying to relaunch. I am certain this practice has saved me from a broken/damaged kite or 12.
    1 point
  33. Yeah, that Illusion was iconic... I think I had one in 99 or 2000... I'd like an Illusion 2K as well but never owned that one. I wonder if Mark at Prism ever though of making special vintage runs of older kites? I was sure I could find an Illusion online somewhere but the old GWTW classifieds page is not what it was and I didn't find any on here. I bet when they come up for sale they demand a pretty penny. No, the Illusion wasn't the trickiest kite out there but it was just an amazing kite that was super well-rounded. The lines it cut in the sky were beautiful. But yeah, I'm sure there's a great many Illusions that haven't been pulled from their kite bags in years. My Benson Outer Space was the best 540 kite. It got so flat and would just hover and spin in one spot. It was just balanced so well and another one I really miss. Anyway, I'm going to get out this weekend and unravel some lines and fly my E3 and then order the Kymera next week! Thanks for help and kind words!
    1 point
  34. This kite now has a new home. More info very soon..Reinforced a few parts after a consult with @John Barresi and added the Air Force logo to make it a 1.5 version of Yonder.. @Roadwarrior26 Enjoy your new kite and Welcome to Kite Life..
    1 point
  35. My favorite kites have been flown to rags, no longer flyable, embedded with memories and stains, now living on the wall.
    1 point
  36. I my not-so-humble opinion; If you ain't gonna fly it don't buy it. Investing your money in kites, unless you buy Ben's (Franklin) original, is a waste of time. There are better mediums for capital investment.
    1 point
  37. As a beginner, can’t really go wrong with any popular quad, they are mainly divided by cost and material quality at that level - main items for any new flyer are making sure you have leaders and equal length lines (links for both below). https://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5530-pigtails-tuning-your-rev-with-knotted-leaders/ == Also, LOTS of free tutorials here... http://learnkites.com
    1 point
  38. Same experience here. The app says I'm not logged in, however I am and unread forum threads is empty Sent from my [device_name] using http://KiteLife mobile app
    1 point
  39. The first few times you fly do it in wind that is neither too high nor too low. Keep it in the 6-10mph range if possible. You will learn very little about controlling the kite if you spend 90% of the time fighting the wind or the lack of it. Choose wind that will help instead of hinder you. Fly 20 minutes, take a 10 minute break. Let the muscle memory sink in. Don't think -- usually the opposite of what you thought is what makes it work. Besides, the kite moves faster than you can think. Feel what it does and react mildly. Small to medium moves in normal wind are all you need. Move forward during wind gusts. Move backward during lulls. Develop a feel for what the kite wants to do and use that to your advantage. Let the wind do the work for you.
    1 point
  40. Indeed. I think the only worthy debate is “backward and argue about it” or “forward and evolve”... One toe in the past, or looking to the horizon. Damned shame Rev doesn’t see that, I think the entire community would support an effort on their part to be exclusively forward moving - Club 38 and the Reflex line was a fair start, but this backward moving stuff has me truly amazed and disappointed. It is quite telling that Polo, Bazzer, the Shooks and myself have ALL officially parted ways with Revolution now, all for very similar core reasons (with different details). Why would so many of the big players be stepping away, food for thought.
    1 point
  41. I believe I am in for wskif 2019 if you will put up with me. I too am interested in a group option to have more fun and less cost. Sent from my [device_name] using http://KiteLife mobile app
    1 point
  42. That isn't what I'm saying. I am saying that Rev is commercially selling a design from another source. Now if Rev can substantiate their claim to the artwork, great. If not, then they are guilty of doing to others, the very thing they so fiercely defended for themselves.
    1 point
  43. The most important facet of water flying is that the kite must be wet. If not, you will never master it. But seriously, the only thing you need to know is that it is exactly the same as flying in air only much, much, much slower, plus, you can't see the kite. So, if you practice flying the kite in air with your eyes closed you will learn how the kite "feels". It will "feel" the same in the water, only you can't move it as fast. In some videos, you can see JB flying, but he's not looking at the kite. It is possible to know where and how the kite is going without seeing it. It's not easy, and I have played with, but not mastered it. Once you can fly with your eyes closed, even briefly, then.......
    1 point
  44. I had my first water play some months ago too, all I can say is, Be prepared for the weight change. Once the kite hits the water you're gonna feel the weight of water, is completely different from air. The shock caught me off guard and I panicked, it felt like the water was quicksand and I'd be forced to take the wet walk of shame. But the "flight" dynamics still remain true, just be sure to position yourself with the correct water current direction (like wind direction) and the kite will respond like what you expect. Oh and my test play was in still water, no waves only a light current.
    1 point
  45. Russ, remind me of this when we meet up at the end of April - there is a lot that can be done with the altitude of your hands in relation to your body when reversing, pretty sure we can get you over the hump.
    1 point
  46. Very interesting information - wondering if anyone has set standards for measuring the other 3 factors mentioned? In principle, stiffness could probably be quantified by cantilevering the rod, hanging a standardized weight from the end, and then measuring deflection. Not sure how to measure recoil, but I inadvertently tested my diamond frame for resilience a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, that was a destructive test
    1 point
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