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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Most common and practical adjustment is simple "nose back" or "nose forward", i.e. moving the bridle point up (light wind) or down (solid wind) in small increments... Just make sure you have a good mark to indicate the original position.
  2. Well, would ya look at that - been a while since I heard this name. Our winner is #957... This bad boy is going home with @SkyPuppets LimitVoodoo! Huge congrats to Dave, and ongoing thanks to everyone for their support. I'll be home on the 29th of this month and will post a new prize after I have a couple days of recovery under my belt, and do feel free to give me another nudge if I'm not on it within a reasonable time period. Right, off for a much needed night's rest. Love to all.
  3. Worlds longest drum roll... lol Helluva week here in Kuwait, first show day was today and it was grueling - glad I was able to squeak this in. Winner in a moment, endless thanks for your patience.
  4. As requested... 457 - @cerfvoliste Welcome to some new faces... 1340 - @misu 1341 - @Paramedic Current count - 354 active members.
  5. If the json message and broken sponsor images share the same timeline, then ai'm pretty sure it's something with the recent forum upgrade... For now, I suggest just X'ing out the json notice until we find a solution.
  6. Mr Paul DeBakker himself.
  7. Not seeing that on my end, logged in or out... Anyone else? If it's occurring in more than one place, it'll be easier for me to dial in. A screenshot would be welcome too, along with browser info. Could also have to do with an software upgrade we did yesterday, still working on it - as evidenced by the visible code in the right sidebar of this page where our ads should be.
  8. Confirming, sold or not sold? (title vs Jan 27 reply)
  9. http://skysportdesign.com
  10. It is a recognized format in the IRBC rule book, but is specifically excluded by the AKA Appendix.
  11. I'm picky on my gliders, but waiting with baited breath!
  12. Comps can be a ton of fun, although I'd like to see MIX format finally implemented. Traditional, two events flown separately: Precision - 3 compulsories flown one at a time, then a silent freestyle Ballet - musical freestyle League style, two events flown separately: Precision - 3 compulsories embedded into a freestyle routine, requiring the majority of judges to look down and lose both sight and focus of portions of the performance (I've seen world team champions looking down for as long as 12 seconds during competition), League style a hopeful but highly inefficient format, imho. Ballet - musical freestyle Mix format, one appearance on the field: Three compulsories flown one at a time, for a value of 45% of your total score (15% each), followed by a ballet performance worth 55% of your total score... Lean, clean, more accurate and encourages a more well rounded flier. == Just my two cents... But like I try to tell the "old judges", it's not our show any more - it belongs to the folks who still show up to participate in it - whatever helps them grow is good by me, but burnout from the traditional format has been glaringly high for many years now with a nearly continuous (although gradual) shrinkage of competition for 10+ years now.
  13. Hmmm... I'm not sure what the problem is, we're on the latest versions of both this forum and TapaTalk. Sorry for the inconvenience Palmahnic, not doubting what you're experiencing and I'll look for a solution as time allows - my biggest issue now is understanding and replicating the problem on my end so I can submit a trouble ticket to one of the two related developers. Where are you seeing the "Mark As Read" option in TapaTalk? I'm moving away from TapaTalk more and more (the mobile web version of this forum is more robust imho) and I've lost familiarity with its functionality.
  14. FYI guys, I'll be traveling / performing in Kuwait on February 17th through the 29th... I should be able to do the drawing while I'm there, but it could be delayed due to time difference and whatever activity schedule they put forth. Feel free to nudge me though, I always appreciate it!
  15. Congrats Andy, fly it in good health - can't wait to see what you put up for a prize.
  16. Shadow flying? Kite up and eyes down?
  17. Aye - I went up to see him a couple weeks ago and Walt has been going through some major personal stuff lately. He's just now in "clean up" mode but I hope to see more communication and activity from him later in the year.
  18. FYI - I can vouch for Terry (Airfx), we're OLD friends.
  19. This one is good too...
  20. Here's a video that Brett caught with his GoPro, sadly we shifted off screen a bit partway through. Note, we built from scratch at this festival - everything up to 3:39 was choreographed over the three days we had leading into the event, everything after that mark was improvised on the fly for each performance.
  21. Hello @NaturalFork, Welcome to KiteLife. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background. Your profile - View Member All the best, and welcome again!
  22. Hello @György Samu, Welcome to KiteLife. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background. Your profile - View Member All the best, and welcome again!
  23. Hello @aerophoto, Welcome to KiteLife. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background. Your profile - View Member All the best, and welcome again!
  24. Hello @harrison110, Welcome to KiteLife. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background. Your profile - View Member All the best, and welcome again!
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