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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Hrm, no updates aside from the first one... No news, and still no response from the designer. They'd have to do really well to win my heart with the next update.
  2. Dan, did you get taken care of this weekend? I'm sorry, I don't recall if we got a chance to meet, but I'd be sad if we didn't get a chance to put you in the sky.
  3. My pleasure Baws, glad it worked out for you.
  4. This has been on my to-do list for a while, but the translated dual line manual still needs a lot of work, imho... Helluva thing getting it to where it is now via translation, but I need more for me to put it online here. Mr. Farrell can email upon request however.
  5. Ohhhhh, nice one. If you ain't breaking 'em, you ain't flying 'em! LOL
  6. I wouldn't call on the AKA insurance for something like this, that can likely be settled easily, if anything even comes of it. So sorry to hear about your experience. Honestly, sounds like a new flying field might be in order, even if it is the best spot. An environment like that, even a potential one, would really kill my level of enjoyment, well worth moving.
  7. Thanks guys!
  8. I'm not sure... There's a phone number here - http://www.eskimo.com/~4winds/
  9. Aye, our latest issue is ready for viewing... http://www.kitelife.com/magazine/issue66 Included articles: * Dave's World: Vietnam * Dave's World:Berck sur Mer * Drachen: Kite Research * News Reel * Kite Comics * Kite Poems * Store: WindPower Sports * ProFile: Chris Goff * REVisions: Summer Swing * Multiple Kite Flying * Pictorial: Johan Hallin * Maryland Intl Kite Expo * Uchinada Kite Festival * Hamamatsu Kite Festival * Great Lakes Kite Festival * Kite Fest Louisianne
  10. Just takes a an hour or so to update sometimes, it's showing now.
  11. iQuad will be there for the event, 6 pilots.
  12. I just count on being a "blip" amongst 30,000,000 other FB users.
  13. Close enough for government work Tom. )
  14. Wow, just got to watch the video too... She's great!
  15. Not very much, think a mid-sized parafoil... Breaks down pretty light.
  16. Uploaded, but still processing... Should be available for viewing shortly.
  17. Glad to hear you're enjoying the new kite Darin, super cool.
  18. Zap-A-Gap has been a mainstay in the kiting community since before I came around in the early 90's. Good stuff.
  19. There are so darned many cool things you can do in kites these days... Team and pairs flying, indoor kiting, giant inflatables, kite surfing, kite buggy, power flying, line laundry, trick flying, fighter kites, the sky is the limit! While I primarily fly dual and quad line, individual or team, I've dabbled in nearly everything and have the utmost appreciation for each one.
  20. With modern sport kites, lines are generally a fixed length (no reeling in/out during flight). Stretch out the whole length of line, stake it off as Walt describes, then attach the kite (upright / nose up) and lean it backwards so the wingtips are toward the stake a little and the nose is leaning away... This is to keep it from launching by itself. Then, walk back to the handles/straps, take 'em off the stake, make sure you have the R/L lines in the correct hands then give firm and even pull on both at the same time to launch.
  21. Awesome, glad to hear it!
  22. Response sent, made some room in the mailbox too. Thanks.
  23. Ted, I've removed your email addy from the post above to keep spambots from picking it up... I don't keep mailing addresses on file, will you send it to me via my usual email address? Thank you sir!
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