Hello all, figured I'd let everyone know...
I'll be in France from April 6th through the 17th judging at the World Sport Kite Championships (WSKC), and going directly from France to China on April 17th to be Chief Judge at the Weifang International Kite Festival, finally returning home on April 26th or 27th... This will put me out of the USA for quite some time during which I will not be able to answer my phone.
However, email access should be consistently available, shouldn't be offline for more than 1-2 days at a time.
You can look forward to daily updates from the WSKC here...
And, a full report and photos from Weifang in issue 48 (due out June 1st - my birthday).
While most of my expenses are covered for these trips, it will still be fairly costly, so donations and subscriptions are always welcome.
Thanks for being here!