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Everything posted by riffclown

  1. or one quad set of 250'
  2. The other option would be a color fade.. Thoughts??
  3. I need to have a 72" Perspective Mesh in my bag as a reference kite (the original one moved on before I had time to write everything down.) Silver, Royal Blue,Lt Blue, Dark Blue, Teal, Caribbean Blue, Cedar, Forest, Flo Green Flo Yellow. Will weave it all in of course but wanted to lay out the basic thoughts..
  4. riffclown


    Yes, I use it on most of my kites. . The exception is a Black LE on a kite with no white. With Black LE the white is almost too stark.. FWIW, I have color choices for nearly every part of the kite.. I like the white screening a lot but it's not a good look on everything..
  5. riffclown


    I realize I didn't share as much of this build as I have others in the past but this build was so parallel to the previous one that the only difference was Leading Edge Construction and small details.. Kite is finished.
  6. I'm a firm believer in try before you buy.. @Sardonycus You know I commit to that belief.
  7. riffclown


    Sail #78 Lymon This kite will be very similar to Veraton but will be for my bag.. It's a Flow Yellow and Black Perspective 72" sail with an extra color panel swap and a Lime Leading Edge. Panels were made when I was making Veraton so this could be my reference kite for any future 72" Perspectives. The original Lime and Black Perspective (Which I called Blimey) had already moved to a new home so I needed a personal reference for future builds. Edge Binding, Framing and Bridling will hopefully be completed this weekend.
  8. I haven't seen one up close yet but they look like a roughly Hadzicki shape with a 3D frame like the Fulcrum.. Let me see what I can find out..
  9. I would say you could Google it, but you'd only have to cross the street to do that..
  10. There is No substitute for flying time on the handles. That's for sure!
  11. Honestly, knowing where you get to fly, a Simulator is way overthinking it. If you can keep the kite in the air and do ANY basic maneuvers, you are past the point of the Simulator entirely.
  12. I've flown the Smithi.. I still prefer my Symphony 2.2.4
  13. I'd rather go retrieve the kite than call an Ambulance.. I attach my Kite killers to the brake bridles rather than the handles.. It collapses the kite a bit better. TBH, I don't powerkite much any more.. Not nearly as resilient as I used to be.. Probably should consider selling them at some point..
  14. Review of this kite has been posted..
  15. LOVE my HQ Crossfires..Also the 8M Toxic is a sail to be respected..but those are all powerkites and INTENDED to move the flier in some form.
  16. When it comes to bridles, balance is the key. The secret is your bridle should be able to pull directly on the top 5 points without too much impact on the bottom 2. Conversely. The brakes should be able to influence the bottom of the sai. For some good plans try looking up the Freedom 2000 kite plans. The fabric looks a bit on the heavy side. You will need wind to overcome the additional weight. The secrets to the design are weight, balance, sail tightness and air flow. At some point, too much weight or deviation from these other factors can be very hard to overcome.
  17. It's a bit more complicated but yes, that is essentially it.
  18. First Welcome to Kitelife!! Without knowing details about your construction, it's difficult to give you too much guidance that would be valid for your build but making a Hadzicki Wing a four line kite would be far simpler than re-engineering to make it dual line. The design just doesn't lend itself to 2 line flight very well.
  19. From some of the backlit versions, it looks like a single vert with a bowed spreader on each side.
  20. @Sardonycus I'm very happy that you are happy.. Thank you for the awesome review.
  21. I still sleeve everything. I have yet to experience a situation where that made a difference I noticed. I do use some very small sleeving though. I pull the core from 100# bridle line which leaves a nice sleeve to use.
  22. Flip each handle once so the flying line supports the brake line about halfway out. Or just fly with one twist for the whole lineset. The intent is to let the flying lines support the weight and drag of the brake lines which generally are not as tight. Otherwise the wind can catch a brake line and apply inputs which you did not provide.
  23. I'm flying the Red White and Blue kite on the right. The other two kites are on 120's at the bottom of the dune. For relative distance the camera was right beside me. The shadows on the sand also reflect the relative flying plane for the three.
  24. One point, Would recommend flying with a single twist on each side. otherwise wind resistance give you a ton of brake drag. A 1000ft spool of LPG or Skybond gives you a nice quad set of 250-ish. Will be a feat to get equalized the first time or two. It is both relaxing and addicting to fly on the long lines.
  25. Still a bonus frame is a good thing. 2 Feathers aka a 2-wrap is a good frame for low wind, especially if you have the non green trimmed version.. Hands down favorites among Rev fliers tend to be (in no specific order) Black Race, Green Race, Diamond and 2-wrap. Each has it''s strong points and weaknesses. Use the 3-wrap to learn/gain proficiency/experiment. Use the 2-wrap when the wind is low and you'll be amazed at how well you can tell the difference.. You are right, it's not a race frame BUT the race frame was designed to "give you most of the performance and stiffness of the 3 wrap while approaching the weight of the 2-wrap." FWIW, I keep a 2 wrap frame in my Rev Ghost SUL.
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