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Spence Watson

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Everything posted by Spence Watson

  1. Try The Kite Shoppe (www.thekiteshoppe.com). They are in Western WA, so shipping shouldn't be too hard. I deal with them for nearly everything. and Theresa is very helpful when it comes to ordering.
  2. You will definitely be able to feel the rev 1. I use my rev Indoor, and it is still a bit smaller than the re 1, and I can feel it just fine.
  3. Dean, Here are all my thoughts on this. 1. Try out some race rods or 2 wrap rods, these will greatly increase your ability to fly in light winds. 2. Try some longer handles. 3. Is your sail loose? If your sail is not tight against the rods, try tightening the bungees. 4. What length and brand of lines are using? I recommend 90# Laser Pro Gold or Shanti Speed. You might want to try some short lines as well, such as 55'. 5. I think Penny is working on a handle to fly a rev onehanded, but I don't know much about it.
  4. In moderate to high winds, one should go back to a bridal, because as I sad earlier, haveing no bridal in heavier winds causes the kite to be overly twichy. I believe that is why Penny suggested keeping the bridal attached to the kite while flying brideless.
  5. From the album: Watty

  6. From the album: Watty

  7. From the album: Watty

  8. From the album: Watty

  9. Brideless flying is meant more for indoors, or very light wind. The no bridal allows for more exagerrated controll. If you were to fly a kite with no bridal in a fair amount of wind, the kite would be quite twichy. Also, if you were to fly a brideled kite indoors, the kite would be more unresponsive than a brideless kite.
  10. ne time
  11. http://www.revkites.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=1132
  12. As for modifications to the rev 1.5 to make it more efficient, the only thing that i can think of is maybe a closeable vent. I don't know how well this would work on a rev, but I've seen it done on duelies. The idea is that you give the kite two vent panals with velcrow along it's edge. You also would have a matching panal of mylar with opposite velcrow, then you can have a mid-vent kite on those heavier wind days. I'm not sure how well this wuold work, but eventually I would like to give it a try.
  13. The rocking back and forth is a sign that you are coming close to overcontrolling the kite. Try not to man-handle the kite. Just make small adjustments on either hand to keep the kite stable. To practice inverted hovers, try setting the kite up inverted on the ground, then fly the kite up in reverse a couple of feet, and try to hold it there as long as you can. Once you lose control, just set it down, and try again.
  14. Thx CLTKiter.
  15. Thanks Penny.
  16. Here is a video that I shot in the lunchroom at my high school with my new custom rev indoor!
  17. To keep your line from getting into a ball, always make sure that either your line is fairly straight (with no circles), and If you are holding the kite, have one hand holding the end of the line, and the other hand holding the center of the line, and the kite. This will do a good job preventing knots. I generally practice indoors at my mom's school (she is a vice principle), or at my own school in the lunch room. (I'm 15 years old, so I'm still in high school.
  18. DO walk keep wind on the kite (always walk back so that some pressure is applied to the kite) DO fly in circles DON'T get lines caught on bolts and such on the railing of a basketball hoop. Basket ball hoops should just be avoided entirely. DON'T let your lines get into a ball DON'T use lines that are longer than the ceiling is tall DO have lots of fun
  19. I first saw stunt kites at WSIKF 2005. I learned to fly revs, and haven't stopped flying since.
  20. The kite does not have to be symmetrical. Though, a symmetrical design does fly better. The more pannels the kite has, the more stitches are needed to make the kite, causing it to be heavier. Panal arrangements are not only meant for looks and weight though. The layout also affects the way the wind hits the kite and the amount of pull..... I think.
  21. Check out this thread on the rev forum. http://www.revkites.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=749 You can download stuff to design rev layouts and colore schemes at my website. http://www.theflyingwatty.zoomshare.com/5.html
  22. Check out the rev site (www.revkites.com) and contact either Ben or Lolly. You can custo order a plain white sail. But since it is not a standard color scheme, it will not automatically come with sticks, but it will come with the bridal. You can, of course, order rods to go with it.
  23. Ok. That's all I got then.
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