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Spence Watson

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Everything posted by Spence Watson

  1. Here you go! http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endid=163604948
  2. Would techno work??? I know someone who makes some techno stuff. Some are on his myspace.. i think. I'll have to find it though.
  3. Yeah. I wasn't sure. Oh well.
  4. Here. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fusea...endid=158451335 If it doesn't work or something they are on my friends list.
  5. Check out "Impact exploders" On myspace. The drummer in that band is my cousin. I'm sure they'd let you use some of their songs.
  6. Hay. I've been flying indoors in my school a lot lately, and I've learned a bunch. Have you seen my videos on youtube chris?http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=WattyRev I think I will be making another indoor video soon, but other than that nothing's really new in my kiting life.
  7. I won't be able to make it . Weather at the pass is not looking too good.
  8. Too warm?? I wish I was there! It's in the low 20s here!
  9. If the snow is deep enough, you might be able to stake it down right in the snow. I'm not too sure about this because as soon as it gets below 30 degrees F, I go indoors.
  10. One more!!! Team Flying http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlm3I79TQtM (Edited into first post)
  11. I'd be calling more often if I had some bloody money!!!
  12. have you tried calling???
  13. I just finished some videos from WSIKF 2007. I know...... procrastination. WSIKF 2007: Dinkin' Around </a>WSIKF 2007: Charley Chaplan </a>WSIKF 2007: Indoors </a>WSIKF 2007: Team Flying http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlm3I79TQtM
  14. Check them out!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.revkites.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=807
  15. HURRY UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Feel free to push that lil one out in a day or two
  17. How about .................. uhhhh........................................................................... .................................................. Rev.
  18. Is there a need for clasification??? In my mind, the only reason to classify a rev flier is when choosing what class of competitions to enter.
  19. Instead of pressing "Back" you could click on "My Controls" Then click on what ever to get to where you need things changed. Everything you had put in there previously should be there........ I think. (Let me know if that makes any sense!)
  20. I don't think I'll be making it to that one. But I will most likely be at the one on Dec. 1st.
  21. Those 3-wrap spars should have held up fine in 13 mph. On all of my spar breaks (anyone on the Rev Forum knows that there are quite a few) except one have all broken along the sticker. I'm not quite sure why it likes to break there. Post at www.revkites.com and I'm sure Ben will look at it eventually and help you out. Nice to see you on the forum Chris.
  22. Sleeping Bag???? How long is it? I doubt I'll be making it to Long Beach. I can only get my parents to take me to so many places. Plus, my ride to WSIKF will be in Arizona. (My G-ma migrates for the winter )
  23. Ok. I won't be making it to the Nov. 3rd one. But I still might be able to go to the Dec 1st one. Can't wait. I could probably get a good price at one of 2 schools. My mom is the vice principal at one, and my step-dad ia a teacher at an other. We'll see.
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