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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Looks like building a good relationship with your local kite shop is paying off!!! Glad it got taken care of!!
  2. Sorry, I might forget,.... stutter, never!!! PS: post deleted!!!
  3. TICK, TICK, TICK!!!!!!
  4. Nice work, Duane!! Looks like some of that sun made it's way up north!!!
  5. I still think the RNG is deaf or not listening!!! TICK, TICK, TICK!!!!
  6. TICK, TICK, TICK!!!!!!
  7. Yeah, they are!!! The LC fest was last weekend, but Amy went up to Canada and Bart's fest!!! Now she's flying in LC to make us feel bad!!!
  8. Only a week late, my dear!!!
  9. Thanks for the info and your work got me into my account!!! Yeah!!! Lucky to have a gmail account as a backup, I'll move what I need over there ASAP!!
  10. Sounds like a waste of life energy to me!!!
  11. Exile - Do you mean like this?? BOOOOOOH ! BOOOOOOH ! Jealousy will get you nowhere!!!
  12. Exile - Do you mean like this??
  13. Maybe Exile should try chanting 5-9-0 - 5-9-0 - 5-9-0, you know, and maybe that would throw-off the RNG !! Yes, I think that would work. Go for it Exile ! OH & Happy July 4th, everyone !! Trying to trick him into chanting your # eh! " You dirty rat, you!!!" HAHAHA!!!! Wished I'd a thought of that one!!
  14. Probably get hoarse and lose your voice!!!
  15. I AGREE!!! Worst day of kiting is better than the best day of working!!! PS: Are there any "worse days flying"??
  16. Jynx has a 240 ft line set that she let me fly with at TI. Talk about a wind-window ... huge!!! Remember going from 120's down to 30's and how fast the kite seemed? Well, the opposite occurs when jumping up to 240's ... everything is slowed down. Fun to fly on for awhile, but would probably become boring after a few hours. Cheers, Tom I'd need to take a break after setting up that long a lineset!! Getting tired just thinking about it!!
  17. You just missed last weekend's Lincoln City Summer Festival!! Might find some takers though!!
  18. I'd need a telescope to see the end of those lines!!!! And even then I might not be too sure!!
  19. Thanks John!! My account is the free one offered, but I use it almost daily and have other things coming there as well as kite stuff!! If I can at at least get my address book to move until this gets settled, all the rest is just pretty minor!! In the mean time, I can be reached at wodowler@gmail.com by anyone that needs to contact me!!
  20. What's the skinny?? I have and use this on a daily basis, and now I'm locked out!!! When I try to log in, it tells me I've used either an invalid password or username! I've got an address book with a list of my other kite flying friends, as well as use it for other things!! Questions - Does resetting the email address on your control panel make you start from scratch, and does creating a new kitemail address lose everything you have now?? HELP!!!
  21. In this thread, everyone notices!!!!!
  22. I've got several Prism kites, Ozone, Alien, and 3-D, and so far the wind ranges seem to be accurate! Myself, I feel a bit more comfortable with a kite that pulls a little less, more at the lower end of it's target range than the upper end!! But that's my opinion and what I like, you may have other ideas!! PS: I've had a stroke that compromised my balance, so I stay away from "the pull"!!! That's why I choose to go to another kite, if it just flies, it's good to go!!!
  23. If it got that windy, I'd be looking to change kites!!! I have a 3-D, tough little bugger, but I don't think I'd want to fly it in that high a wind!!
  24. --Pete: sorry but the thought experiment makes my head hurt!!! Much rather bang on the "RNG" for fun!!
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