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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. To see if that works for you - use a spare Rev rod and run the line thru it! If you like it, I'd switch to something else, the line will cut into the rod! That's one of the reasons I use the fishing rod (fly rod top section), has eyes that will protect the line from wear! I made a handle from an old barbecue tool!! You could pick one up cheap at a garage sale! I also use the butt section for bigger gliders, just had a ferrule glued to the end, again for wear on line! I also cut the reel seat off, so I can again run my line thru the blank! Never a tangle during demos with the "thru blank" system! I also have a nicer custom wand with fittings on both ends to eliminate line wear!! I use them as a mechanical advantage, and I had fly fishing experience! I use my wands very much like how a fisherman works his rod - mending line, casting away, etc!! Again, just like the Revs, it's what works for me!!
  2. Thank you, thank you!! ( bows to the crowd)!! lol!
  3. I feel it just makes it better - for me anyway!! Yes, I'm in the JB camp of lots of brake, I admit that, but it isn't the only way, just one way! Most people pick up my kite and can't even launch it, I use so much brake! Then I pick up John's and I struggle!! But I've found my "sweet spot" in my setup, not factory by any means, but not quite as much as John! Am I wrong?? It works for me, that's all I know!!
  4. With or without sticks, the only thing that really makes you any better is - TIME ON THE LINES!!! The more you fly, the better you get at recognizing how the sail works, leader setup, choice of handles, etc!! You start to develop your own "flavor", not just accept that this is the way it comes, so it must be right! You start to come up with a combo of things, choices, that work for you!! That elusive "feel" we've been talking about! Everyone has different settings, rod combos, kite setups, etc!! No one is wrong if it works for them!! It's never been what you use, it's how you use it that counts!!
  5. Sounds like you're getting the overall drift - leaders allow you to have a "neutral" setup! Think auto trannies for an example! On a standard shift, you must put the car in drive and let out the clutch to move! This is what you are shooting for - that "neutral", you have to give the kite the command to go forward! Too much forward may make launch easy, but then a gust hits and the kite "shoots" off uncontrollably! Leaders allow you to tune this out and adjust!
  6. Tons of fun this clinic, lots of stuff learned, team "rookies" brought into the fold!! 3 days of flying with friends, old and new!! YEEHAW!!!
  7. Well, I can edit my topic "Title", if I use "Full Editor", in the first post ? Knew it was somewhere around here!! Thanks Nick!!
  8. Sorry - I thought there was an edit feature for any topics you started! I went back to one of mine and couldn't find one either!! I don't know now!!
  9. Put this in the topic header thru edit!! Thanks!
  10. I've had a friend "fix" mine using a zig-zag stitch from sail to about 2 or 3 screen threads deep! Has held for a full year and flown regularly! I'll show it to you at the clinic!!
  11. Unless someone has other suggestions - I'd start by laying out the sail really flat and patch the sail first, front and back with the Tedlar tape. Then sacrificing a bit of the "V" cut, I'd go from side to side with Insignia tape, and also put that both front and back! Really press down both tapes. I'd even consider cutting the Insignia tape to allow it to form a "sandwich" front and back! You'll lose a small bit of "V", but the repair should hold!! Good luck with any attempt!!
  13. Many are using the Echo as an indoor kite !
  14. Shouldn't be any problem!! I've left my kites with fully assembled LEs for years with no ill effects!
  15. And the light winds that favor these kites requires a LIGHT touch, no bullying the kite round!!!
  16. I think using the spreader/LE connection points, might put too much stress on that fine diameter rod!! I'd be really careful with it, even using such small gliders!! IMHO!!
  17. WA - I had just about the same issues with my stack of an iFlite II and a std iFlite!! I found when gliding out, the top kite was getting below the bottom kite and causing the bottom kite to flip over! Stacked in just about the same places too! As long as I kept them under power, everything was fine!! Landing was a disaster !!
  18. Upright launch is OK for learning!! Just remember this rule - Put the handles down - the LE goes down!! Park, take a break, rest, whatever! Safety first!!
  19. Bahahahahaha... I totally laughed out loud!Would I really do that to you? In a word? YES!!
  20. The Mega-Plutz has a nice sliding adjuster on the spine, near the nose, for loosening or tightening the canards! Plus, you can move the tow point forwards or backwards, but Cee Wan has marked the adjustment zone! I prefer a rear tow point and neutral (centered) canard adjustment! But this is all for indoor flight, as I save my gliders for indoor use and have others I use outdoors! Depending on how you plan to use it, experiment with the different adjustments and find what you like!! Everyone has a different style, what works for me, may not for you and vise a versa!! Only you can decide which is more effective for you!!
  21. I see a "pending" sign in the header - still available? I have a friend in South Africa looking for some for a student! He might PM you about them, if they're still for sale!
  22. Considering the ID of an SLE - yes, much stiffer than any of the wrap frames of 1/4"!! Thing has almost no bend at all! At least the 4 wrap 1/4" flexes some!!
  23. We park on the beach if it's packed enough, or use the lot if not!! Usually just to the left if you were to follow the road out to the water! There's a wind break we use as a base of operations, unless really wet out!
  24. Congrats - expect some pix from you!!
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