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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Have you got on the Rev home page yet? They have a pretty extensive listing of all their products, with specs and a description for almost everything they sell! I suggest you look over there first, then come back with any questions you might have on things!
  2. Just looking at your sketch, I see a couple of issues! The color beams, unless supported, would just fall in inverted flight and be either in front or behind! So to would the bottom! The added weight would also cause some problems for pilots used to flying an unencumbered kite! Things would need to be symmetrical and supported by battens or framed in such a way to keep them out of the lines! On the subject of shapes: except for the Deca (out of production), and some home builts, the Rev is pretty much the only quad choice for indoor! Even most of the home builts are loosely based on the Rev idea! Reason is - it works!! I understand you want to use these in very specific situations - and they might work in limited use! But for long session flying, I haven't found much that outperforms the Indoor Rev! IMHO!
  3. And if you have any doubts - ask here!! Between all of us, we have heard or flown just about everything! So if you have any questions on something, please ask!
  4. To get an idea on prices out there - try these online places - The Kite Shoppe, A Wind of Change and The Kite Connection! You can see what is offered in price that way!There are others too, I just mentioned the few I have used!
  5. This question might be better answered on the Rev forum!
  6. Have you been to WSIKF? I'm known for usually being the last on the beach!!
  7. As long as you can wind up the lines using the "Braille" method!!
  8. I agree using longer handles for light winds! And in my experience, the Zen does just fine on 50' lines, but does work well on 120's too! I have tried shorter sets, but didn't really like the way it felt! An SUL Pro sail is a custom (special order) item, not many other than Paul ask for! The magic sticks and french bridle are also his personal choices. You may like them or not, that's something that he has found over time that he likes to use. The same with the new "diamond" rods, lighter, different flex, over some of the other rod types available! Nice in light wind for sure! But he's also correct that all the money in this world won't teach you how to handle light wind!! Takes time in those conditions to learn the techniques for successful flight!! It doesn't hurt to have the "right equipment" , but that alone isn't the key! The kite won't fly itself! Remember - There is no substitute for "Time on the Lines"!!
  9. Sounds about right on cost for new, might ask around the forums for something used! Most new don't include line sets, you need a 10' x 50# or 90# set! That seems to be the common length! I use 10' x 90# myself! John has a complete "learn to fly indoors" set of tutorials, here on Kitelife, covering setup to some advanced catch and throws! Pretty much everything you'll need to teach yourself, I know, I used them to get started! Just remember it is different than outside, no wind to pull you out of trouble! You create the wind with movement, in the proper direction, in the proper timing!! As you get better at it, everything seems to slow down for you! As a beginner, it all seems like a bit of work, and you exert yourself way too much! As you learn, the fact is, it really doesn't take anywhere near as much energy to fly!! PS: an added bonus! Indoor really translates to your outdoor flying! The, I like to call it, "wait for it moment" you learn indoors, will slow things down in your outdoor flying!! The touch, the "feel" you develop, will certainly help your flying overall! Forgot to add: most online stores carry them, either as "kite only" or as packages with handles! Since there is no single length of line universally preferred, that is usually left out for you to buy what works in your place of flying! Again too, asking on the forums can lead you to a better price, some already with line! Many "brick and mortar" stores will carry them too! Got any questions, just ask!
  10. Not sure I understand the reasoning of a noisy SLK?
  11. Don't get "married" to just looking at Prism kites!! There are plenty of manufacturers out there making a lot of other choices too! Prism makes a great product, but so too do others! My advice is to look at all your options before deciding on any one kite!!
  12. The EXP frame is indeed a 3 wrap frame, just not marked as one! It interchanges with all 1.5 frames - 2, 3, 4 wraps, race, etc! If my info is correct, they no longer package the SLE kite with both leading edges and I'm not sure which! Also the SLE label on the sail may have gone away! Still called an SLE by most though!
  13. Wind Therapy!
  14. +1 on using 50# line in just about any length! I have 120', 50', and 30' lengths - 50' getting the most use! Used with either an SUL or Zen, they make a great light wind team!!
  15. Will be offline for a couple of days, going to a festival on the coast, here in Oregon! Will catch up when I get back on Monday!!

  16. #666 for someone willing to give up everything or anything!!!
  17. On the subject of brakes - think of it as a car transmission. You're looking for a neutral, not drive! You can set the kite up in a way that it doesn't do what you don't tell it to do! The stock setup is great for launching, but once in the air, it's always in drive! Always wants to go forward The longer leaders let you neutralize things so you have to tell it where to go! Now it doesn't just go off in your hands, flying crazy forward with every gust of wind! The kite is made for you to have complete control, any direction, any speed, any time! Longer leaders (more brakes) gives you that control!
  18. Be careful - most SLK line won't play nice with a Rev's lines!! Made of 2 completely different materials! Most of the time the Rev line goes first, not a great proposition, considering their cost!!
  19. Whether or not you use sticks - here's a simple exercise for inverted hovers. Land LE down, get everything adjusted for comfort and control, then take a step or two backwards as you rise up off the ground. Try holding a balanced position as long as you can. As soon as it falls apart, step forward as much as you did backwards. Gradually, you should find yourself holding that hover for longer periods, as you work on it! For fun, turn it into a slide, then hover, and repeat! Turns a boring exercise into a new skill set!
  20. Patrick has sure come a long ways with his color choices!! Back in the beginning it was "You can have any color, as long as it's white!"!!
  21. Found one pic in his FB profile page - hope you don't need to be a member on FB to see it. https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/t1.0-9/270336_10150360831683266_5498929_n.jpg
  22. While Bart hasn't posted over here before, I have met him and can vouch for him! Has been a fairly regular poster on the Rev forum! He takes good care of his stuff, I highly recommend him!
  23. I had some one I know make my Ninja! He had built them before and has all the templates, measurements, etc, at hand! All I needed to do was pick some colors and he did his thing!! I love it in almost nonexistent winds, it climbs easily, and is a pretty active flier!! There was a video somewhere of someone (CeeWan?) flying his indoors, but he added about 10g of nose weight to it!! Unmodded, it won't nearly glide as well!! Outdoors, because of it's fighter style characteristics, it's a blast to fly in light winds!!
  24. Well today was a mixed bag of winds!!! From good enough to fly my std, barely enough to fly my Zen, to OK get out the Urban Ninja!! That kite saves my day outdoors when there is almost nothing for anything else! I happen to like a kite that needs attention and my Ninja does that, easily! No "set and forget" type here, active at all times!! Keeps a Rev flier on his toes!!
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