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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Yup, that's a fountain!! It can be done by as few as 3 and as many as ???!!Just a matter of keeping your nerve while it is developing!
  2. Tsk, tsk, tsk!!! Do you really think that the RNG is listening?? Or is swayed? Feel free to assuage your own souls, but BEWARE - the RNG is unyielding!!
  3. You can fool yourself if you want, but the RNG is above all!!
  4. Poetry is the "new" tactic?? The RNG laughs at all that stuff and is sure to break your heart, if you think any of that will sway it!!!
  5. It also doesn't hurt to post here!! Just post the dates, times, etc, and see if anyone responds!!
  6. suggest you look on the member map to see if anyone is near!
  7. I had noticed the dif in EXP bridles, but none in the 1.5 regular kites!
  8. Just as an add - unless you are going to listen to whatever comes up on the ipod - you have a hard time picking a song, getting everything back in your pockets, then being ready to fly when the music comes up! Some remedy this by adding a 10 sec delay to the song, to give them time to put everything in order, before starting!!
  9. Didn't know that the bridle was of a different line!!?? I'm going to the coast and see one at a shop there, I'll have to check it out!!
  10. On sets I make, I use 100# bridle line with the core removed as sleeving! Only time I ever had an issue was on a light bridled SUL!
  11. One of the real keys is learning how little it takes to do things compared to how much! The kite wants to fly, you just have to learn to get out of the way!! Less can be more!! Enjoy the journey!!
  12. That's right - you need to achieve a certain "Zen" when flying one in barely there winds! But it's oh so satisfying when you can fly and a lot of others are just sitting around!!
  13. The indoor crowd prefers to fly in nothing! Here, here!! We don't need no stinkin' winds!!
  14. My pleasure!!
  15. ya did the right thing - you asked!! I'm sure someone has one they aren't using! Help an indoor "noob"
  16. All good advice!! It really is an art to learn about matching lines and kites to different conditions! Kites designed for high winds won't fly in the light stuff, and in reverse, if you have a light wind kite, it would probably fold up in any bigger winds! Don't know what you fly now, or how many you have, but eventually if you stick with flying, you'll have several kites and line sets and be better armed to cope with conditions on any given day!!
  17. Sorry, not worried about how, just about how much!! Look at leaves, flags flapping, stick stake with ribbon in air, hair on neck detection method, all tell me if there is enough to fly!!
  18. Kent @ AWOC carries 1000' rolls of SB in 50#, 100#, 175#, 250#, and 350#
  19. Just a number! If it "feels" right to change, then by all means do so! What you fly isn't anywhere near as fun as flying itself!
  20. That line is made by the makers of LPG!! I had some from a fishing store in leader material for flyfishing!! Use it for my gliders!
  21. I guess I'll ask how many wraps?? Some lines are more sensitive than others when it comes to wrapping! LC was a gas - plenty of wind Saturday, demos went well! Sunday started off light, no big stuff in the air, but my Zen pulled through and let me demo! Then the wind picked up and the team was able to demo, no problem!! I stayed Monday and flew an X/V pretty much all day!! Delayed the PFD by at least a couple days! And flying with the rest of the team and some others on the 4th didn't hurt either! PS: PFD = post festival depression
  22. As a suggestion - I would make each connection point a different color of shrink wrap to ID which goes to where! Otherwise I'll looking forward to how this turns out!! In the meantime, while not ideal, my VOX feature has proven to be relatively good in most situations without music! But it really eats your batteries!!
  23. Team flying presents a whole different perspective - we replace lines when they start to show real binding during wraps! Good spectra lines last a long time, but beach flying, team flying, can eat into the lifespan! If you're flying either dualie or quad, look at how "fuzzy" the lines are! They tend to bind faster than newer lines!!
  24. Lam is a master maker, so I'm sure he considered any weaknesses from any other design that uses these ideas! But point well taken - hopefully he has improved on previous attempts to use some of these ideas!!
  25. We have a couple of folks that fly some of Lam's kites - absolutely beautiful and fly really well! So I don't begrudge you wanting to give it a go!!
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