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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Hey Nick - it didn't work NOT using it either!!! Damned if you do, damned if you don't!! CRUEL RNG!!!!
  2. JB - Thank for the more technical explanations!! I just fly them and don't know all the tech stuff, but I do know how it feels in my hands!!
  3. Didn't find that changing the frame moved the wind range much, but made whatever you had, work better!! I agree on the motion aspect, once moving, it keeps working. Stall it and it just wants to fall! It is really easy to overcontrol!! Soft, smooth, easy on the controls! Doesn't like to be jerked around!!
  4. Looks like it can be done!! Be there this Friday thru the Monday after!
  5. I'm in the stiffer frame camp, using the 2 wrap center, race wingtips, and Zen verts! Extra weight helps in turns too! The stock frame just doesn't load fast enough or hold air enough for me! If I had them, I'd give the 3 wrap wingtips a try too! Some have used a full race frame (either black or green) in theirs!
  6. Been there - done that loop thing!! Didn't even notice til I switched kites!!
  7. Chuck is using that etymotic model, but he has slipping issues all the time! I've been using a cheap universal model and had no problems with it!
  8. Never know if it'll work now, unless tried!!!
  9. I've had the chance to fly a very light kite outdoors - the ID-OD! It flew when not much else did, but it was limited in the things you could do with it! The Zen will fly in light winds, but even it needs some to make it work!!
  10. Hadn't used this in so long, it took me a while to find! But find it I did!! Take that RNG!!
  11. Tried the "silent" tactic too, didn't work any better than yapping loudly! RNG has it's own devious ways about how it does things, just get used to it!
  12. That familiar "rowing" motion I so remember!! So smooth too! Easy to jerk any kite out of the sky in those light winds!!
  13. OK; now!! See where all that poetry got you - NADA!!! LOL!!! Try again next time!!!
  14. Still try hooking up with the Jersey group! Might be able to teach you some stuff and maybe have a kite in your price range!! ( no guarantee ) Might not be the end of it, give that a try!!
  15. Every kite has some limitations, high or low! Only person I've seen fly in almost no wind outdoors is Eli (windpoacher). Dude is magic with quads!! Last summer after getting my Zen, I offered it to him to fly! He played around with it for a while, then gave it back with the words - "Too much kite for me!" Still laughing about that one!!
  16. I've played the "sacrifice" game at festivals - lol!! Had used a Std all morning and was tired of working so hard. So set up the Zen and hooked it on and flew during lunch. Sure enough the wind picked back up and I needed to go back to the Std that I hadn't broken down. Just left the Zen lying in the protected flier's zone the rest of the day! Musta scared the winds!!
  17. There are a bunch of Jersey fliers in the area, you might see about getting together with some of them. Look on the member map, both here and on the Rev forum! They fly at Liberty State Park!
  18. It would't hurt to know where you're located. There are plenty of pilots willing to help. Might even find someone with an old, little used kite!! Ask - you'd be surprised!!
  19. Last chance to post your lyrical prose for the venerable RNG to peruse!!
  20. Alright all you poetry buffs (and everybody else)!!! Getting close to finding a new home!! Let the last minute banter begin!!
  21. Might find some handles, lines in that weight might be hard to find used!
  22. OK, I'm in! A moment of weakness since it is my b'day and all.
  23. Still haven't had the chance to try one of these! Missed flying the one at Lincoln City earlier this summer! Hopefully there will be one up at WSIKF to try! Then I can voice an opinion based on my own feelings!
  24. Same vid at 6:45, they do the blender coming out of threads! Then a compound benefit at 7:20, again out of threads, but with a pause to set it up! Happy viewing!!
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