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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Thanks for the info - but it all is relative!! What really means something is how these rods feel in your setup, period!! Nothing replaces - Time on the Lines!! Nothing!!
  2. Unfortunately just too expensive for most! When I played back in the late '80s, early '90s, greens fees were in the $10 - $15 dollar range. Now many of the same places are double or more that much! Equipment too has taken a huge leap in cost! So what was once affordable has now outpriced itself and become exclusive!! What used to be a day long $25 - $30 event is now at least $50 or more!! The wind blows for free!!
  3. If I may - I think the $5 analogy is closest! People don't understand the quality of a good, well made, sport kite! Or the associated costs of lines and straps. Take it further - Revs - The kite, frames, lines, handles, all cost. Many can't see how a line set can cost $100.00, or handles $50.00, or a kite at over $300.00. Not to say there isn't fun to be had with that $5.00 kite, but ask most Rev fliers and they've got close to $4-500.00 in their hands!! The average joe just doesn't see that coming, not to mention most of us have multiple kites! I've collected my stuff over time, but putting a loose figure to it, I've probably got close to $3k wrapped up in kites, lines, handles, extra frames, and the bag itself! Most are intimidated by that figure!! Good luck on your business!!
  4. I'm guessing that you got the Rev 1 from somebody that had several linesets for several different kites and got them mixed up! Old Rev 1s had unequal sets and odd bridles to make up for them! The newer bridle is more universal, and any equalized line set can be used on them!
  5. Agreed on lines - I used only 50# and 90# in various lengths to fly every Rev in my bag!! I don't remember using my old 150# lines that came with my Rev 1, since I started back flying!! I've even used 50# on both my Zen and Rev 1 in low winds!! If the Sedgwick has a new style bridle as mentioned, then any set of equalized lines should work with it!!
  6. If true, then you might have an old style bridle too! Equalized lines won't solve the problem if this is true. If you use the equalized lines, I suggest getting a new style bridle to go with them! Easy enough to remove the old and install the new, I believe there is a video on the Rev forum explaining the swap!!
  7. I don't fly dualies anymore, but if I remember right, those dollar store lines are made of dacron and have a whole lot of stretch! I'd look to invest in some better lines that have little to no stretch. They have better response with how the kite is acting and your commands!
  8. On Revs, Bazzer recommends using denatured alcohol for cleaning! Dab with a clean towel and let evaporate. then rinse with water gently! Warning - Some solvents can eat the material!!
  9. Just a short report on how things went! Got up there the Friday before and saw some good friends - Jim and Lynn Foster, Cass and Carol Pittman, and more! Flew with them over the weekend as we were the "early birds"! Lots of fun with this group!! As the week wore on I had the privilege of seeing a big group of the East Coast family - Scotty W., Paul D., Alden M., Rich C., and for the first time Paul L.! We've had many conversations over the years, but a continent between us, had meant we'd never met face to face!! I got to give him major kudos, he knows how to handle his setup! I saw flying in winds most can't handle (low), that was amazing!! But don't be fooled, he gets this from hours and hours of flying in these types of conditions! Did his setup help? It certainly worked for him! Anyway over the course of the week, I was in line after line, some following, some leading! I want to personally thank Jim F. for letting me lead in his line at times. I learned a lot about what it take to lead! PS: It's not always as easy as it looks!! Gave some lessons to the new, flew with a lot of intermediate fliers, and jumped into some experienced lines too! Indoors was one of my most satisfying experiences. Wednesday night was just demos, I did 2, a glider routine followed by my Rev routine. Had a bunch of fun doing those! Thursday night was for single line kites only! Flew 2 of my gliders, a Frigate and a Mega-Plutz. Plutz is so big (not as big as Paul D.'s Manta), that you almost need to start a turn as soon as you come out of one! Smallish venue! Flew to Amy Lee and Evanescence - love her voice! Friday was the Open competition, open to any and all comers, with any kite they choose to fly! Did a Rev routine to Elton John's "Sorry is the Hardest Word"! Killed it!! Was able to do everything I wanted to do with no bobbles or big miscues! Might not have scored big, but was very much a success in my view! A word on my comp view - I have no set routine, just some moves that I'd like to work in as I go. In my own mind, I look at it as just another demo! I really fly to satisfy myself and hearing any praise from my peers is way more than expected! Thank you to those of you that have seen the growth of my flying and expressed that! It means so much coming from those I look up to as inspiration for my flying!! The weekend was just a non-stop blur! Teams and lines and friends and....!! Way too much fun, but way too short a time! (Where's that time machine anyway?) Time just flew by (literally) and soon people were going home. But I lucked out and was able to stay a day longer to keep the PFD (post festival depression) from creeping in! Got to fly with many I had started with, but in a less stressed way! Felt good to wind down like that! Memories! That's what it comes to! Meeting friends, new and old, flying with everyone, just having fun together! It was a laugh and if fliers can't laugh together, well .........?
  10. Without seeing you in flight, it's hard to diagnose. My guess would be that somewhere along the line, you're letting a thumb fall forward, slowing that side and causing the spin. But that is only a guess! One word of advice - if you are going to crash - no way out - GIVE TO THE KITE! Let it, don't pull! Step forward, pushing your arms out towards the kite. Takes all the power out and makes crashes a lot easier on the kite!
  11. As someone who learned on a Rev 1 , I can tell you for certain - it is a different kite!! All the snappy moves you can do with a 1.5 will just jerk the Zen right out of the sky! Smooth is the word, not fast and snappy! Many don't adapt, some do, it's all in what floats your boat! PS: if you've got flaws in your technique - the Zen will amplify them - fast!! It demands smooth and even!!!
  12. Paul - He's using the extra race LE, not the SLE tubes!
  13. Typical problem with the older models, try a new style bridle on the kite and equalize the lines! That should weork!! Nice Sedgewick ya got there!!
  14. Well it did smash last years total of around 80 hours by a bunch!!! Don't know if it can be topped personally, meaning by me. I'd need to skip the indoor and maybe stay a day or two longer - HMMMM?
  15. My flying has been my therapy for years!!! I call it - Wind Therapy!! Brought back and renewed many skills I had thought were lost after my stroke! Improved hand/eye coordination, balance, and most importantly - confidence!! No longer just a hanger on, watching from the sidelines! But someone who is now active and even learned indoor flying at an advanced age (59, now 63)!! You got health - I ain't buying no excuses!! If I can, just about anyone can!!
  16. I agree - not any more time setting up a Rev vs dualie!! For a comparison - A friend flew Paul's and mine almost back to back - his on 50# x 100', mine on 50# x 120'. After trying each - he liked mine!! Different strokes for everybody!! And no offence meant to you, Paul!! You've put the time in with your setup, and I can appreciate that! What you can do is IMPRESSIVE!
  17. Easy now, the total from my log was actually 95 hours for 11 days - nearly 11 hours a day! Had my sandwich in my bag, plenty of drink in my hydration pack, and snacks too! Early nights for indoor on 3 nights, but the rest of the nights I was pretty much the last off the beach!!!
  18. Don't know if there's a video floating around, but Amy and Connor have a routine using 2 Revs tied together by what looks to be a 100 ft tail!
  19. Nope - still use Zen verts! Sticks add a few seconds to the setup after the initial install! Paul uses Diamond rods!
  20. Saw first hand what Paul can do - awesome is all I can say!! But you need to realize how much time he has put in to come to the conclusions he's made!! And it's what works for him!!! PS: I've already gone to a stiffer frame setup for a better sail load and less frame "sponginess"!
  21. Paul has it right - more issues with old vs new lines, than any issue of Skybond and LPG! Few the heck outta my SB at WSIKF (nearly 100 hrs over 11 days), so we'll see how they did after I get a chance to clean them up and check them out!!
  22. Might give you a bit more insurance if there is more wind! 50# has it's place, but only in light winds! 90# is considered "standard"! If you can swing it, get some in both weights!!
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