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Everything posted by SparkieRob

  1. Highest wind is a relative term in that skill plays a part. Also the part of the window you are in is a factor too. When then the gusts come, I go to the edges and fly there. The kite will tell you if the wind is too much. The wing tips will shudder and the trailing edge will be noisy. I've flown my Jammin into the 30's (km/h) BUT on 100 foot lines, nose back adjusted and this was during the gusts. Probably could sustain it with a few considerations. Longer lines slow a kite down but the pressure in the sail is the same. Alternatively, shorter lines keeps your kite in "lower" ground wind. Honestly the Jammin is great value for the money. Mine was $150 posted here in Australia. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  2. Durable, yes it is. Frame is 6mm Carbon. Parts are easily sourced and quite cheap. I like mine in 10-12km/h. It is relatively easy to learn on. I keep mine with my street rev. 30 foot lines on the rev, 50 on the Jammin. I was pleasantly surprised at how well its finished for the price. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  3. Create or start your own club. Give it a social media presence like a Facebook page and before you know it... Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  4. Pretty sure the AKA has some sort of resource for this very topic. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  5. Not just weight but also where you can put the weight. A rod can be cut and ferrules to put weight low or high to balance the kite. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  6. If the spine is 6mm Carbon, or Imperial equivalent, it would be quite easy to get a hold of. That, and easy to source tools to cut it up. I have a Skydog Jammin' that has a 6mm Carbon frame. Good stuff. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  7. Wind ranges are, ummmm, kind of like interpretative dance.... The wind energy at 20mph is very high and I wouldn't put a Standard Sail up in that. Unless. Confident in kite and your ability to moderate/mitigate the gusts. I am lucky to have a Vented dual line kite for that sort of wind but not everyone does. Quads are different as you can brake out the energy much quicker. Top pilots could fly UL's that high as they can dump the energy without consciously being aware of it. Also, the faster the wind, the faster everything else happens. One thing, can you adjust the bridle for light to heavy winds? Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  8. Revolution SLE rod.... I think it could be a Sky Shart 7PT rod but not 100% sure. If I was to replace frame parts, I would change it for OEM specified one. A heavier than spec will change the dynamics of your kite. I know your broke but it may have had a defect or something. Usually Lower LE's or Spreaders are broken more commonly. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app Edit: it's a solid carbon rod not a wound one.
  9. Penny L painted an American Flag on her all white Indoor and it looks really good. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  10. Good philosophy. I like to get a bit of dirt or grass on a new bird BEFORE I fly it. Takes the pressure off. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  11. I didn't notice any difference, in terms of behaviour, between a 4 stack progressively vented to a 4 stack of full sails. That was using the "off the shelf" 4.5 foot train lines. Obviously the pull was less but both were suited to the conditions they were up in. I have the bottom train lines on the rear kite roughly 10-12mm shorter to lock up the stack on both sets. I only have a permanent 2 stack of full sails now but it was fun. I've heard that Alden Miller uses 3 foot train lines on his "Jimmy" stack. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  12. For me, it would be a Pheonix from Baz. The Shook mesh is a fantastic kite but the price is a touch high atm. One day though. The Ocean Shore's Freilein comes with a frame that, from others, doesn't suit it that well. Well made to all reports though. Rev stockists will still be selling the B's but I have a set so in my situation it's a mute option. Alternatives are; Bai Design and Polo for a suite. Possible but a little "tongue in cheek" is to get some Q Flaps for a duallie..... Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  13. With regards to the expensive kites, if I had to start revs again, I would've started on Pro's/Pheonix kites. Do your research. Fly others kites if you can. The more info the better. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  14. The Zypher is a foot wider (235cm compared to 207cm) so it should be a bit more friendly in its speed of tricks. Usually the bigger the kite the slower it tricks. Usually. The Shadow has a reported lower bottom end but it's only by 1-2mph which is really not a lot. I think they both come ready to fly with straps. Which one do you like the look of? Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  15. Massive congrats!!!! Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  16. To be brutally honest, I have one of each so while I would LOVE to win. I would LOVE someone who hasn't had the "diamond experience" to get it. These sticks and a breath of air is truly magical. Ahem, Go 977!!!! Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  17. Very nice offering bro! Spars and some branded bling. Very nice. T-shirt, definitely has to come Downunder for some Aussie sun. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  18. One of each.... Get what you like the look and feel of. Taste them all. An average of 4mph wind sees you in a; Non vented and light frame quad. SUL/UL dual line. Maybe a larger type Delta SLK say 15 foot. The lighter frame and kite you go, kind of the more fragile it gets. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  19. Congrats@RobB Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  20. And throw logs on the fire! Congrats to all. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  21. You can fit 2 kites per pocket. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  22. Just realised this is happening in a couple of days!!!! Go 977!!!!! Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  23. One way is to ask a kite builder to buy the off cuts or end of rolls. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  24. Yes, a fair bit x2. If you have ever flown on the shorter lengths, 30 or 50 feet, you'll know the response is quick instant compared to 120. I expect they would be a little mushy but response would be a little delayed. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
  25. G'day@NATO Great to have a fellow Aussie on here. Check out the member map as there are a few pilots stashed around. Me, I'm in Perth. Sent from my iPhone using KiteLife mobile app
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