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Everything posted by SparkieRob

  1. I'm making a bet here and now, this thread will top 200 posts! Most in recent times was 188 B Series Mid, then 173 for the recent Vtd B2. Could even see 300! Pssst 977 I want, I want 977 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Changing the end caps, easier than you think. It looks exactly like it is. Undo knot, pull through, change end cap, thread bungee back through sail and washer, tie up. At this point you can adjust the tension. I've worn out 2 bridles and 4 end caps on my B2, but it sees the most air and is the one that i try most new tricks out on. A standard 1.5 is the best pair to a vented, their wind range crosses over. I think most people would suggest to get it with Black Race Rods, I would too. Hope that helps. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. The 2 size kites are cool. Nice work! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Well done John! Baiting up the BIG hook. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Congrats Scott, pics are a must. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Hmmm, Baloo has been rather quiet on this one. Actually this one is only on 2 pages! C'mon Wayne, let's get this happening! I've just made some room in my bag... ... you know just incase. Hey RNG.. 977 977 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Just 3....... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. G'day underground360, I reviewed a HQ Symphony Beach 1.3 in the reviews section. Similar size foil. All I can say is they are great value and lots of fun! Robust as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Six member iQuad Rev Clinic Details: Friday 17th May 10am to 4pm Cost $50 with a $25 deposit upon booking. BYO lunch and drink, no alcahol. Bookings at Kitepower Redcliffe, Clontarf Qld. Google it as I'm unsure if I'm allowed to post the web address. There are some conditions if you want to fly during the Sat and Sun of the festival. Thanks to David White of the Redcliffe Kite Club for the info, and the prompt return of my inquiry. Any more details, PM me or see JB's post about Davids contact details.
  10. Feeling lucky this week guys.... If you want to give up there's no shame in that.... The only thing I'll have to remember that "thumbs forward" won't do anything!!!!! 977 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. When I got my #150 line set I was maybe 2-3 months into flying Revs. Didn't really question it. At least I have a line set for my stacks... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Sweeet! Must have been in my cookies! Your a dead set legend Barresi. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Just reinstalled Tapatalk, let's try it out. Double break Break Rob Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. When I describe stuff to friends I am starting to quote the Rev web pages word for word. It's a little scary sometimes.
  15. PM sent, won't name them here as the main bloke new his stuff.
  16. Cheers for that. And the email too! I looked all over the festival website but couldn't find a reference. Might only be a 3 hour car ride up the coast instead of a 4.5 flight across the desert! Note to any Aussies that want to go to the clinic, THEY SELL LIKE COLD BEER ON A HOT DAY!
  17. No more chaining that baby down..... True story John, 2 of the guys I've delt with there didnt know who "this John Barresi joker is"! I had to tell them where the "Barresi" in the Barresi Series Revs came from!
  18. "It only looks inverted cause I'm in Australia"

  19. The kite shop here in Oz recommended #150 as that is what they sell with the Rev2. But based on you guys I may have to invest in some #50 line. Length recommendations, anyone? Or is that the next pole Nick? Related, I remember pulling my B2 out as the wind was becoming a little too large for my 4-Stack and for about 5 minutes I couldnt feel anything on the end on the lines! Seriouly love that little beauty! Another thing, I'm using a "real" computer instead of my iPhone and I've just noticed your titles; Kite Romantic and Fair Weather Pilot, thats gold gentlemen. Rob
  20. G'day John, just wondering if there is going to be a clinic on the Friday before the Festival? If so, how/where can tickets be obtained? <br />Rob. <br /><br /><br />Tapatalk for iPhone.
  21. I'll delete and reinstall Tapatalk and see how that goes. <br /><br /><br />Tapatalk for iPhone.
  22. Incase it's just me... this what I am seeing. <br /><br /><br />Tapatalk for iPhone.
  23. Ok<br /><br />Here<br /><br />Goes. <br /><br /><br />Tapatalk for iPhone.
  24. What length?<br /><br /><br />Tapatalk for iPhone.
  25. Not a high priority.... but... When using Tapatalk to post everytime I hit return/enter I see <br> when I go back and view the post. The "break" is expressed but not done. <br /><br /><br />Tapatalk for iPhone.
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