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Hello..... I just purchased a used Rev 1.5 SLE and had some questions on a few of the parts whether they are original or correct and would appreciate any assistance anyone would could give me.  The parts that I am questioning are the vertical rods and bridle.  I'll attach pics of both of them.  

The over all length of the vertical rods are 32 5/8” x ¼” O.DO but the end caps just don’t look right to me. 



And the bridle may be a replacement ( I'm basing that on the fact that the horizontal string is red and all the vertical ones are black) so I'm not sure if the set up or knot placement is correct.


Thank you in advance for any input you give. 


The rods are definitely not stock. It should have caps that the rods fit into, not nocks. You obviously don't have another kite to check it against? The bridle is probably a homemade one, not necessarily bad but easy enough to replace with one of TK's from this website. Get Tk's leaders and bridles from here and can get caps and rods from Kites and fun things. They usually have blem rods for cheap. Not that you can't fly with that setup, but learning to fly quads is hard enough to not be sure your setup correctly.


by how the two bridle (red and black) are connected for sure is not a REV 1.5 STD bridle, is look close to a speed ore a power quad. the spares are definitely not for a quad. they are from a 2 lines, Top is a spine and bottom is a wing tip.

if you have the chance contact the seller and put some questions eventually after you research the prices for a new frame and bridle ask for a refund ore some reimbursement if you want to keep the sail.

Let us know how is going, good luck    

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Thank you both for your responses.   I think at this point I'm going to try and get authentic vertical rods and bridle.  One other question.. I've been flying dual line sport kites for some time and thought it was time to move to a quad, this being my first one.  I've been doing a ton of reading and from what I understand the French Bridle is a more responsive set up from the basic bridle.  Since I am new to it, would it be just as easy for me to learn with the FB, rather than learning with the original and then trying to transition to the FB?

Thanks again.. greatly appreciated!!


Is it possible the bridle is mix-and-match parts from a red and a black TK bridle?  Not sure I can see enough detail to tell. The vertical leg has been attached to the horizontal incorrectly, but otherwise they could be.  If that's the case, I'd just correct the connection: 



You probably won't be able to notice any difference between the two bridles until you have a couple of hundred hours of experience and even then it may not suit your flying style. Wait until you can try someone else's at a festival. In other words it will not be easier to learn if you use it, but it will rob you of knowing how the standard bridle feels. In addition it adds complexity to the setup that will make it more difficult for a beginner to correct if things get out of whack.

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makatakam is right, I have some kites with FB and I may say I prefer them but is ME. there are some Pros and Cons to FB and on your situation now in search for a bridle is a 50-50 option. Pay attention from when you will buy that FB because are some confusions with a Spanish one



There is a good chance the bridle may be stock. By your pic you have one of the old 1.5 SLE sails with mylar panels...???

I still have one....blue, black, white, mylar (w/o SLE .......regular 3wrap) and the stock bridle is red upper and black lower....just like your pic. Revolution seemed to change bridling material...or colours of anyway. I have and have had red/black, all black, all red, all white, all grey. iirc I had another mylar panelled SLE 1.5 with the red and black bridle....so maybe this bridle is native to the 1.5 mylar paneling era????? None of my all cloth 1.5's of any incarnation have this bridling....all one coloured....mostly grey. I had an all black SLE panel layout 1.5 that had an all red bridle....sexy for a rev....

You didn't mention what LE you have....an SLE or a regular 1/4"....(most likely a 3 wrap). If you have a 1/4" LE then all the spars should be the same except for the middle LE spar with the ferrules. And again and all end caps are affixed to the kite.






As was said - you may have a stock bridle, just in 2 colors. To be safe, I'd get one from here, as well as leaders.

Spars. You should have gotten 5 pieces - 4 with no ferrule and equal in length, 1 ferruled at both ends. You may have the SLE tubes for the leading edge, they are slightly bigger in diameter, I believe 7/16". the others should be 1/4". It is possible the whole 5 pieces are 1/4". then all the unferruled pieces can be interchanged. the ferruled piece goes in the center of the leading edge. All 6 spar ending points on the sail should have caps, attached with bungee cord. 

Personally, I don't use the SLE tubes. They don't flex enough to create the 'belly" in the center of the sail. If you don't have a full set of 1/4" spars, I encourage you to look online or visit your local kite store and get some. Makes your kite much more controllable. As a beginner, I'd look for a set of 3 wrap rods. Light enough for most use and tough too. 2 wrap or race frames are better taken advantage of by more experienced fliers.


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Interesting post here!,.....

stock bridle pieces are assembled as "little loop is passed thru big loop and then big loop pulled back thru the little one,

doing this action more than once "tightens and lessens the hinging action built it" ( =more responsive/twitchy)

Sung all the slack out and you have to really pull and yank on it to effect this! (it forms a Prussik Knot if you cared and did it three times, not just once as pictured in the original photos.

I have also owned several Revolutions with the two colored bridle choice applied to them,

Rods AREN'T stock for a quad-lined kite


I appreciate everyone's responses.... I'll include pics of the sail and the leading edge rails which are the 7/16".  It's amazing on the  amount of variables and combinations.... mind blowing.   

At this point I think I'm going to stick with the leading edge and the sail and then purchase a new traditional bridle, vertical rods, line and handles and enjoy myself. 

Again thanks to everyone for the responses, it's nice to have an active community where people are willing to help out other flyers. 



Those 7/16" spars are pretty indestructible, but with little flex, they also make the sail a bit harder to control. A full set of 5 rods shouldn't cost too much more than buying only 2. I would highly recommend it for advancing your learning curve.

Don't skimp on getting quality line! It is your only connection between you and the kite. Stick to known, quality, line makers - Laser Pro Gold, Shanti Skybond, Vectriva (Andy Ocean Shores brand). No polyester or nylon!! I would suggest either 80' or 120' to start. many fly on shorter, but the window is small and your reaction time better be really good! Longer is better to learn on.


+1 to what Wayne has mentioned above. If you can swing it get a whole frame not just the two verticals....as then you'll have 2 frames....well 2 LE's at least. Your wind range has just been expanded!!!!

Every Rev I have....except the Rev 2's, and 1.5 sul's...have at least two frames in with the kite.....a 2 wrap plus whatever else depending on the sail. One of the Rev 2's has a 2 wrap travel frame.

The only SLE I had was with a REV 1 I vented myself. I quite liked the SLE in that kite only. 




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You also have a third bridle option. That is the Djinn bridle which has advantages over the other two, but again the differences may not be noticeable until you have more time on the lines. The beauty of this bridle is that you can adjust it to suit specific needs or conditions. I think it is compatible with the 1.5 sized Rev-style kites, but I'm not sure.

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