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I was just curious as to what everyone generally listens to while they are flying thier kite(s)?

As for me, I listen to

The Muffs

The Ramones

The Misfits


Razed In Black

No Doubt

Fear Factory

Emilie Autumn

Vansessa Mae

And much more of course!


i genreally listen to everything depending on what mood im in some days hip hop some days techno some days classic rock it all goes by what i want to fly to at the time


I only recognized "No Doubt" on that list. :( I'm not very musically literate.

When I fly for fun I usually have a cd that inspires me for the season.

New age usally. I like techno too. Old rock and roll..

I've been hunting all summer for Circus music. I bought one of the Screamers Circus Marches... it's just a little to march on for my costume. So now I've been hunting down Renassance music (sp)

Hunting for music has certainly taken me to music I would have never heard of. Keeping a few songs that I love on the end of my cd leaves me the opportunity to relax when I'm done with a practice. Mood certainly determines what I find relaxing that day.

What surprises me is what other people fly too. To see the kids flying to oldies but goodies seems unusual... But whatever floats their boat. :lol:

In competition there use to be complaints that the flyers only flew to slow songs. It's easier, beautiful and soothing for your mind to take over and over again while you practice. That's not always the case now. People have added songs with more speed and opportunities.

Geesh, I think at one competiton we must have heard "Wind Beneath My Wings" for 5 compeitiors. Still a good song too. One season someone else had the same music as I did. No biggy..

Wouldn't a competition with the same song be interesting?

My favorite all time album to fly to is probably "Deep Breakfast" by Ray Lynch.




Just a few from my playlist...



Beastie Boys


The Who



Creedence Clearwater

Louis Armstrong

Johnny Lang

Saturday Night Fever (soundtrack)

Yes, I'm a little eclectic. :lol:

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Just a few from my playlist...



Beastie Boys


The Who



Creedence Clearwater

Louis Armstrong

Johnny Lang

Saturday Night Fever (soundtrack)

Yes, I'm a little eclectic. :lol:

Eclectic is good.. Keeps things interesting!

  • 1 year later...

ninja resurrection!! Mwuaaahahahahaha :devil:

Sigur Ros - Complete Discography (I play this most of the time.)

Led Zeppelin


Whos needs anything more? :w00t:


Not having anything more than a walkman at the moment, with no tapes, hmmmmmmm

The radio?

Talk about a challenge. Just about every tune has a different tempo. From one, to the other is a completly different sound.

Sure is a challenge to fly gracefully and trick a just the right time to make yourself go WOO HOO that was cool.

Just to many commercials :devil: Get into a groove and then 5 minutes of commercials. :w00t:


Chevelle, Hinder, Seether, POD, Godsmack, Deftones, Puddle of Mud, Stereo Mud, Tantric etc...

Sting, Rod Stewert, Phil Collins, Men at Work, etc...

Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, Iron Butterfly, The Doors, Zepplin, etc...

Enya, Mazzy Star, Celtic Woman, Dido.

Theres more, but I guess since the wind speed and cosistancy make my flying mood, it also chooses my music when I can listen to what I want.

Dean :)

Hey I am over 30. Waaaay over

I can't even spell thurty anymore. I do remember being 30.......I think it was 30....maybe that was 40.......or.......

Hey, once you are on Medicare, when you look back, lots of things look alike.

I like to fly to:

Celine Dion

Frank Sinatra

Tom Rigney

Mr. Jack Daniels Silver Cornet Band

Louis Prima

Big Band....Jimmy Dorsey, Tommy Dorsey, Beny Goodman, Glen Miller, Artie Shaw, Woody Herman etc.

Dixeyland....Sidney Bechet, Lu Waters, Louis Armstrong and the like.

Most any Boogie Woogie


also good Old Rock and Roll...Haley, Perkins, Berry

I think that's who they are. :confused!:

ninja resurrection!! Mwuaaahahahahaha :crazy:

Sigur Ros - Complete Discography (I play this most of the time.)

Led Zeppelin


Whos needs anything more? :D

What I prefer to listen to: Stevie Ray Vaughn, Steve Miller, Pink Floyd, Santana, Dave Matthews, just about any blues or bluegrass

For indoor flying: Etta James, Patsy Cline, KD Lang... soaring voices

Now if I could just figure out how to fly to the up tempo music I prefer to listen to. Especially for competitions when the winds are light, bluegrass is just tough to coreograph to. B) Sound tracks seem to work best for competition. But I just don't walk around listening to them. Gotta figure something out... competion in two weeks.

OTOH, SRV worked fine for the vented Sonic yesterday evening at Delta.

  • 2 weeks later...

Grenerally speaking and it should come as no surprise given my avatar that it's a safe bet I've got Good Ole Grateful Dead on the Ipod but anything jam related is good by me!


Never, in all my years of flying, have I ever listened to music while flying my kites.

The beach sounds at Ocean Shores, WA (waves, wind, birds...) relax me, they clear my mind and prepare me for the return to the city and real life. It is natures music and I only get hear it when I am flying my kites.

Until I figure out how to move to the beach and make a living.....

Never, in all my years of flying, have I ever listened to music while flying my kites.

The beach sounds at Ocean Shores, WA (waves, wind, birds...) relax me, they clear my mind and prepare me for the return to the city and real life. It is natures music and I only get hear it when I am flying my kites.

Until I figure out how to move to the beach and make a living.....

I'm with ya there. I listen to music while flying about 50% of the time, but almost never at the shore for the very same reasons. I'll listen to my mp3 player if I'm inland.

  • 7 years later...

I figured id give this old thread a bump, but with a bit of a category (as I need to make a new playlist finally).

Personally, I dont fly comps (yet), but I look for music that fits within comp time and catagory type of music.

What bands/songs to you listen to while flying - Duals... Quads.... Uptempo... Downtempo



you fly to what you like with headphones on, (jazz, blues, rock,... almost nothing over 4 minutes)

you fly to what others like on a sound system, (Wildwood was a big dose of country this time)

you compete with music you'd expect the judges to both recognize and appreciate, (good luck w/that!) or you don't care what "they" think holding clip-boards and you do whatever you please for 4 minutes.  

Do you compete to win or just for fun?  I seldom use the same comp music, many friends don't enjoy my choices at all,.. occasionally though you hit a home run by accident.  (Johnny Lang's texas-styled blues is one of 'em).  I have a few thing-bits I want to throw in any competition, but certainly no formal plan (remember?, Flailing is NOT choreography)


If I ever did happen to compete, I doubt I would win. So I guess I would be mainly flying for fun with hopes of getting lucky on a possible win.


As far as music for that; im not sure that what I like would mostly be stuff the judges would recognize, but would hopefully appreciate (for examples, see page 2 of my "Revolutionary Morning" thread).


My approach is that even though its unlikely ill have the opportunity to compete, id still like to keep in that frame of mind as a a form of self training - if you will.



As a demo flier and not a competitor, I love doing "mystery ballets" when solo! At 64, there isn't a lot you could play that I haven't heard some of it! So I ask the DJ to pick something and go from there! In a duet, I do have a song to go with a routine, and as a team, we have a selection of songs that fit our routines. If our timing is spot on, we use one special song, if a bit off, we use a more relaxed song, so it really depends on our team and how we feel on any given day!

That is one nice thing at most festivals - the music is more background if you are near, but not in it. But I fly alone a lot for practice and really go either way with or without music.


Unfortunately I am a solo flier, so I dont have to worry about flying in pairs/teams. Though demo/comp flying, I would bring my own choice of song. Over the past couple of years, I have come to preferring to fly with music rather than without.





Thats a nice one, thanks for mentioning that one. I just checked out his song bean time. Pretty sure that one will be added to my playlist


going to festivals exposes you to all sorts of things you didn't expect.  New music and techniques ("things" to add now or work on later, eventually adding 'em into routines.) 

For example, a flick-flak done in the middle if the window is very reliable,.... a half axel into a clam-shell roll-up is certainly more risk (so you place it at the routine's back or last to end it, in case it works poorly that time.)  If you can only do an axel well in one direction,... then you haven't LEARNED it yet!

A dear friend advised me that a good routine begins with straight lines and perfect curves, circles, you add in the tricks only where they fit with the music and only with about a 90% success rate if competing.  go ahead and throw it in if doing a demo though, we want to see high risk and your best-est, wildest efforts!

if you soul fly, then you have a bag of thingies you can throw in, shuffle around or dump entirely depending on the conditions.

If you want to win, stick to one piece of music (or two,... one for big wind, one for low),  Know every note, know what goes with that note, diagram your routine in 5 second intervals on graph paper, (so you don't bore the judges with repetition), practice the routine with a stick kite to the music (does this all sound like a lot of work to you?  I agree, if you want to work this hard you deserve to beat me!)

Have all your equipment in top condition, lines even, handles tuned, kites inspected for wear (bridles,spars,connectors, the sails themselves).  Make sure you have the right frame in the correct kite, do those frame members "match"?  What if it's howling, do you have air brakes, vented kites, heavier line-sets?  What about a dead calm?,... gonna whine you can't fly next or have the right stuff and be ready?

Just because you make it up on the spot (soul flyer) doesn't mean you came ill prepared! 

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