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well i hate to sound like a meanie .. but today i was out doin my thing with my new blue angel after some fine tuneing to my specs i was flying to an open beach when after a while this idiot shows up with his brat kids and set up right where im at .. not only did the kids mess up my one set of lines when i asked him nicely to move from my space he was rude and told me to go to hell.. well as a kiteflier i kept my cool .. i know the rules as a 20 year flier this year 1987 2007 but after time i was loseing my cool but trying to keep it too .. this rich idiot tourest called the beach patrol and had me booted ... BOOTED OFF OF MY BEACH .. at this point i was hoter then the weather but as such i kept my cool again and went to the tourest even after the fact that i was packed up and booted and nicely asked him why he had to do what he did .. his reply was for me to f***k off .. even after what he did .. at this point i wanted to take my 4 wrap an whack him in the eye with it .. but i dont want to set a bad example for my son to see his father being stupid my wife and son were both with me at the beach when i was flying today .. the whole idea was to take my family to the beach and my son loves it when i fly my revs by our camp out spot on the beach.. well this post is 2 things 1 for me to express this to my fellow kiters and 2 to see if anyone else out there has had this problem before .. thanks for listining.. the part that gets me is that this guy used that kind of words in front on my son when he has 2 kids of his own .. what an example to set as a father


dude i know but like i said i kept my cool as best as i could i dont want to repersent us in a bad way espically on the east side.. i was more pissed about him showing total dissregard for my family by acting like an ass in front of my 1 year old son im not a bad guy i just dont like people that cant respect the land i live on .. i go places and every place i go to i sohw respect for the people that work to keep it going .. i wouldnt come to your town and do that ever .. thats what i love about us kiters no matter where we all go we all got love for each other ..


Ant? Want to borrow my kevlar set? LOL Shrug it off dude... it ain't the end of the world. People will continue to disappoint you and the best thing is to just keep setting a good example for your family and your son. Just remember when those people are back at their busy cities you will still have Wildwood beaches!

  ant man said:
dude i know but like i said i kept my cool as best as i could i dont want to repersent us in a bad way espically on the east side.. i was more pissed about him showing total dissregard for my family by acting like an ass in front of my 1 year old son im not a bad guy i just dont like people that cant respect the land i live on .. i go places and every place i go to i sohw respect for the people that work to keep it going .. i wouldnt come to your town and do that ever .. thats what i love about us kiters no matter where we all go we all got love for each other ..

Next time...and it probably will never happen again.....ask him to take a walk with you down the beach :sign_kitelife: ....just you and him....away from the families...to have a little talk. If he does...then you can explain it to him man to man without worrying about the kids....or disrespecting his family the way he did yours. If he doesn't.....then walk away in disgust and leave him to feel like the "real man" he is. I'm with ya Ant, when they completely disrespect you and your family.....it's a tough call.

You did the right thing. The fact that he got you kicked off the beach...well that's just plain BS. :rainbowwave::kid_cussing:



Hey Ant,

My blood boils for you buddy ! You have to live here to understand how big of idiots people can become. Walk & talk with him... maybe that works on the west coast...

I feel bad, you say the guy was a tourist, did he have NY plates ? I wouldn't be surprised. We call them F.L.I.Ds around here, I think you may have heard the term before. I admire your restraint, I don't have the kids to set a good example for, I probably would've lost it. It's not about kiting, it's more than that, a jerk like that would've caused trouble if you were playing Frisbee, your radio, or whatever.

I guess your revenge is that you can go back to your beach tomorrow, while that jerk is busy getting an ulcer from all of the nasty crap that's inside him back in the miserable place he came from.


  Must86 said:
Hey Ant,

My blood boils for you buddy ! You have to live here to understand how big of idiots people can become. Walk & talk with him... maybe that works on the west coast...

I feel bad, you say the guy was a tourist, did he have NY plates ? I wouldn't be surprised. We call them F.L.I.Ds around here, I think you may have heard the term before. I admire your restraint, I don't have the kids to set a good example for, I probably would've lost it. It's not about kiting, it's more than that, a jerk like that would've caused trouble if you were playing Frisbee, your radio, or whatever.

I guess your revenge is that you can go back to your beach tomorrow, while that jerk is busy getting an ulcer from all of the nasty crap that's inside him back in the miserable place he came from.


Rob.....are you West Coast bashing? :rainbowwave:

I'll have you know that I have called Hell's Kitchen, Alphabet City, Astoria, Queens and the Bronx "home" at one point or another in my life....not to mention Los Angeles (Hollywood, Santa Monica, etc. etc.). We definitely have our share of "idiots" (to put it nicely) out here as well. They are just more politically correct in their lack of intelligence. Taking someone for a walk can go a couple of different ways.....if ya know what I mean. At least you get away from the wife and kids.... :sign_kitelife:

You did well ANT......I would have definitely had a hard time holding back as well...probably would have gotten myself into more trouble! What a drag having that experience so soon after a wonderful experience at the festival.....keep on flying.



monkey no this reall happend i just hope the guy feels good about himself knowing how he lives life .. rob i dont know where hes was from i have flown kites here with people from all over the usa the pa and ny people i met were all pretty cool


Ant man you Are the man .kudos for keeping your cool.I am certain that karma will bite that prepubescent jerk right were it counts.Go and in joy the beach :kid_smartass:


Think you did good Ant. Walk away, blood boiling, then post on here to vent your spleen.

You know as long as you are a Gentleman you will ALLWAYS get support on here.

Unfortunate fact of life that wherever you go you will meet folks like you did. Fortunatly reasonably rare, or at least I hope it is.

Shame about being booted. Applause for keeping your dignoty. Revenge is fly whil this other guy sweats away his live being the crass fool he is.

If only he would have tride you kite maybe he would live longer due to the chill pill each one comes wih.

RESPECT to you my friend.

  Baloo said:
If only he would have tride you kite maybe he would live longer due to the chill pill each one comes wih.

RESPECT to you my friend.


I like it....and soooooo true. Good name for a kite or a team. "The Chill Pill"

P :kid_smartass:


thanks you gys are the best ill be on the beach saturiday .. no worries i got friends in the right places so i wont be off my beach long :kid_smartass:


Hey All...

I wasn't west coast bashing, more like east coast bashing. I don't think something like this would even happen on the west coast, but if it did, you might be able to solve it with a little mellow diplomacy. I know a few people that have been beaten up just for being mellow hippies.



The one thing I have learned how to do is put up with tourist. <_< I was born and raised in Miami and lived on Cocoa Beach and Merritt Island the rest of the time :kid_smartass: . Their subconscious point is that they are paying hundred of dollars a day to be there and deserve to be treated that way by everyone they confront. They generally have no respect for the locals or anyone else, even each other. Oh yea, they drive like sh*t to. I remind myself every day that tourist are the reason Florida has no income tax and try to smile and go on my way. Of course there are limits but I have been known to stretch them to the max when it comes to the pink people (that’s what I call them). The best I can do is when I come to your city on my vacation I will try to act right. B)

  MrDenny said:
The one thing I have learned how to do is put up with tourist. <_< I was born and raised in Miami and lived on Cocoa Beach and Merritt Island the rest of the time <_< . Their subconscious point is that they are paying hundred of dollars a day to be there and deserve to be treated that way by everyone they confront. They generally have no respect for the locals or anyone else, even each other. Oh yea, they drive like sh*t to. I remind myself every day that tourist are the reason Florida has no income tax and try to smile and go on my way. Of course there are limits but I have been known to stretch them to the max when it comes to the pink people (that’s what I call them). The best I can do is when I come to your city on my vacation I will try to act right. B)

Lead by example.....best way to go about it. By the way.....I'm very pink. :kid_smartass:

ROB, no problem...I was just givin' ya a hard time.


  SKITCH said:
Lead by example.....best way to go about it. By the way.....I'm very pink. :kid_smartass:

ROB, no problem...I was just givin' ya a hard time.


A man isn’t born a pink person. It happens when someone that lives north of the Tropic of Cancer comes south to worship the sun. They go from translucent to a bright shade of pink on the Florida beach after only a few hours. It sometimes stays that way for days then blisters and starts again. <_<


Besides Karma perhaps you can comfort yourself with the thought that 80 % of people are good. Just don't do the math to find out how many people 20% is. <_<

Keep your kewl.. move a way.. offer to let him try... report him to the beach patrol. Nail under the tire...oh ... wait... not that one. :kid_smartass: BB Penny

  ant man said:
well i hate to sound like a meanie .. but today i was out doin my thing with my new blue angel after some fine tuneing to my specs i was flying to an open beach when after a while this idiot shows up with his brat kids and set up right where im at .. not only did the kids mess up my one set of lines when i asked him nicely to move from my space he was rude and told me to go to hell.. well as a kiteflier i kept my cool .. i know the rules as a 20 year flier this year 1987 2007 but after time i was loseing my cool but trying to keep it too .. this rich idiot tourest called the beach patrol and had me booted ... BOOTED OFF OF MY BEACH .. at this point i was hoter then the weather but as such i kept my cool again and went to the tourest even after the fact that i was packed up and booted and nicely asked him why he had to do what he did .. his reply was for me to f***k off .. even after what he did .. at this point i wanted to take my 4 wrap an whack him in the eye with it .. but i dont want to set a bad example for my son to see his father being stupid my wife and son were both with me at the beach when i was flying today .. the whole idea was to take my family to the beach and my son loves it when i fly my revs by our camp out spot on the beach.. well this post is 2 things 1 for me to express this to my fellow kiters and 2 to see if anyone else out there has had this problem before .. thanks for listining.. the part that gets me is that this guy used that kind of words in front on my son when he has 2 kids of his own .. what an example to set as a father

i spoke with a buddy of mine that works with wildwood city hall and loves it when people fly kites .. when i told him my story he said he couldnt beleave it but also told me if this happens again to let him know .. as a local taxpayer and a life long wildwood native he told me that i have the right to the beach anytime i want .. comeing from a city offical that means alot here as most try to ban everything they can. so in this case i win and will be flying again on saturiday :kid_smartass:

  MrDenny said:
  SKITCH said:
Lead by example.....best way to go about it. By the way.....I'm very pink. :kid_smartass:

ROB, no problem...I was just givin' ya a hard time.


A man isn’t born a pink person. It happens when someone that lives north of the Tropic of Cancer comes south to worship the sun. They go from translucent to a bright shade of pink on the Florida beach after only a few hours. It sometimes stays that way for days then blisters and starts again. <_<

SADLY, Like I said. I'm a PINK person. It is so sad at the beach. This white boy does not tan......just pink, red, reallly red, peel, begin again!!! But at least I do respect other people and their space!!



Hey ANT,

Someone on here posted a while ago about having designated "Kite FLying" areas in a local park or at a beach. Maybe you could petition or put the wheels in motion to get a portion of the beach designated like this. Wouldn't that be cool. Obviously anyone could use that part of the beach, but Kite Flyers would alway be welcome and get priority in that spot...and it would be in the rules, ordinances, ????? Then the lifeguard, beach patrol, ????, could not kick you off and would have to send mean ole' tourist packing. With all the press the Wildwood Kite Fest gets...I bet if you hit while iron is still hot you might be able to get something going!!! That would be a pretty big victory for your local kite scene. And we could name it after you!!!!!! "THE ANTHILL......ALL KITES WELCOME ON MY HILL"


  SKITCH said:
  MrDenny said:
  SKITCH said:
Lead by example.....best way to go about it. By the way.....I'm very pink. :kid_smartass:

ROB, no problem...I was just givin' ya a hard time.


A man isn’t born a pink person. It happens when someone that lives north of the Tropic of Cancer comes south to worship the sun. They go from translucent to a bright shade of pink on the Florida beach after only a few hours. It sometimes stays that way for days then blisters and starts again. B)

SADLY, Like I said. I'm a PINK person. It is so sad at the beach. This white boy does not tan......just pink, red, reallly red, peel, begin again!!! But at least I do respect other people and their space!!


It’s not a slur my friend. It’s just what we call tourist. I have heard and used “shoobee” too but I have known idea what it means or where it came from. None of them are used in vain (well not always <_< ).


skitch great idea i like it .. mr denny we call pa paople shoobees here too.. the reason in the 1940.s the came to the beach with their stuff packed in showboxes

  ant man said:
skitch great idea i like it .. mr denny we call pa paople shoobees here too.. the reason in the 1940.s the came to the beach with their stuff packed in showboxes

I had no idea. I've used it for years and years. Unbelievable what you can learn on a kite forum!!

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