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We're pleased to yet again announce the next prize being given away to our most appreciated supporters, the Kitelife Subscribers... For roughly 10 cents per day they play a major role in keeping KL growing in every way.

This is a brand new Sweet Emotion sport kite by Dodd Gross, from Skydog Kites, roughly a $180 value!

A good all-rounder, this is a great intermediate/advanced kite - http://www.skydogkit...etemotion.shtml


If you haven't done so already, You can sign up here.

Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/305, and will be drawn on July 11th, 2012!

Our thanks, and the very best to you... Let the drooling begin. ;)


Another great prize ! I never did get the lines away from Dodd when I was flying with him a few years ago. He could certainly fly the wings off of the SE, looked like a real blast.

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey RNG. This would be a really sweet kite to grow on. I

Have three of the Skydog kites and they get better and better as you move up the line.

Thunderstruck > Crossfire > BlackDog UL. They make a great learning series.

It would be nice to finish off with the top Sweet Emotion.

  • Like 1

I've got a bunch of really good dual liners, but, respectfully to Skydog, don't have one of yours. That being said, this looks like a great kite! Any input from "you guys" lounging around this forum. Just for my 'edumacation' cause I won't win the kite..in this lifetime anyway...hehe.

  • Like 1

Hi Gary, thanks for your patience - subscriber # is 939.

Alas, the forum doesn't generate them automatically so it's a simple matter of me checking our master list. :)

As for knowing when you win, don't worry - you'll know because we send out a direct email notifying, with a request for shipping info.

Regards, good luck and thanks for your support!

  • 2 weeks later...

Seems like a lot of rev people on this forum so if you would politely withdraw from this giveaway I would be very grateful. Just send JB a little note that you could never appreciate a dual line kite of this quality and that you would gladly proxy your suscriber number to TMADZ #983 I'm sure he would be glad to accomodate you. Thank you for your kind support.

:ani_victory: Vote 983 :ani_victory:


  • Like 1

Bzzzt... bzzzt... *ding*

641, Pennell, Robin.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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