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using the Park Place Webcam


So far I've recognized 3 of 4 TKL members on Monday. 

I also recognized Eliot and Cath Shook today as they walked by carrying their kites but didn't grab a pic.

 Watching the big SLK's down the beach is relaxing and closest thing I have to being there. Seeing someone you know or recognize is kinda cool as well.

Anyone else recognize friends, faces and fellow kiters in the webcam??

(It doesn't count if you just recognize the kites. That's too easy)


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14 minutes ago, John Barresi said:

Caught us doing dogstake team, is that all you could see? Looks like we're way off frame?

Aye. that was about it. They move the camera side to side throughout the day so you get what you get. You and team were at the edge of it all.  I never saw more than 2 kites at the time and it was mostly yours.Scott would follow but you'd be off frame before any thing else would be seen. I sent you a text just to say "I see you" but you were involved obviously.

Looking forward to some Symphony 2.2.4 footage. Hopefully I will see you on Saturday. Hoping to make a day trip.

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Unfortunately, I found myself almost yelling at the screen later as they moved the camera away from the sport kite fields to focus on the Corvette parade.  Shows what's interesting to me isn't the same as others.. They also spent a lot of time earlier in the week focused on the big SLK field. Only on Saturday did they focus out front long enough to see a few routines..

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While I am glad for OC that the corvetts brought out a lot of people for a low season boost, I can't say that I enjoyed seeing their parade.  Noisy, Smelly, Loud and too long.  I should admit that the challenging weather on Friday made Saturday seem even more precious, and the interruption of the parade more annoying. 


Thanks to JB for doing Buggy Bunnny, that was cool to see a routine that I had watched on videos....it is my favorite vid to show others when I am trying to get them to understand that my kite flying is cool not crazy.  Watching TKL was soo cool.  Always more skills to aim for.  


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Well, well, well...I had that ground shaking experience of seeing John at the indoor flying competition, and just could not get the nerve up to speak with him, then or all the other times I kinda ran into him...meeting Joel Scholz was nerve racking enough, but then Robert Brasington, and all the others I knew from the years I read about them all...<sigh> Sorry John just way too intimidated by you...lol All I can say is I hate rain...memorial day weekend, Washington DC, rain, stopped by Ocean City, MD, was a beautiful sunny day, arrived at my holtel in time for the rain, two days of rain, so foggy when I left, and after reaching Lewes, DE, the sun came out the wind picked up, and another lovely day to get lost going home...lol Oh yeah, hate my gps too, never gets me where I’m going, I always recognize someplace after it sends me all over the place, and I take it from there, and go my way, while it’s telling me to turn....damn, sorry, rambling....

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23 hours ago, Mstroke2017 said:

Well, well, well...I had that ground shaking experience of seeing John at the indoor flying competition, and just could not get the nerve up to speak with him, then or all the other times I kinda ran into him...meeting Joel Scholz was nerve racking enough, but then Robert Brasington, and all the others I knew from the years I read about them all...<sigh> Sorry John just way too intimidated by you...lol All I can say is I hate rain...memorial day weekend, Washington DC, rain, stopped by Ocean City, MD, was a beautiful sunny day, arrived at my holtel in time for the rain, two days of rain, so foggy when I left, and after reaching Lewes, DE, the sun came out the wind picked up, and another lovely day to get lost going home...lol Oh yeah, hate my gps too, never gets me where I’m going, I always recognize someplace after it sends me all over the place, and I take it from there, and go my way, while it’s telling me to turn....damn, sorry, rambling....

@Mstroke2017 Kiters are normal people ...... well, not normal ..... but, not like movie stars or politicians. Even the pros are approachable. You can actually walk up and say hi, and security won't tackle and cuff you. If you look interested, or like you need help, they will even come over and talk to you. Most of them don't bite, even when provoked.

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59 minutes ago, makatakam said:

@Mstroke2017 Kiters are normal people ...... well, not normal ..... but, not like movie stars or politicians. Even the pros are approachable. You can actually walk up and say hi, and security won't tackle and cuff you. If you look interested, or like you need help, they will even come over and talk to you. Most of them don't bite, even when provoked.

I've been accused of many things but never has "normal" been one of them..

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I’ll tell you hands down the nicest group of people I have ever had the privilege to meet, and even fly with is the group of Quad flyers at this years WSIKF. I’m a nobody in the kiting world but they all took me under their wing and helped me, my son and even got my wife Jenna flying a quad during the week. Too many names to list and my memory sucks literally. If you get the chance to go to any kiting event don’t be shy. And John is hands down one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. He’s willing to share his love of kiting with anyone.



Sent from my IPhone



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4 minutes ago, khsidekick said:

I’ll tell you hands down the nicest group of people I have ever had the privilege to meet, and even fly with is the group of Quad flyers at this years WSIKF. I’m a nobody in the kiting world but they all took me under their wing and helped me, my son and even got my wife Jenna flying a quad during the week. Too many names to list and my memory sucks literally. If you get the chance to go to any kiting event don’t be shy.



Sent from my IPhone


 as a slight counterpoint, please know that in the kiting world, there are no nobodies. EVERYONE brings something to the table and we all learn from each other every time we fly. Even a new perspective from a fresh face in the kiting world can change the way you look at a trick or even a specific type of kite. Even the well known kiters learn every day from the most unexpected places.

Personally, I'm still kicking myself for not making it up to OC on Saturday to at least fly a little bit. would have been great to reconnect with friends for a few hours..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Speaking in general, not about this event:

I find it pretty interesting that kiters are about the nicest, most patient group of people as a whole. However, the passion and skill level and nerdy level of detail knowledge involved in the sport can make it hard for a newbie to feel confident approaching the groups...and the established bunch can be so absorbed in the fun of the moment that they sometimes don't see the newbie at all.

This is also increased by the long distance nature of it all...you never really know who really is a newbie and who is just from far way unless you are the old hand. It is a hard sport to be an introvert in because the best days come from getting out there and saying hi to everyone...and saying can I fly with you.

Thank you to all of you who make it easier by going out of your way ob the flying field to be friendly and welcoming, your efforts don't go unnoticed.

Maryland based purple quad kiteflier

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I remember the "clicks" when I started flying kites. My bride and I would help unload and set-up, then folks sat in a circle and didn't include space for us to join 'em.  Some made and passed out breakfast while we watched 'em eat (after being invited to join on the invite)!  If I wanted to try out a kite "it was for sale", but not available w/o a monetary commitment.

Those actions had a profound impact on us and we swore if we ever got in a position to change it, WE WOULD!  I go out of my way to greet and include folks, whether new or old acquaintances.  I share my kites, water and lunches to make you feel equal and included in our local club.

Blow us off a couple of times though and we get it, (we don't matter to you), so next time we'll walk right by with just the slightest head nod of acknowledgment, but we ain't stopping to share our time or conversational wit.  Barbara and I are too old to fight, the easier path is to just keep going right on past the controversies. 

The friendly ones are those willing to share, the "clickers" have reasons that make sense to them.  Most kiter folks are in fact great and the ones that we don't approve of will eventually figure it out.  There's a significant list of individuals we simply can't support financially anymore (for travel, equipment, materials or consultation) because of their outrageous exclusive past actions. 

Treat people exactly how you'd like to be yourself and there's no reason we can't all get along on the field together.

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