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  2. Congrats Andybenson. Enjoy your winning, my friend. 👍
  3. Our newest member... 1773 - @Jim Desrosiers Current subscriber count, 339.
  4. Hi All, I am looking to sell a couple of MEFM kites. I have one MEFM that was purchased in Newport, OR back in 1994-95 that has been flow a half-dozen times or so. Fantastic kite, but getting older and now living in an area where it is challenging to find the good, steady winds that I use to experience on the Oregon coast. I also have one MEFM Australian that was purchased in 2008 in Newport, OR and has never been out of the wrapper. Regards, Bill Rice
  5. Earlier
  6. That seems awfully heavy for the size of the kite. Given enough wind and a proper bridle it can probably fly. As for the rest, apart from a few basic equations for angle and surface area, even NASA kite sails have an experimentally determined value, basically they fly the kite and measure whatever it really is.
  7. I just bought 6 Rainbow stunt kites still in its tube . But it doesn't ha e any instructions on how to assemble. Does anybody have a copy of the instructions? Thank you
  8. I have a kite that is framed with Dynamic tubes. It is not broken (yet) but I am curious if replacement tubes are available. Is there any source for dynamic carbon tubes in the US? Or can they be replaced with Skyshark? In the latter case, is there a cross reference table between Dynamic and Skyshark?
  9. Unveiled, Meshelle Sharples and I (Windfall) flying our new indoor pairs routine with Zen Gliders, Kaijus and Djinndoors - single, dual and quad line in sequence. 💦🤜❤️🤛🔥 Thanks to Fortuna Found for capturing all the videos!
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  10. Sounds about right. There are coatings that can be applied, with risks that come with it. Personally, I wouldn't bother with anything more than the coatings that come on fabrics. The risks of getting sticky, tacky, stiff, or yellowing are worse to my mind than the effect of fading due to age. Of course, I also have a small stock of Icarex / PC31 fabric that is coated, and UV-treated thread. Many kites are built from the stuff, but some are not. Ultimately kites are meant to be flown. Fly it, love it, let it get the UV damage from sunlight, damage from flapping in the wind, and when it's eventually battered and weathered and worn, retire it. If you're flying it enough that it is damaged due to wear and sunlight that means it's a well loved kite.
  11. Being laid off from my job is forcing me to dip into my large Prism kite collection, most of what I have are classic and discontinued. This is the first one up. A Prism Nexus 5-stack, rainbow. Flown maybe 2-3 times. Comes with original Prism dual configuration bag: either store stack assembled and flat, or as a roll with kites broken down. Fairly easy to assemble (just larks head lead lines to short leads on next kite) See photo for example of both storage options (2 rolled are in bag slots). Stack is shipped with pack rolled. Price is $250 (includes shipping to continental US) plus whatever shipping would be to location (to be computed prior to completion of sale). Payment by PayPal preferred. Please feel free to reach out with any questions. Comes with lines, wrist straps and tails (which really is the fun part). Condition is like new.
  12. FUGGETTABOUT THIS COLD AND SNOW! Mark your calendars! Fun for all ages. April 27, 2015. 5th Annual Archangel Gabriel Kite Festival at Youthtowne in Clinton, PA just two miles from the Pittsburgh International Airport just outside Pittsburgh. https://archangelgabrielparish.org/kite
  13. tley

    Stacking kites

    Thanks for the tips
  14. Hi looking for a mid to larger size Cody kite. Please let me know if you have one you want to sell. Thanks.
  15. i can measure mine for you if your still needing the length
  16. Could be a fraudulent account? The guy in the profile pic looks nothing like Santa Claus. 😁
  17. ⁷feel free to contact me this kite is approx 120" huge 6
  18. That's a wonderful description Mr Voodoo (Dave?)! Thanks for taking the time to post the photo too, you gave me a palette I didn't know I had. Now if Austin would just get some wind!
  19. Hello! I am posting an old video of mine, per John B's request (thanks man! 🙏). Las Vegas, NV is a very special place to fly kites of all kinds. I miss flying (and living) there, partly because of parks like the one featured in this video. I was "shoo-ed" away by park security from flying near the butterfly and flower fixtures due to their canvas sails.. In the end I received special permission from the city to make this video. ALWAYS be respectful when Urban Flying! 🤙
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  20. I will this evening! Thanks John. I'm so happy to support Kite Life all these years.
  21. willmow

    What kite?

    Hello friends. What kind of kite is this, and have I got the cross-spars right?Tx
  22. In the strapline to this General Sport Kite forum ("For any sport kite topic that doesn't fit into one of the listed forums, you have free reign here... Challenge the panel!"), reign should be spelt rein. 😉
  23. Just saying hello, am in Brisbane Australia have had been flying since back in the 90s, had some duals and some traction kites then, did some kite surfing but kind of went away to do other things and only had a Benson Gemeni that I flew very occasionally in the last decade or so. Got a few days of flying in about six months ago and have caught the kiting bug again. Picked up a exp rev and wanted to get some tips for it for the forum. Heard about some tuning tips on the sport kite podcast where John B said he could even tune a exp so seeing if I can glean some of that from this site. Just making some leader lines now from shoe laces. Now to go test it Thanks
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  24. If you are still interested in Cody kite construction information, I may be able to help you. I am also interested in building a Cody and have collected some useful information. I hope to get started soon. I am currently building a Navy Dove.
  25. Also make sure they are proper Sky Delight Joel Scholz kites and not the licensed GFAK ones......huge difference. I still have one JS Neptune (dualie) and one single line Parrot left from the stash....lol. The Parrot is decorating part of a wall in my music studio nowadaze...;) I used to have a matching pair of Neptune’s for two at once flying, and a Jaws 2 to fly with the one I’ve kept. They were a few years apart so didn’t quite match like the other’s. So many great kites.....Kestrel, Luna Moth, Hummingbird, and that’s just some of the dualies. Many wonderful “critter” single liners as well..... The late great Ray Bethell turned me onto JS kites as he flew 3 Kestrels at once, and I knew another fellow who had a Luna Moth ul.......yoweeeeeee!! bt
  26. Got 5 make offer 515 351 1662 call
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