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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Drum roll please... The winner of this great prize is: Gary MacEachern - Subscriber #42 Congratulations Gary!! Our new prizes will be announced in the next couple days.
  2. Hello all, I just received this email from a young man in Korea, and thought it best to elicit help here since I am not a kite builder. hi my name is Preston Kim. i am sophomore in highschool. I happen to do a science fair about kites. with a title "how does shape of kites affect its flight" I have 2 different korean kites, I need a way to measure the 'affect' on kites' flight can you help me please? I will compile and forward any information that might be posted here or emailed to me on this topic... Thanks in advance!
  3. Winds were fairly light, but we ran into 3/4 of the old Cyborg crew (it was Thursday after all)... Ran the Dream Ticket through it's paces a bit, even managed to get the kite to roll up - just couldn't keep it there. EVERYONE: Weather permitting, we'll be at West Delta Park tomorrow from around 12pm to 5pm... If you take the "Expo Center" MAX line, it lets you off all of 800 feet from the field (you can see the kites as you pull up).
  4. The site search script that we had just implemented a week or so ago was giving us trouble, and has been removed. We're in the process of researching a new one, but it may be 2-3 weeks before we get to it since there are other projects that are first in line. *snip*/search/search2.htm is NOT a suitable search engine, and is likely not working. Thanks for your patience.
  5. Right on with your outlook Doug... Delta Park is about 800 feet from Interstate 5, between Jantzen Beach and Portland... On an average day, the amount of traffic passing back and forth is incredible. If we can get a regular combo of sport kite fliers and single line displays in the sky, the spill off from the highway will be very significant. I'm in the process now of securing a few Beetles to keep in my bag for giveaways, whenever someone stops to watch and has even the slightest glow in their eye. We are looking at the eve of an evolution in kiting... A chance to change the way that we approach it, and it can only be done from the grassroots level in order to set a new standard for the industry and organizations that have long suffered from stagnancy. You and I, metaphorically, are the only ones that can effect this.
  6. We'd sure love to have a report and photos from the event for all of us who missed it this year... Shake the trees, see if someone is willing to share their experiences.
  7. Well, I did committ 100% of my time to Kitelife and it's surrounding projects beginning in February of this year... With the character quality that is so important to inject into what we're doing, I thought it best to not dilute my time and attitude with working for someone else. It's been very empowering, and my days are full for sure. With Geezer coming down from Washington to work in-house as my assistant editor, things have just been getting better and better... Nice to have someone covering the bases when I'm away at festivals or otherwise detained. For those that are curious, here is what I'm up to in 2005: Bi-monthly issues of Kitelife Republishing (scan, ocr, format) Kite Lines magazine Writing routines for, flying on, and training a sport kite team locally Active participation as a member of the AKA Sport Kite Committee Individual comps... Ballet and precision, dual and quad both, as well as freestyle and hot tricks. Travel to roughly 12 events around the country this year Daily Kitelife updates from 5 kite festivals I wouldn't have it any other way... After years, I'm finally in a position to give something back for all the best years of my life that kiting has given me.
  8. Oh boy... The old days indeed! Freestyle huh? They of course called it Innovative back then. So you you saw me at my worst... I was woken up 15 minutes before I had to fly my big bad wolf routine, nothing like wearing a rubber mask with a horrible hangover.
  9. I have my work cut out for me... This year will see me entering dual line precision and ballet, quad line precision and ballet, as well as freestyle and team! Now to see if I can remember how to do it all.
  10. I'm not going there... Too much on my plate. You can however reach him here: bigjon(at)aol(dot)com
  11. Jon is here at KTAI... The shop will be closed on the 31st. There will be no affiliation with Guildworks, unreconciable conflict.
  12. I'll get the good news out tomorrow night... But in a few minutes, we'll have a bonus day of updates on line from today!
  13. I'm at the KTAI show in Nevada at the moment... I'll be sure to relocate those that need it upon my return.
  14. Tell me where you are, and I'll happily move it. Not sure why it wandered.
  15. Check it out, leave your mark on the world! http://www.kitelife.com/guestbook
  16. I heartily agree... I don't know that we'll see such a unique and expansive indoor flying space again, at least until/if we return to Dayton!
  17. My plane ticket has me arriving on 2/10 and departing on 2/14. Party on!! Party on!! Party on!!
  18. Manhattan Beach, California (greater Los Angeles)... February 12-13. Info at - http://www.kiteconnection.com
  19. Spring '93 American Kite Magazine... Page 53. Fond memories indeed! I literally grew up in the sport, starting as a competitor at the age of 15, through a number of roles, up to now (age 29)... Kiting is truly my family, and it seems like the least I can do for all the years I've enjoyed. Don't know if you caught the news, we'll also be publishing every issue of Kite Lines to the web starting sometime next month! 50 issues, 13 volumes, from 1977 to 2000. Simply amazing project. Once we have both of these magazines settled in, we'll start looking at American Kite Magazine, Drachen, Kite Passion and others... Projects like these are very much thanks to our official Kitelife Subscribers and advertisers.
  20. Ohhhh... My sides hurt from laughing too hard.
  21. Just keep checking on the daily updates! http://www.kitelife.com/archives/ktai05
  22. Yo, count me in.
  23. We've just added the top three winners from the 2003 AKA Grand Nationals to our competition video section! http://www.kitelife.com/videos
  24. Courtesy of Corey Jensen... No need to make “a run out there” as the lakebed starts just behind the hotels. Besides, it is all wet. Rained last week. Then again yesterday – all day. Supposed to again today, but not yet. Then another storm scheduled for Friday. If conditions permit, I like to offer something for the folks who have traveled so far to get here. This time of year is usually pretty calm, so it’s only because the KTAI is here. This is NOT sbbb. That event (now renamed North American Buggy Expo – NABX) is coming the end of March. Their web site is http://www.nabx.net Per my upcoming trip to KTAI, I sent him an inquiry.
  25. Boy, that's a tall order Mario... Ideal, but a tall order. We got quite few more years of evolution before you can count on the average human to behave with such consciousness and clarity.
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