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Everything posted by DTill

  1. Headiing to Pine Nursery now if your interested. I'll be the only one flying a quad.
  2. I have 4 yards of blue polyester ripstop from flymart and a yard each of white, black, grey and red texalon from flymart. Started cutting and piecing together some of the texalon, but the weave fibers are very wavy and the fabric has lots of memory. I cut a bunch of hexagons and 60°diamond pieces to do a M.C. Esherish transitions / tumbling blocks pattern out of the texalon. But it seems that the fabric has lots of memory and a kite built this way wouldn't fly worth a damn. Thinking about building a 2m Rok with the polyester as a 6 peice main sail and appliacing the pattern on top with the texalon. Big question is whether I should build in the traditional method of webbing and velcro for pockets or do it quad style and use bungis and caps? I won't fly this is as fighter, only to lift the 12ft. spiky ball I want to buy.
  3. I was there as well and festival was amazing. I only flew on the north side of the river. Was mainly on 30ft lines and like to move while I fly, flying a quad under and around everyone else was challenging but fun. I felt like part of the fest, like the random juggler walking through a fest. I had people that had never seen a quad start filming me, stating that they had never seen such precise control, then I drop a catch and throw and nail it! Poof minds blown. Flew some team with 2 other kitelifers after that farther down the beach. Good times.
  4. I'll back up Riff on the freilein vertigo. Flew one in Lincoln city and there quite nice.
  5. I had a hypnotist and it's a fairly heavy kite. Doesn't handle the lulls very well. I would look for a 3/4 sized light wind kite.This one weighs half of a hypnotist and is cheaper. ITW swift.https://intothewind.com/stunt-kites/light-wind-stunt-kites/itw-swift-light-wind-stunt-kite.html
  6. You just missed the Lincoln City kite fest last weekend. It was a great time and I got to fly team quads with some fellow kitelifers. I have a kymerra with an ultra lite frame in it, if you want to try it. I think thier still 50% off at Into the Wind? Or if you really want to start spending money there's always quads. I could meet you at Pine Nursery tomorrow afternoon, I have a kymera and a 4d, for duals and a full bag of quads. I don't hnow anyone else in town that flys regularly. The fairgrounds in Redmond has cleaner air and way less people. It's worth the drive.
  7. Thanks for the replys. I think I have some foam safe contact cement in the garage.
  8. Thats to bad. I bought some end caps from her at the Lincoln City indoor a while back. I'll find her at the Lincoln City summer fest. I 'll be at quad clinic this weekend. And at Lincoln city the next weekend
  9. Where is his shop. Driving from Bend to Long Beach on Friday. Want to stop by the kite shoppe on the way and say hi to Theresa.
  10. Aren't those solid stock aluminum. I'd prefer hollow stainless.
  11. Paul would fly this on a French bridle and magic sticks and just larkshead the lines to his thumb and Pinky and still out fly all of us.
  12. 17 views and no one has a comment? Come on people this is a forum! Interact please. Paul has to have a opinion on this.!!!?
  13. I have a set of Rev handles with the softer foam that got really wet and the adhesive tape lost it's grip and never re-adhered when they dried. Is this tape similar to golf grip tape? Wet and slide on. Can you use gorilla glue or will that mess up the grips? Buy some tennis racket/ road bike wrap. I have some cork grips, but they need some shaping.
  14. Looks great, nice work. Have you tried the diamonds technique to create a tumbling blocks pattern? I bought a 60° diamond quilting template and have cut some fabric. But I think there is a better way to aproach this than sewing diamonds together.
  15. Guess what time it is? Time to take apart a Pfaff time.👎👎 I never what to take apart a Pfaff. Although I'll probably learn how to time a Pfaff this week.
  16. So I've been having some issues with the pfaff. The bobbin timing doesn't seem to hold a set. One local store told me to trash to and buy a more modern machine. I'd like some opinions, does anyone need a 1222 parts machine? I'd rather fix it than part it out. Is it worth sending to brubacker`s sewing for a repair. Seems to be the Pfaff guy.https://brubakerssewing.com/welcome-2/parts-service/
  17. Yep, you can lock it. Thanks Riff.
  18. DTill


    I could use a kitelife patch or five, that wasn't a kid flying a single line.
  19. Probably not, these are bags for me. I wouldn't feel right selling them as a professionaly sewn bag. They are testing different designs to see what works. The cost of materials is about what you want to pay for a real bag. I've seen the Rev bags and there nice. But I can build one that works better for me. Your looking at almost 50-80$ it materials. The bags ive built the outer shell is 30$`a yard, then theres zippers, grossgrain, inner fabric, seat belt, basting tape. I would like to get them dialed enough to reproduce the same one over and over, but I know I'm a tinkerer and could never build two the same. That said, I'd trade the last bag for a B2. But then I'd just build a 2 sized kite and a bag for it. The rabbit hole is deep, I think I'll just keep cutting fabric and see what happens.
  20. Done and ready for quad clinic next month. Hopefully I can build another kite before then.
  21. Finished another one. This one is a little lighter and while essentially the same design as the last one I changed a few things. Overall dimensions are smaller, used a stiffer mesh for the pockets, 45ed the corners, the flap is a separate panel and I added a spot to clip my stake. I dig the red stitching and how the red flap looks when its rolled up. Just need to hem the webbing tails, stuff padding in the handle add make a shoulder strap.
  22. Rooms booked. Signed up. Will be camping down the beach until the summer fest.
  23. Looking into lodging for this, where exactly will it be? Want to get a room or campste in walking distance of the spot. I'm dialed on Oregon, but have never explored this part of Washington. Already have a room booked at the Sea gypsy for the following weekend in Lincoln city for the summer fest.
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