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The Kite Shoppe

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Everything posted by The Kite Shoppe

  1. Ditto, Scotty, Indoor, eh? Hey Rev, yes there are some flyers in the Albuquerque area. In fact, there is an annual festival in June there. John flew down for it this year. If you send me your e-mail, I could forward your e-mail on. Have fun! Theresa
  2. I make John's line sets any where from 100' to 125'. Also, he has approx 10' of leader line to add to the #1 position Shiva, which puts him at 135' on the 150#, 200# and 300# sets. Scott likes to fly his individuals at 131'. Also, depends on the field size! Theresa
  3. Congratulations Amy! We've missed you! Theresa
  4. Here's an update we just received from Lee and Debbie. Wanted to share this with everyone! Anybody near Duluth, Georgia? Hope you get a chance to see them perform! Theresa
  5. Planning on this Thursday for TKS Mid Air practice at West Delta Park. One more time to run through the routine before heading off to AKA Nationals! AURRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGG!!!! Go Team!!!!! There's even a rumor of a potuck BBQ??? T
  6. The Kite Shoppe will be there!! As well as our 2 teams, TKS Mid Air and TKS Team Genesis! Probably pull in late afternoon sometime. See you all there! Theresa
  7. Hey Moon, Scott, Sierra and I will be at DP Sunday. Todd called, and he'll be there too. See you Sunday!! Kirstie, hope you all can make it too! Theresa
  8. Hear hear!! I second that!! Welcome Wynne!! See you soon at Seaside! Theresa
  9. Have fun! We sure missed hanging with you earlier in the week! Todd will be adding one more Sea Devil to the skies!! Thank you again Todd!! Say hi to everyone for us!! Wish we were still there! T
  10. I think he got some shots of the Arch on Monday morning. After the Pepsi truck.........
  11. Yes, and then there's that 'other' Kite Shoppe, Dennis We carry a wide range of indoor choices, in fact, we have a full wall dedicated to indoor kites! The Wren is one of the most popular choices for under $100. Also the Dini. As Todd mentions.....then there's the V.I.P! Have fun flying!
  12. Yep...Just renewed for another year! And it was toooooooooooooo easy!! If you pay with PayPal, it does it automaticaly! If you have any questions about signing up or paying through PayPal, I'm SURE John would be more than happy to point you in the right direction!! Enjoy!! Theresa
  13. Hi Penny! We will be going to Ocean Shores the weekend before WSIKF. Oh...that would be THIS weekend! To get a hold of Eli....you can call Brian or Heather at Windzup. Don't have their number in front of me, but John has their logo/ad on the Kitelife main page. Have fun!! Theresa
  14. OK, so who's all going?? Theresa
  15. Well said John! The volume of visitors to the site is phenomenal! (I think our membership is due for renewal soon? ) For pennies a day, subscribers have access to so much! How can anyone NOT be part of helping to sustain and grow this passion? Come on everybody......click to Subscribe!! Theresa
  16. All is well! Obsession all better now! Theresa
  17. Yes, you have all registered now Can I count you in for some Indoor too? We are looking forward to it! Thank you for the update, Ron. TKS Mid Air will be there!! When and where is the indoor going to be at? See you all Friday, in BC! Theresa ps...Todd next time, OK?
  18. Like You!! By the way...How's Brookings?? We miss you!! Have a safe trip home!! T
  19. We fly at West Delta Park as often as we can. Sometimes 2, 3 or 4 times a week. Wide open, easy access, lots of parking, lots of room. John has a detailed Google map made up here. Sunday's at noon, till whenever, is the most consistant regular time to find folks out there flying. However, during the Comp Season, we're on the beach just about every other weekend. The rest of the time, it all depends on who's doing what when and where. Like today, Saturday at 2:00ish.....John is missing in action, having fun down in Brookings! Anytime is a good time to get out there! You never know who just may have had the same thought! So grab your kite bag and get there! Theresa
  20. Seems so long ago that we were all at Deb and Ken's and Lam cooked dinner!! Yummmmm!! We have a date that was presented to the School board...just haven't been able to 100% confirm it with them as yet. Hopefully, soon. If the location is a go, it will be Nov 11, 12th and 13th. What date are you thinking of?? Thanks! Theresa
  21. I didn't get a go on it either Bill. Brought one home with us, but Scott sold it today....guess we'll have to wait till Carl sends us some more. Or just borrow John's in the meantime! It was a pleasure having Carl join us in Long Beach! Great guy! And he didn't even mind sleeping on the couch! What a trooper! Theresa
  22. A white plastic spoon?
  23. I think this would be a great article for someone to research and write something up for John to add to one of the Kitelife issues. We are constantly checking the wind/rain conditions on line, prior to flying. Thank you for the link suggestion! Something that was intersting yesterday at WSKC, was...even though the wind was measured by the judges....holding the meter up at arms length......there where HUGE variances higher up at 80 to 100 feet....and also at ground level passes. The kites were ALL set up for high wind. Tremendous power and speed (and turbulances) higher up in the window, yet when they would come down for a ground pass, or landing, you could definitely see the loss of power and 'lufting'. A lot of botched landings...as the kites came down, under FULL power....then hit that lower wind at ground level. Wind 100 feet may have been at least 25 to 30mph. Yet at ground level was maybe 15 to 18mph. Theresa
  24. OK John....what happened to Thursday? It was about 10pm when Scott and I left last night......How late did you keep Dave out???? T
  25. Hi Doug, Yes, Sunset Beach, 8 miles north of Seaside....or....8 miles south of Warrenton....or there abouts! We'll get down there Sunday.....thought we were going Saturday........but if we go Sunday, we can bring John home...as he's riding down with Heather and Brian from Windzup. I may even try the buggy out......not sure about the board though.....I'll leave that to Scott! I flew the 3m Fury tonight at Delta Park! Scott was on the 5m Riot! They brought all kinds of cool stuff to try out. Should be a great weekend! Hope to see you after fishing! We've got your medal in the car. Theresa
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