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The Kite Shoppe

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Everything posted by The Kite Shoppe

  1. What...no topic for this huge happening!! As I start my umpteenth list of 'to do's' to get done before Saturday, I'm wondering who else is as scattered and scrambling as me! I know John is, as he scrambles to get ready to push that publish button for the 50th issue of Kitelife on the 1st. Who else is going to Iowa? And how are you packing? Roll up bags? Hard case? Carry on stuff? No liquids, unless it's purchased passed the security check point. Thanks to the Genesis boys for packing my extra banner poles with their stuff! Thank you guys! Now I don't have to check a long bag. For mass ascension, I'm sure I can find somebody I could borrow a sport kite from I have a mini rok, a soft, and a cell...borrow a sport kite....shoot...what was the fifth? Must be on one of my lists I can't find. Oh...and review the field director duties.... Now to go start another list...... Who's all going? T
  2. Thank you for doing this Steve! It was so much fun, sitting around the camp site at night and watching the videos! I think we kept the racoons awake though Thanks again! T
  3. Scott must have ESP. Just after I made that post, he called me this morning He's so pumped and excited about kiting! Now I can't remember the web site he told me to check out. John, what's the www. tropic site? For Antigua? T
  4. Recreational? Serious recreational? Serious recreational flyer? Serious recreational Rev flyer? he he..... T
  5. You're right Penny, it falls during AKA Nationals week Otherwise, I would go to Ann Arbor too! I think you mean Scotty Weider? Sounds like a great event for a great cause! Have fun!! T
  6. I am submitting the AKA Sanctioning papers today to AKA! Thanks to Bud and Linda Hayes, this event is off the ground and flying! More info will follow as we nail down the details. For now, it looks like we will have open gym time Friday evening the 3rd of Nov, open gym time Sat the 4th for playing, demos, and a full blown AKA Sanctioned Competition (9 flyers expressed being there so far) and a Hot tricks. Sunday, more open floor time, demos, and being tossed around is the idea of an additional Comp. Yep, two in the same weekend. Either both added...or as Bud explained it to me...use one or the other as a 'Mulligan'. Check back for more details please. Also...please post if you are interested and plan on attending. It will certainly help us know who's interested! Thanks! Theresa
  7. German asked me to send 4 to Bogota.....they should be there very soon! Theresa
  8. Bump for a reminder!! John, it says 10 a.m. T
  9. Cool Tristan! But you better slip a monkey in there real quick like, before he notices T
  10. Thanks John! Next step....I e-mailed my travel bud, and asked him if he has the time to fix it. He had the original data base when www.wmowners.com split off from tks and flew on their own And a BIG thanks to Dave (geezer) and Jay today!! I'm now re-routed at the shoppe!
  11. Oooooo....that's good one! LOL! Theresa
  12. Or...just come out and fly at Delta Park
  13. JOHN!! Help!! Do you know why the link Jim posted to TKS forum is not working? T
  14. I hope to change his mind on that this winter.....but for now, nope, no more being made. Yep......ONE in stock.....which he made at The Kite Shoppe T
  15. Gosh, now why didn't I think about that? LOL! Nope....don't have any for retail sale...shoot...missed opportunity, eh? LOL! John did have the foresight to have an extra sweatshirt at WSIKF, asked the iQuad team to autograph it, and then the team donated it to the Saturday night auction with the $$ going to the Kite Museum. I don't remember how much it went for? Anybody remember? T
  16. Here's the link: http://www.cafepress.com/kitelife/1468529 Theresa
  17. JD will have my Sea Devil board that Lam made for me, at Seaside. You can see it there if you like. Basically, you put nails in the board, put the loops of the legs of the bridle over the nails, and mark the lengths and knots on the board. This way, the nails hold the lengths of the bridle, and you can pull the bridle material taut, to line up with the marks, to make your knots and lengths consistant. Theresa ps...JD...did you get you new bridles made yet?
  18. Welcome to Kite flying! Great family sport, lots of fun, great people you will meet, and all in all just a blast! Have fun! Looking forward to hearing more Theresa
  19. Thanks John, for pointing me in the right direction to get my new iQuad sweatshirt and t shirt. I just got an e-mail notification from Cafe Press that my stuff was shipped. I just might have it by the time we go to Seaside! You are awesome! And quick....he he... T
  20. OK! Thanks for the clarification Have fun!! Theresa
  21. After all that fantastic WSIKF coverage and daily updates and exposure for Kite Life, I hope more folks considered subscribing! Great coverage by Kite Life and the Kite Life team! Thank you Dave (Geezer) and John! Theresa
  22. Good for you Tristan! I was wondering when you would jump in there See you at Seaside! Theresa
  23. OK... I'm confused...so thought I'd ask a question..... I know folks switch a lot of the tubes around for the 1.5.....but.... The 2 wrap 1.5 says Professional on it, the 3 wrap says Ultralight, and the 4 wrap is Equipped. Are you saying you got a frame that would have been for an EXP, and put it in your 1.5? Thanks! Theresa
  24. Lee, I actually use bridle line as the 'sleeving' on everything under 150# lines. Bridle line is available in lots of different colors. Red, Black, grey and hi-vis yellow are the most common colors I stock. Theresa
  25. Off the cuff, John can improvise. I've seen him fly a dual line in a parking lot, using a light pole instead of the dog stake. Stopped people in their tracks, trying to figure out what the heck he was doing. One guy was in his 18 wheeler rig, got out and came over for a chat. Darndest thing he'd ever seen. T
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