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Everything posted by Dean750

  1. Guess I should put the addy on there if it's going to be helpful http://en.eolo.com/kite-tutorials/ Dean
  2. Heres another tutorial I've found. Really good for explaining the trick and showing what the kite is doing. Think it'll be very helpful to us all. Found this because I can't get most of Randy G's videos to load. Dean
  3. Maybe we should get a fund going for Dean so he could come to the clinic if it happens. well it's a thought anyway. And I keep hearing it's the thought that counts. Dean
  4. Dean750

    Back Spin

    WOOOOO-HOOOOO I got a back spin from the fade!!!!!!!!! Just once, but I did it. Man it's pretty with the MEFM. I was in the third rung of a cascade, pointing to the right, popped the left line for the next half axle and as soon as the nose started to point away from me I gave a quick pop and continued to pull with the right hand which flipped the kite into fade and then spun twice for a back spin to single tip stand landing. I felt so cool. Dean
  5. So what if all the friends got together and bought something that would be around for a long time that would fly in most winds and allow you to progress in your flying. Sorry, I hate recieving gifts myself. But anymore I'm like, "well if you want, just do it right and make it worth it." Besides, nothing like having friends to fly with. With the right kite you could all get into it and you'd have your own club. Course eventually, you'd have to tell them to go buy their own kites. Just a random thought. Sorry, I do that from time to time. Dean
  6. Dean750

    Trick Id

    Oops, fade, 180 back spin to back flip 180 lazy susan to fade. Thats what I meant. Darn typos Dean
  7. Dean750

    Trick Id

    From a fade with a 180 back spin, to the flip back to fade over and over, what is it? The Jacobs Ladder has a barrel roll kinda recovery before the half lazy susan. Is there a difference or is it the same thing? Dean
  8. Dean750

    Back Spin

    Thats cool. I've always enjoyed Rev flying. But one day we didn't have enough 150# line to go around for all our kites that we threw up and my Rev lines were used. 30+ mph winds even on a 6 ft Prism Ion cause a little stretch. That was pretty much the end of fun with my Rev 1. Dual line has always been an idividual kind of challenge. One that I've not mastered. I believe Rev flying would be a serious BLAST in a team format. But since I'm the only one in this area that really fly's I try to be the best I can be with what I've got. Rev's are like riding a bike, once you figure out the control, it only takes a second to get it back over a period of time. Or so I've learned in my forced 8 year lay off. Stretched lines and all Dean
  9. Dean750

    Back Spin

    BTW Barresi, When if EVER was your flying dual line not up to speed. I won't say it again, but I know you either started it, or learned it real quick. Dean
  10. Dean750

    Back Spin

    For some reason I can only get one or two of those vids to play. Normally I can view anything till I try watching the turorials by Randy. The R-Sky kites also seem to fly a bit different than my MEFM. John, are you going to be in Lincoln City this month? Maybe you could try my M and see if you can get it. Tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm so happy, Warren McIntoch, the new maker of the MEFM is working with me to get new sails. Looking forward to competing here pretty soon. Dean
  11. Dean750

    Back Spin

    This is a good high quality video of the jacobs ladder. Just a thought if the back spin is getting frustrating as it is with me. Dean
  12. Well thats one way to vent a kite I guess. Crap happens, I'm sure they can patch it. Seems like it's 2 pieces of sail material with sticky on one side and they sandwich the hole in between. Wish I had a picture of my fathers center panel on his MEFM when we had our refueling accident. I'm sure it'd make you feel better. The kite on my posts is my fathers M. The black V panel is what it took the Kite maker to fix the hole. Dean
  13. Dean750

    Back Spin

    I haven't been able to get it to spin from the fade either. But you know, when the kite rolls over to recover, if you step forward and throw your arms out, the kite should flop onto it's back. Pull one or the other line and move forward for the half lazy susan, when the nose is pointing at you pop both lines to get back into the fade. first rung of the jacobs ladder. I keep trying to get the spinning fade and finally realized in screwing it up I was setting up something else. Dean
  14. They copied someone elses design and complain that people wouldn't recomend their product cause it sucks in compairison to the original? Thats pretty tarded, but if Revolution doesn't have a patent and this person copied the design, how can he report you or even threaten legal action? Does he have a paten? PPL are funny sometimes. I think I'd have told him to sit on his thumb. Clearly his message was a typo. Dean
  15. Jon, just because it's an UL, doesn't mean fragile. LOL, I've broke a few rods, but have never ripped the sail. Also, with the UL your normally flying in lighter wind. So crashing isn't like eating it in high wind. Cost can be an issue. But like anything else, you get what you pay for. I've basically flown one kite for 11 years and I still haven't learned to do everthing the kite can do. I've got a total of 9 kites. They all have they're own thing they do well. But my UL's are the ones who see the most sky and are the most fun to fly. The UL we have been yakin about in here are pretty much all Compition level kites. Dean
  16. If I hadn't been in a death relatied car accident, and I could get video, I'm sure the original Big Easy M.E.F.M. would be a great show too. Other than a yo-yo, I can't think of a trick that isn't possible. I guess we'll find out at the Lincoln City kite festival. If Barresi can make it anyway. If he's never flown one, he'll get the chance on that Saturday. I'm sorry, I've hit the middle bottom of depression. Dean
  17. I haven't been able to fly for a while. I'm starting to break the rust off. Unfortunatly, only my MEFM is flyable at the moment. Have to replace 3 rods in my fathers. And since the accident and surgery I can't move my left wrist like I could before. Noticed this Friday when I tried my dual Prism Ions on my 10" Rev handles. Today I put my MEFM up on a Rev handle and switched back and forth. I have come to the conclusion that my current SHORT Rev handles don't have the throw I need to please myself. The Ions take to much input (like 6 to 8") to turn or you over control and they flop and die for the most part. And thier just too fast with enough wind to fly them together. The MEFM's are a different story though. I'd still rather have a longer throw on the handles. So I guess I gotta come up with an idea for handles. I wanna trick with two kites and make angle turns not just looped loops. LOL, bit of a perfectionist I am, I am. Would be kick ass I think to get at least 2 ppl, 4 kites together flying as a team competing with the pairs and team classes. It's just getting my handles made and being able to prove that cascades, flic flacs, flat spins, jacobs ladder, roto fades, ground work, tip stabs etc.... can all be done one handed. (Most of it is easier one handed. Well, what I remember from flying my X4I's indoors anyway.) So just as soon as I can come up with $45 I'll get to work and let you know. Maybe a team could be in the future. Dean
  18. Dean750

    Back Spin

    Cool, I'll have to try letting the nose rising in the fade before I start the rotation. Thanks for the tips. I'll get it eventually. On a good note though... since trying the spinning fade usually ends up with a recovery instead, I'm almost getting consistant stepping forward into a back flip then getting the half lazy susan. Before you know it maybe Jacobs Ladder will become consistant. Screw up on trick and learn another. Funny how that works. Did a bad slot machine and got a single Comet I learned the slot machine on a tip stand. (Dodd Gross Flight School) Doing it in the air is alot harder than I thought it would be. Wish I had a VHS so I could watch that again. Keep the tips coming. Most of us could use them Dean
  19. Not having anything more than a walkman at the moment, with no tapes, hmmmmmmm The radio? Talk about a challenge. Just about every tune has a different tempo. From one, to the other is a completly different sound. Sure is a challenge to fly gracefully and trick a just the right time to make yourself go WOO HOO that was cool. Just to many commercials Get into a groove and then 5 minutes of commercials. Anyway.... Chevelle, Hinder, Seether, POD, Godsmack, Deftones, Puddle of Mud, Stereo Mud, Tantric etc... Sting, Rod Stewert, Phil Collins, Men at Work, etc... Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, Iron Butterfly, The Doors, Zepplin, etc... Enya, Mazzy Star, Celtic Woman, Dido. Theres more, but I guess since the wind speed and cosistancy make my flying mood, it also chooses my music when I can listen to what I want. Dean
  20. Who, if anyone knows who I would have to contact in Lincoln City, Oregon to find out how to get a CITY to put on an event such as a kite festival? Albany Oregon, if the city was involved could potentally put up a 48000 sq ft with no colums with 25 and a half foot ceiling and recessed lighting place for an indoor festival. Ideal to get the city involved to save rental costs for such a thing. Otherwise it's 200 dollars per 8 hrs to rent the boys and girls club. No Idea on ceiling height, but 2 and a half bball courts across minimum. Dean
  21. I think the Fearless SUL is the one catching my eye for the winds I have around here. But with a 1 to 8 mph wind range???? Need I say anymore? Not saying that I won't eventually spend that much for a kite being as experienced as I am, but right now I wouldn't. The Nirvana looks nice to, and it's definatly trickable thanks to Randy G, Blue Moon's Mantis UL looks nice for that matter. Counting down in price. Plus I can custom create my own sail from their template. I want to stay away from Prism, just because I already own 3 and now a day's they all feel HEAVY. lol, CRYING, my Illusion was my kite of choice for trickin over the M. The more advanced things I wanna do require a good POP on the line. The M isn't all that fragile and I've broken 3 leading edge rods in the last week. Granted, an 11 year old kite with no string infused packing tape around the fitting portion of the rod is going to wear through in about 2000 hours of flying time.... but still I'm VERY picky as to what I'm going to fly and compete with (soon), and I can't afford 4 to 5 kites. Thats what was so nice about the MEFM before you all went out and learned all this new stuff LMFAO, Thanks for making kiting fun again though. Dean
  22. Your right WindOfChange, the Quantum is less than a hundred bucks. Wouldn't Prism think about being more cost effective with out those clips. What were they thinking? They're better than that. Dean
  23. Thank you Dan for the advice. I really like the looks of the R-Sky series. They certainly look like they do everything I'd want them to do. There are so many kites out there now compared to when I first started to consider. R-Sky, Blue Moon, Prism, Sky Sports, MEFM, Benson Kites, Skyburner Kites, Level One, etc., etc. I'm going nuts trying to make up my mind. If I can get an MEFM with a roll cage, or at least yo-yo stoppers I might stick with what I know. But we'll see what my Illusion is like with yo-yo stoppers before I make up my mind. At any rate I've got time to think so keep the advice and idea's coming. I'm taking it all into consideration. Thank you Dean
  24. Definatley learn to fly the Quads outdoors first. I flew a Synergy Deca at the one WSIKF I went too. At the time I was there no one was flying a Rev that day. Jeff Howard had the floor and brought the whole gym to a stop when I set my Synchro up. Something about it being the bench mark for indoor kites at the time. I had been flying indoors for a while to that point. But boy was I happy to finally have a pro (Mr. Howard) help me get the Synchro tuned. Now on to the challenge of flying Rev's indoors. Keep the vids coming Mr. Watty. Your an inspiration to those with dreams. Thank you, Dean
  25. I'm working on it Penny. Theres the Boys and Girls club gyms to rent if need be at about 200 dollars per 8 hours. I don't know how much the Expo center will cost if anything. Thats something to talk to the visitor ppl about. I'm working on that whole balloon thing. The Expo center is a whoopin 48000 sq ft with no collums of any kind by 25 and a half foot ceilings with recessed lighting. That sounds like the best place if possible. I'm thinking it COULD be a worlds largest kinda thing. Who wouldn't want something like that? Dean
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