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Reef Runner

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Everything posted by Reef Runner

  1. Wishing for Summer Sun, Warm Sand, and Easterly Winds !!

  2. Well, I've been there twice, but, every time I get there, "nobody's home", so I've still never experienced the "live chat". I'm beginning to wonder if people know when you are coming ?
  3. Wish I could sit in on one of your sessions !
  4. Hey Rob, thanks for the encourging words on Win 7. Actually the Lenovo T-400, that I have been using for the last five years, was ordered with a XP downgrade, and as you mentioned, I had to pay extra, to avoid it from coming with Vista. At least, I'm getting to skip that one. My wife's been fighting with Vista for several years now (it's always a bad experience). I know that I'll eventually figure it out (Win7), and I do realize, that it's probably time for me to make a change, but I know one thing for sure, I don't want anything to do with Win8. I'm just not into all that "wiping & swiping" stuff, on the screen. I would still think that it is going to be an ordeal, to change over all the XP based units, that are out in industry, as of today. I may need to keep an open PM going with you, until I get my feet on the ground, with the new unit (T-430). Oh, and the change over will also transition me from a 32 bit machine, to 64 bit. I'm sure it will all be interesting. At least I don't have a lot of hair to pull out, at this point.
  5. Yep, coming from XP Pro, to Win 7 Pro...........I'm hoping also, that it will be a good thing.......... My wife has Vista, and that too, was, and has been, a nightmare, for the last 3 - 4 years........ I suppose what I don't understand, is why an individual, can't get a new computer, with Win XP Pro. A lot of industry, is still locked in on XP, and I suppose that's why Microsoft, hasn't completely abandoned it, so why can't we (the general public) get it ? It's a good, stable OS, so why dump it ? Oh well, just a bit of venting...........I'll get over it !
  6. All I can say, is back-up, back-up, back-up. Make sure that you keep important stuff, backed-up (I'm sure you do). Actually, I "COPY" (rather than backing up), to another computer (my old desktop), and also to a stand-alone hard drive. So, it's not that I lost anything, other than my "security blanket"..........I'm just not happy going to Windows 7 Pro, and I'm surely not going to Win 8 (a.k.a. NIGHTMARE !), but I'll get switched over, sooner or later. Gotta get a computer first (it's on order)
  7. Reef Runner


    Very nice.........I like those colors.....
  8. Yep, yep........pretty typical, I'd say. Only problem, I'm only coming up on stage "1" (hate) , and that's still several weeks down the road !
  9. Thanks Wayne..........I'm NOT particularly looking forward to the change over.........
  10. Thanks Barton.....I just hate going through all the set-up, and getting everything like I want it, plus I've got to change operating systems, and that is the thing that I don't like the most............ I'll still be around, just not as quick to respond and join in............
  11. Reef Runner


    Yep, and here's the Kitelife link to them :: http://www.amazon.com/s/?tag=kitelifemagaz-20&link_code=wsw&_encoding=UTF-8&search-alias=aps&field-keywords=gill+sailing+gloves&Submit.x=12&Submit.y=14 John, I sent a PM to Txscout.........didn't know if it was ok to post here, but seeing as it is the Amazon/Kitelife link, I suppose it's ok, if not, feel free to remove it.......
  12. I don't know guys ! I'm having computer (laptop complete meltdown) problems right now. That's why I haven't been on the forum too much, in the last week. or so. I'm now, muddling my way through, using a 10+ year old, HP a620n Desktop. Dust is blowing out the air vents on the processor, every time I try something new, and it's like every time I get to doing something, I get some kind of message, to the effect, that I'm over-taxing the processor. This thing is panting right now, just doing this...........so I don't know about a chat room, besides, I've never been in a chat room before (ok, ok, gimme a break, I'm not into the whole social networking thing - don't even text). :ani_wallbash: What I am trying to do now, is shop for a new laptop. I'm completely lost without it, and boy, what a transition that is going to be.......so John, I feel your pain, concerning the back-up thing, dying on you. I do hope you can get that system righted. Anyway, if anyone can't get me, it's because I'm now only on-line, when I walk over to the desktop, and turn it on, and check for messages in my email. Before the meltdown, I had my laptop on 24/7, where ever I was............Sheesh!
  13. Hey Rob, What do you hang on the sled - a tail, a tube tail, multiple tails, or a drogue ? I've got a Gomberg Super Sled, with a 25' pennant tail, and that does great. I've also got a brand new ITW Ultrafoil 15, which hasn't seen the sky yet. I think they recommend a drogue for that, so I made a 3' drogue, and a 4' drogue, which can be used independently, or in tandem......but still haven't put any of it in the air yet...... Just curious ?
  14. Reef Runner


    3/4 would be perfect. You don't want full finger, because you won't be able to handle the knots, etc. PM sent........
  15. Reef Runner


    Sailing Gloves are great. Leather palms, no fingers.............(great for tying & un-tying knots, etc) That's what I've always used, when messing with the single line kites.... Just Google them up and order..........
  16. Very cool spot.........
  17. Yep, I agree............ I've had them all. Only got one 1.5 B-series, right now, and it's a mid-vent. No std, no full-vent, just a mid-vent. Sometime last year, I became a B2 convert, so now, I've got a set of them (see avatar photo). The one in the middle (red & gray), well, that's the mid-vent, and it is my go-to kite, these days.......... I likewise do most of my flying at the coast, and I fly the B2 mid-vent with 3-wraps. (race rods in the std & 4-wraps in the full vent)
  18. Sounds like a plan, for sure.......
  19. You must not have "sand spurs"........ (we call them porcupine eggs)
  20. WHOA is a good thing ! Sounds like you are getting deep into the B2 world.... My B2 mid, is my go to kite, now-a-days ! Nothing like a complete suite....... (just saying)
  21. Hey Scott, No doubt at all, JB could teach us all quite a bit, but you're doing pretty darn well yourself. Nice video. Great looking kite ! B U T T A H ! (and you melted it well)
  22. I told you >> that Vented B2, plus 10 to 15, equals "P U R E B U T T A H "
  23. Hey Howard....................Congratulations ! Enjoy !
  24. Yep, sorry !
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