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Everything posted by hyzakite

  1. Wow, 10pm and that drunk? Must of been a good eveing. Actually I meant through my own lines.
  2. Yes My own lines. I just think it's cool to drive the kite through its own lines, but its harder to untangle the lines.
  3. Good for you John! I love that video.
  4. I'll take your old beatin prism spine see you have no use for it! Really, just fly it!
  5. What I'm talkin bout!! It got me started! I Love that video! But I'm sure a neighbor down in Erie PA got someone else started! I remember getting into revs after that video, and because of it, I'm still playing the part of a kid! But! in tricks, and working on next, is there anyone driving their revs in and out of their linesets yet? Or is that not a trick, but just something stupid that one person might be doing? To me making the Statue of Liberty disappear by david copperfield is a trick/illusion. So really, what is a kite TRICK? I enjoy what I do, it's my old age kickin' in. I want to see someone drive a rev in and out of their line sets. I can drive in but I can't drive out. I don't mind the walk of shame, if you can call it that! I love the walk of shame more than most, I tried!
  6. That's a nice pic, a feel of freedom! I wish I was in the same boat! I have an EXP that I'm most proud of! I'll never fly it. On a lighter note, what about the Quantum kite spine?
  7. I gave up on dual line kites years ago, but always enjoyed watching what they can do. I can remember I was amazed by seeing by typing in Clover Point Silver Fox and watching a video over and over, to the Rolling Stones no less! Got into revs after knowing my body couldn't do those harsh movements. Even the quad line type stuff, my hands lost the feeling of different fingers, every time I try to use my fingers as index=forward, middle=neutral, ring=reverse the handle is gone and I do the walk of shame. I've talked about wrist straps for the handles as to not lose them. But a good grip on them makes me not drop a handle. Anyways, the trick I've been doing, trick? what's a trick? is it a trick? It's just a thing I'm trying to complete with my 4line kite/s. I've been driving the left side of the kite from high overhead up and over, slackline/dropping the kite, through the right top and right bottom lines, then bringing the kite back up through and undoing the tangle I made. I don't see videos of whatever it could be called. Must be something that shouldn't be done with a kite? Because I'm stronger at the top left to right, I'm not handling the going to the top from the right to left driving the kite back through to untangle, but that's something I'm working on/playing around with. No David Copperfield here! Just playing with my kite.
  8. I have a Premier Jumbo Power Sled 36 I may be parting with, it's a "Red Storm" I've only seen one in bing images other that the one I have. It can play tricks on the ol' eyeballs.
  9. Luckily my lawn is 14 acres, years ago I marked a spot in almost the middle of the lawn that is 600' in any direction from anything for the kite to land on. The bad thing is having to sit on the mower 14 hours a week. Anchors? Dog stakes work great for the smaller stuff, but earth anchors are ideal for the big stuff as they go in with my tractor and can stay there forever. My lawn is actually bigger than most kite festival areas.
  10. Pulleys would be nice to bring down the big sleds, but in reality, most big sleds will also have laundry connected to the line with biners, and I mean a bunch of 100' tails and other fun things connected from top to bottom each on its own biner. Captain Hook would have an easier time get the kite down because his hook can jump over the biners where a pulley can't. Once the kite is down disconnect it and pack it up, then disconnect the laundry and pack it up, finally pull up anchor and spool in the line. Maybe an idler pulley connected to a handle that you can reposition around each laundry connector. I'd go hand over hand before chancing having to stop with a hot biner on a strap.
  11. Yes this one is sold but there is one more unflown.
  12. I dove my quantum into blacktop years ago, I kept the splintered rod and just looked at it today, actually it's a white fiberglass rod with the carbon on the outside. My guess it that the rod bent so far it delaminated the outside skin down one side of the rod. If that's the case you might tape the splinters back around the rod and fly it in lighter wind while you're waiting for a replacement rod. But, if the white is shattered too, cut off the good stuff and stick a golf ball on the end and call it a stake or 3 stakes.
  13. Thanks, Larry, I used a usps triangle tube for shipping, Let us know the condition of the container when it arrives. Personally I've had some beatin' packages come my way.
  14. as with Wayne I would also get the vented for wider wind coverage. However, as far as flying the vented in lower wind spectrum of 6 to 7mph, I would go back to the standard sail. In buying a vented or mid-vent consider the 2wrap and 4wrap frames, it will cover your frame spectrum. I stop flying at 17mph with gusts with the extra vent and 4wrap frame. Higher steady winds over 20mph is just uncomfortable for me. Remember, you can put the 3wrap and race frame leading edge in together to tame some of that 10+mph wind down while you're coming up with a second choice mid or vented kite. Your kite may feel like a lead sled with the 2 leading edges, but it works in a pinch.
  15. One thing I'm not seeing mentioned with the hovers is forward hovers=arms up and inverted hovers=arms down by your side. But that's an automatic thing for most. There isn't much mention of hand position compared to the body, only a lot of hand position on the handle itself. Hand position compared to the body changes much more often than on the move your hand up and down along the curve of the handle.
  16. I was thinking of offering my power sled 36 red storm. When you mentioned packing on a bike I knew it wasn't a good choice as these sleds are partially framed and do take up more space. I know the Air Affairs Sutton Flow Form 16 is in a package 10"x12"x2". I also have the Sky Hook 60' that's about the size of a 3 gallon carboy, which would fit inside the truck of a Harley flhtc but not the saddle bag. Sounds like the 30' was the right choice for your needs.
  17. Just go to your local hardware store and buy a wood dowel. They are probably made out of basswood. Go out in the woods and grab a skinny branch, a dead dried out one would be better than waiting for one to dry out. The cross piece only a spreader a dowel from the hardware store will work just fine. And shipping a 5+ foot box would be a waste of money with a wooden dowel in it.
  18. Actually Mark's comment about checking your arms for equal length is correct. A shrugged shoulder? One foot in front of the other? It all plays a part in how/where the kite wants to fly. It could be you're flying to the left of the center of the window. When you fly tomorrow plant one foot in front of the other then reverse them back and forth. Sounds like you're just favoring the left side. Every persons first rev favored one side or the other the first day out. Tomorrow concentrate on favoring the right side.
  19. Thanks a lot! Now I have to watch Glimmer Man again!
  20. I would fly that baby just the way it is! It's a curved logo classic!
  21. hyzakite


    Sorry for foaming at the mouth last night. Seemed like the right thing to do at that moment.
  22. My day is flying by, but Huntington Beach looks unused, still. Wake Up California!
  23. Ain't right!
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