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Everything posted by hyzakite

  1. I like what Flyinhi has done!
  2. Nick, That's what I'm thinking between space and height,, I can picture the whole mess tumbling from the sky collectively, but I can start all over!
  3. I can't take cold, without wind! no less with wind! With wind really sucks! I won't fly 'til April or longer. I wish I had a plan in place.
  4. Nick, you're close to what it takes! Bulldozer! I was thinking a riding mower for 2 kites but a line on the front and one on the back would still overlap a pair of 19' delta kites.
  5. My flying area is clay. I want to anchor several large SLK's. The recommended lines are from 500# to 1250#. I have several dog stakes but I don't think they would hold the big kites and have smaller kites for those stakes.. I want to put the anchors in different areas according to the wind direction. I want to remove the anchors daily. I thought of Eye Anchors, but maybe a few dog stakes per kite would do the same. Most kite fliers seem to be in sand/beach areas, so, if there is any info about anchoring into dirt/clay is in your experience, help me! I really don't know the pull of the 19' deltas or mega sleds. But I came up with a bunch of them I want to put up in the sky. And if they want to be held in the sky with 500# to 1250# string, do I need 2 or 3 connected riding mowers to hold down 1 kite?
  6. I haven't flown since November, but, Better days are a comin!
  7. It's sad! Dave's a wonderful person!
  8. I've looked at the weakest point on a Rev 1.5, whether it's an EXP, SLE, B, B-PRO or Masterpiece. Where the vertical meets the Leading Edge, Rev uses a thread protector on the vertical end cap and it works fairly well, on the outside. However, there is no extra protection on the inside. The result is that the inside of the leading edge pocket wears through to the Kevlar patch they use in that spot by the leading edge tube rubbing from the inside out within a week of getting that new kite and flying in perfect kite festival conditions. The wear area/scratches you see on your leading edge tube 18 1/2" in is the tube rubbing on the now exposed Kevlar. Padding your tube will slow the wearing down on your b-pro or exp. Because latex tubing is very soft and very flexible a 1" piece of 5/16" id can at least slow down the wear. The latex tubing just can take the heat. A bandaid might work it's got some padding.
  9. Wow! Looking at the pic of those Climax lines, all I can see is that Rev 1 Carl Robertshaw Masterpiece #2. I had some of the Berry Blue spectra but never had a chance to use it.
  10. Like Mark says Rockford to Chicago kites is roughly a 150 mile round trip, I think usps priority mail right to your door would be much cheaper. Gas in and out of the tank, time on the road, hoping for not too much snow on the road driving for 3 leading edge tubes, Personally I too, would pick up the phone instead, and say, send me a leading edge.
  11. Now here is a question everyone can respect, but can't answer correctly! My answer is. #1 DO NOT CUT UP A PERFECT SET OF LINES! #2 DO NOT CUT UP AN IMPERFECT SET OF LINES! When it comes to string, you can always cut it, but can't put it back together with the same ease.
  12. Wayne, I float Revs. Over 17mph, I'm in the house doing something else. But at 17mph if it doesn't look like a feather floating in the breeze, I ain't flying!
  13. Ouch! The highest I took my xtra vent out in was 17mph with 4wraps. If it can't float, it sinks!
  14. Rob, What is that 10' kite? I'm under 3' of snow on the other side of the state, and you're playing in the sand? That ain't right!
  15. Michael, I'm enjoying watch you enjoying your kites! Mike
  16. I don't believe this backtracker was taken out of the bag, the bag is in super condition, a heavy duty clear vinyl like down comforters come in and you store them in when not in use. The lines are attached to the kite and are flat wound around each handle separately and resting on the folded kite brake end to brake end of the handles forming a triangular space when the 2 handles touch each other. There is still the original piece of tape holding the sleeved line over the word MED on the handles with the black mark at LIGHT. I didn't take out the owner's manual as I'm sure it won't mention setup or breakdown. But the Flight Instructions card shows 3 revs in the 6th box and says Stack Sportwings For More Fun!
  17. If you mean the bag for the backtracker, it's a clear vinyl bag with a white snap, above the white snap is a metal grommet for hanging on a store display.
  18. As for #1 it may be the lower wing that is fluttering, apply just enough brake to stop the flutter, as you go in the other direction if it flutters, again it may be the lower wing fluttering so you'll need to apply slight brake to that side of the wing, usually enough brake to just take some slack out of the line and the flutter sound should stop.
  19. Just wondering, Why didn't you just take the lines from the new 1.5 and try them on the Rev 1? The pictures clearly show it's a modern bridle, no metal swivels looped into the bridle, and the Lee Sedgwick Rev1's all had modern bridles that I'm aware of.
  20. The pics in post #12 are the modern bridle, so scratch my suggestion.
  21. Keep in mind, the old Rev 1's used line sets that was 8" longer on the top lines than the bottom lines. There was clips connected to the handle's 4 hog rings. If you add longer leaders to the bottoms you need to increase the tops that much more. The easiest thing to do is just add 8" to the loops on the top attachment points on the bridle, then use your handles as normal on the modern revs that use equalized line sets as well as the 1990 Rev1 that you have.
  22. Get rid of the bottom 6" leaders. Make the top leaders on the older rev1 bridle at 8", you will be fine. Use any lineset and handles you usually use.
  23. Sounds like your top leaders are ok, a little too long! The bottoms = no leaders, just connect to the loops with hooks on your line set or put knot to knot leaders between the lineset loops and the bridle loops, but adjust the top bridle attach point 8" more than the bottoms,, then adjust your handle points as usual. No need for pics.
  24. 12 -14 mph on my wind meter would have me putting the vented away and reaching for the extra vent. I'm wondering how accurate my wind meter really is.
  25. I don't fly dual line kites any more, but have had several different ones, I would think the quantum would need more wind than a nexus just because of its weight and size. I've flown, actually started with a quantum years back and really can't picture using those plastic winder handles on such a powerful kite, seem to me those plastic handle/winders would either cut into hands, rip out of your hands or maybe even break apart in your hands. I'm sure others may say go for the plastic handle winders, but with 150# line and a strong wind, straps around your wrist seems to be a safer way of hanging on to a kite like the quantum.
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