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Everything posted by hyzakite

  1. Last call on this Revolution EXP.
  2. Last call on this 1.5B.
  3. Ouch! Such a classic, I would seek professional repair on this one, unless it just another kite to you. Home repairs on a Vapor is like repairing a 53 Corvette with bondo and duct tape.
  4. Not that way Rob, like Gen1 compared to Gen2 rods, or the new style to the old style rods.
  5. The double larkshead (Prusik knot) will slide back to change the attitude of the kite, might not fly as high but it won't go up and over into a nose dive. But just move back a little at a time. Or move the prusik all the way to the back knot right off the bat and watch how it handles, the kite may rock side to side. You'll find the sweet spot. Same thing with the Wham-O kite but maybe a little more work or a small weight on the back of the kite.
  6. I just looked at the rod again and the silver label seems to be able to be peeled off at its seam whereas the green wrap seems to be under the resin. Also the seam of the green wrap isn't in line with the seam of the silver label. I wouldn't call the green center a label because it is an extra wrap, so it seems like if rods break more readily it won't be where that extra wrap was placed, maybe on either side of it somewhere. Today was the first day I've seen these rods and only the 3wraps. How long has rev been putting the green center wrap in their rods?
  7. I just opened a box with a newer rev in it, the 2 tubes I looked at also has the 4" Kevlar wrap over the black wrap, the green wraps are very close to center point, not exact but close enough, must be something new at rev. I guess I would call it 3-4-3 wrap new and improved ultra light. If someone says wow that's some nice flying, I can tell them, that's because I have three forty threes in it
  8. I don't think there would be a tensioning line on a diamond kite like that, but probably has a 2-point bridle that needs adjusting back a little, or a little bit of weight at the end of the kite like a tail. But then the other kid will be happy and the one that had a blast might not be happy without a tail too.
  9. It looks like it could be part of a Kevlar wrap like on the green race rods (tubes). I can't depect from the picture if the green is part of the tube or part of the label. But in either case there is a difference between the 2, one has green the other doesn't. Nothing to stop placing an order over.
  10. I was just referring to hg1027's New Tech parafoil 5. But New Tech, SkyDog or Premier parafoil 5's are all 5sqft.
  11. I would think 50# line would be fine for the parafoil 5. Keep in mind how much a 50# bag of dog food weighs or even 3 bowling balls. But if I was to hang an expensive video camera on a kite, it better be a darn good kite with decent track record for KAP.
  12. The EXP came out in 1997 it's the same size as the 1.5 and the frames, bridles and other parts are interchangeable.
  13. Netting material is probably what you're looking for, "no see um" mosquito netting is too fine, while swimming pool leaf bag netting would be perfect. Finding the stuff is a different story.
  14. That's almost like a loaded question! It probably depends on what country a person is from what they would call screen, mesh, venting material. A cigarette here is a fag over there, a bonnet there is a hood here, a trunk here is a boot there, and hooters there is a chain of restaurants here. And could be much different in other countries
  15. The idea of having all 4 lines the same length is ideal in theory, but having the longer set on the bottom works just fine. The top lines will stretch soon enough and catch up to the longer lines on the bottom thus making all 4 lines the same length for just a short moment. Then you'll favor one side to the other stretching the left or right top faster than the less favored side.
  16. I'm going to say that your bottom leaders length is being counter-productive to the top leaders and is just increasing the total length of the fly lines. If you was to take one of the bottom leaders and cut it in half or even shorter, both pieces would be about the right length. If your blue and red top leaders are 13" your knots are 1" apart with about a 2" loop as I see in the picture. Your bottom leaders according to your picture should only be about 2" long, the first 2 knots is more than enough.
  17. I would think, you being a well experienced dual line flyer, you have kites you use often and you have kites that you rarely use because of your area's wind conditions. If you use a prism 4d more than a prism quantum you would probably want the standard sail, if the opposite is true then you probably want the mid-vent. What is your favorite "go to" dual line kite could dictate your choice of quad line kite.
  18. Looks like a couple of nice catches. With the Neos Omega make sure you add 8" leaders to the top pigtails/swivels or it won't fly.
  19. I actually send you a pm earlier today, you may want to check your email, pm is probably the best way.
  20. Yes still available, I also have 3 other mid-vents available, black/blue white center and a black/lime white center, also a Rev-Polo mid-vent in warm/black
  21. I'm still unsure by what the person at the store was saying. And I didn't realize until I checked on Prism's site that the Jazz is supplied with polyester line, I've got a few Jazz kites but never thought they would polyester linesets. But, Spectra fiber is Spectra fiber, most likely Spectra 2000. But still, why did the person at the kite shop, shy you away from buying that kite because of the lines it comes with? It doesn't make sense to me. I would still go back and have that person explain what they meant. Some people have stores with kites in them, that don't mean they know Jack about kites! Maybe the person at the shop was a "protester" of that shop, and you walked in at the wrong time. I would still go back and ask why not the Nexus, just to hear the answer! And share it with us. Was it a kite they didn't have in stock and couldn't order because of such a small order?
  22. I'm not sure what the person's message was trying to convey to you. Waiting on the Nexus won't change the responsiveness because of it's lines. But these small kites are fast kites, unless the person was trying to say, start with a slower kite. Or, maybe the Nexus comes with shorter lines than the other kites. Ask that person at the shop, what they meant by "more responsive than the others" I did look at the Nexus and Jazz on Prism's site, the Nexus does come with 65' lines compared to the Jazz's 85' lines. So I assume they was talking in regards to line length of the Nexus.
  23. Want yes, will no. I bought my place 15 years ago for one reason, flying. Mowing almost non-stop is the price I pay. So I make my own kite festival.
  24. Disney World is on the other coast Florida and much much bigger, 43 Square miles compare to Disneyland's 116 acres.
  25. SHBKF, Thanks for sharing your pic, I haven't taken mine out of the bag. I have to say the Inferno looks as sharp as a tack!
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