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Everything posted by hyzakite

  1. I wouldn't worry about kite or the lines, I would think washing the kite or lines would just add unnecessary age and wear to both. Maybe wipe off dirty spot if any, but the sand can find its way out the same way it found its way in.
  2. I meant like SHBKF explained. Your minor mishap this time will better prepare you next time as you set up. The oversized sleeving on my lineset caused my larkhead to slip over the knot and fail. I guess "a better look" was a bad choice of words. A closer look? Being more aware? Of what both hands are doing while you are attaching lines to the kite and watching the larkshead approach the knot and tightening around the line during it's approach to the knot until it's locked against the knot. "A better look" was so much easier to type on my keyboard. But it conveyed a different message to different people I guess.
  3. I've jumped a knot a few times but only on SUL's with thread sized bridles, you can barely see a single knot, but it's probably happened with bigger than normal sized sleeving added to mixture. It all makes for a better look during your next set up.
  4. I'm wondering if a catch is really out of the equation or if it needs to be handled in a different method, time on the lines might make different/new tricks. I know the only way to find out is to buy one. I can picture turning it into a 6 line kite with hand brakes on the handles.
  5. Wow, Looks like it's lost forever. How many posts was in the rev count topic? 2000+ all gone forever?
  6. Your local hardware store has the both tubing, the wire probably pops right out of the aluminum tubing. The steel wire = a wisk? thicker = fly swatter handle? thicker = an old bucket handle? Before you know it, you'll be seeing those 3 pieces you need in all kinds of things. And people are throwing those 3 pieces out on something every day, or giving it away, or at their yard sale cheap!
  7. I guess what I tried to say was "some" masterpiece revs don't look correct in the sky flown upside down. So I would give them a lot of forward. And lock them in in forward. 99.9% of the time I use regular revs with long top leaders and play in every part of the window.
  8. Ok, so what makes upright on a quad kite that flies in any direction? Is it because the words on the kite is upright? Why is vv upright? Why can't ^^ be upright? I setup to fly with leading edge down, I launch with leading down, I park my revs leading edge down, so could upright where ever that may be, be predominantly leading edge down/or most weight of the kite outward from the center? That's the messed up part of not able to launch by bringing the lines in knot at a time when you might be making things worse. Just like trying to launch an older rev1 that came with unequalized lines but trying to launch and fly it with equalized lines. If it is the word/s on the kite at determine direction of what is upright what about the rev nym and other revs that are labeled on the side of the kite sideways. And I bet you wonder why I'm hyzakite.
  9. In reading some of this topic it does sound confusing at times. Like bringing the knots in if it doesn't launch, but no mention of the kites position on the ground = leading edge up or leading edge down. What's a hover? is a hover 6" off the ground and not moving in any direction? What's inverted? and when does the now normal inverted become uninverted? Is it possible to hover 6" off the ground inverted relatively still for any amount of time then turning the kite uninverted and doing the same without any leader adjustments?
  10. Here is what I'm looking at closely, 1 The seam of the green/Kevlar wrap does not match up with the seam of the silver label. Therefore the Kevlar center wrap which actually overlaps itself by approx. 1/4" is not part of the label. 2 You can clearly see the slight overlap of the silver label seam which is approx. 1/16" therefore the label is not part of the green/Kevlar wrap. 3 I can clearly see, looking at the rod from the side, an indent/rise where the Kevlar wrap meets the carbon wrap, I can actually see the thickness of the silver label against the green wrap. 4 When I place this GT rod into the ferrule of an older silver labeled 3wrap rod I can clearly see the thickness of the older rod is more than the GT rod, and placed in the ferrule of a black older race rod the thickness of the GT rod is more than the older race rod. I haven't used these new GT rods yet, but I can predict where it will break if it does by seeing that indent it the Kevlar and carbon wrap, is it because they react to curing differently that causes that indent? Who knows? By putting the Kevlar wrap in the center of what actually could be a 2wrap rod is it a 3wrap equivalent? Who knows? Is it a cost cutting measure that failed? Who knows? What kite and wind condition did the rod break in? If I'm switching to an extra-vent with 4wrap rods at winds around 17mph and stop flying at gusts around 20mph, will I ever see a GT rod break? Who knows? I have some race spl rods with different wraps I wonder where they are going to break?
  11. Great story! I think you was on target! Might have had the hands mixed up, but your idea was on target. I think you rev flying is going to be spot on! Hang on, you got it!
  12. I'm one of those stubborn guys that believe flying a masterpiece rev upside down just doesn't look right! I also enjoy flying inches from the ground at times and small windows, going back to the old style flying brings back memories, you know! I'm ok at flying with flying long top leaders, I'm also ok with flying nubs as top leaders! Some quad kites don't look correct leading edge down, some can't fly right with leading edge up. I fly my revs the way I feel they was meant to be flown.
  13. Almost losing the original question, I think mixing rods is no big deal, you end up with a collection of mis matched rods no matter what you do, deal with it!
  14. Sounds a lot like Sprint Cup/Nascar/Winston Cup racing, an air pressure adjustment here, a trackbar adjustment there, finally after 500 miles you might have it right, but then again maybe not. And something keeps you tweeking on. But you can't always get what you want!
  15. Maybe by clicking on this link but I'm not sure if it works.
  16. It's a Conner Doran black and white Dare to Dream exp, maybe you can see one online some where.
  17. Pictures added.
  18. They probably moved the same colors around so the total length was the same and no wasted material. My 6 stack like that is black, teal and purple with white center. Another one has black, purple and blue with teal center.
  19. I believe the one for $135 is white with teal tips, no bag/sleeve just the kite the frame and the bridle, no international shipping, sorry Rob, I still need to go through these kites as a few are well used.
  20. I'll be darn, I never saw the word "tinge" before, it looks like it should sound like "teen-gue"
  21. Ok! GT = Green Tinge, Now I need to look up Green Tinge, what's green tinge?
  22. Sometimes mixing rods can sub for something in a persons left/right reflexes/strengths. What are GT rods?
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