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Everything posted by SparkieRob

  1. Double like!
  2. Talk about making it look easy! Sweet effort mate!
  3. Ha ha ha classic.
  4. I've got 2 Temptations by Kaos (Kevin Sanders). A Standard and the matching UL. He's a great bloke and a hell of a wiz on the sewing machine. I've also got a Rokkaku from him. I'm still getting used to 2 lines as well as the kites. But from what I've found out, they are definitely "sweet rides"! Capable of much more than me. Edit: Just noticed the RHS leader is visible as it's white, LHS is hard to see as it's black.
  5. Loop end goes (larksed) on the kite bridle attachment points and kite line is larksed onto the knot.
  6. Imagine a piece of bridle line about 5 feet long with a loop on one end and a knot on the other, 2 pieces though. They are a good idea if you want to do roll up and pitch based tricks. Other than that, they look pretty professional too!
  7. Brave soul...I would be shaking with the cold sweats already Good luck on your adventure...I will be reading and taking notes. That's for that. No doubt I'll have plenty of questions.
  8. SparkieRob

    Wet Air

    If it were only that simple.... Truth be told, I get a real sense of satisfaction after a good rain session. Get a LOT of funny looks too!
  9. Putting the Revs down for a while and going to learn some dual line tricks. Now where's that Sky Shark supplier phone number...?

  10. I'm going to make a special effort to learn some tricks on my dual line kites so I've put the Revs down for now. My Std came with line leaders and they are a bit ratty and I want to replace them. But before I send an order out I was wanting to know what they are made from? Do they wear out fast if you are doing a fair bit of tricking? What's a good length? Any advice is appreciated.
  11. I'm really digging on shorties, 30 feet. There was plenty of wind and room this morning but I choose 30's for the PoloVTD cause that's the mood I was in. On topic: they are by far my easiest sets to wind and unwind as they have many, many cycles on them. They could pretty much do themselves!
  12. Thinking the same thing now. One for each of the family plus a spare for when the kids have friends over.... I'm never going to get a Zen at this rate!!!!
  13. Ain't no point doing something unless; a) You love it, and You have someone you love to share it with. Happy trails my friends.
  14. Diamond frame is 60 grams. 2 wrap frame is 80 grams. Well, the sets I have.
  15. You make all these kites look easy to fly! Somebody sponsor this guy...
  16. Australia Post has always been great to me, if you don't mind waiting.... If I order from the east coast and the US at the same time, I know my American parcel is arriving first!
  17. Hey RR, how come you don't have any quad short sets? Say 50 or 39 feet. Do you prefer the long lines?
  18. Luv that Mega Plutz. If it ever goes missing, not me at all...
  19. SparkieRob

    Wet Air

    I fly in the rain a lot in winter as it seems to be the only time I have. A couple of things I've found is; come IN at least one knot on your leaders to counter a heavy and wet sail. Any sail venting will also shed the weight faster than the sail itself. The other is be ready to give ground quite quickly in the storm gusts. By this I mean 4 or 5 steps and throw your arms out. This will give you enough time to gauge the speed to "walk and fly" while being controllable. The other way to stay flyable is to fly at the edge of the window. Usually I cycle a lot of ground. Walking forward and flying in the higher winds and then backwards in the lulls. I try to make it work on some sort of vented sail too, even if that means framing lighter. I'm looking forward to any other advice, the winter storms are around the corner.
  20. Funny you say that. My PoloVTD flies in reverse in lower winds than upright.
  21. Oooohh, are you doing some "cigar venting"? Burning holes in the sail?
  22. If I had extra sets, say 80' and 120', I would have them on me. You never know when a "second" May want to fly. Actually, I need to do this as I only have singles of the lengths I use.
  23. Back on topic gentlemen...... Not long now till the RNG picks 977 and sends this baby to me....
  24. Occasionally I'm a visitor! Sometimes I want to use the web based platform to take a quick look rather than use my Tapatalk application.
  25. It's been at least 12 months since I've used my #150 x 80's!
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