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Everything posted by SparkieRob

  1. You're a freak in the best kind of way. Best video clip EVER! Hands down.
  2. I was trying to snag these as well, but no shipping to Oz! Well yet anyway..
  3. I use the plastic sleeve they came in and keep them in the far left pocket in my Rev bag. This does leave them a little vulnerable as they are on the outside when the bag is rolled up. Never had any issues though.
  4. I know what you mean Hadge, I had a few "I'll just check if I'm in shot oh sh*t" moments...
  5. The other thing I just thought of it may be part of a security upgrade from last time. I had to re log in for this session on my iPad and I was "still logged in from last night". Aside from the PC, how's the flying bro?
  6. So, I got myself an action camera to film my flying. To show and the be critiqued. Nothing quite like that "3rd person perspective" to highlight how off your flying can be. I'm slowly getting a few Gigs worth of video which is fine to view on my laptop but the next step is to upload to YouTube or Vimeo. What program do you use to edit and make the file smaller so it can be uploaded? I run windows XP. Thanks.
  7. If you log in, get the forum main section up, create a shortcut from here and you may not have to keep logging in. Not sure if it will work.
  8. Probably already checked these; Check cookie retention settings, Browsing settings, not in private? Also point at which shortcut is from. As a side, If I close the page on my iPad when I got back to the web address I get logged right back in. If I'm logged out first then I have to log back in.
  9. SparkieRob


    That purple is really set off in the sky.
  10. Did a "720" in no wind, in reverse! Yeah, pretty happy with my modded SUL...

  11. *clap clap clap* Straight to the Favourites list. Words don't come. Smooth as silk JB, smooth as silk.
  12. Looks a treat! Nice job.
  13. Meant that I prefer the 15" on the light wind kites. The 13" handles felt a little subdued.
  14. You guys.... We are smack bang in the middle of summer and it's glorious! And Dayhiker, you are welcome to join us anytime.
  15. After a full 3 hour session of zero wind, I gave my SUL a thorough go. We flew my Indoor Rev (on 20 feet), my modified SUL (on 30 feet), my buddies SUL (on 50 feet I think) and my other buddies Zen (on 50 feet). Some Plutz gliders and a Vented iFlight. The mods to my SUL were a significant improvement to me and suited the way I like to fly. Quick response to inputs using 15" handles, was a little slower compared with 13"s. And a killer glide! Flat, effortless and just poetic to watch. The glide I can attribute directly to the magic sticks as the kite wasn't under load and they have never been that impressive before. I'm sure the new Diamond rods helped too. Wow they just eat up the low low wind conditions. Flight was sharp and somewhat zippy considering there wasn't any wind. I much prefer the 15" handles to the 13"s. Still used my usual "Rob, this is too much" brake! Might have to source a set of 17"s as I reckon they would be so sweet. Spent more time on the Indoor and SUL than the Zen. Once I put the Zen on longer handles (15") it was much less of a truck, more of a Cadilac. I just couldn't gel with the Zen. It felt like a lot of work for the return I got. First time flying one though. That's a kite I'll have to revisit another time. All in all, I'm really happy with my modded SUL. I realise that Sticks and the French mightn't be for everybody but it's working for me so far. Can't wait for a decent breeze to test out the Sticks on my B2! Stay tuned. (Note: Original post from the Rev forum but I've added some more details to this one.)
  16. Tidy work there!
  17. Nice kite!
  18. Can't enter, wrong country but these things are great! I've got a black with orange skulls and 2 Aussie flag ones. Great for winter and summer. Well worth it. Hope all goes well.
  19. I couldn't wait for light winds to test the individual changes..... So..... My Rev 1.5 SUL now is fully pimped out with Diamond Rods, French Bridle AND Magic Sticks! Low wind is my friend. Really looking forward to putting this one in the air.
  20. Shall I bring scissors.....?
  21. Image Link Here in Perth we have this international kitesurfing race starting from Rottnest Island to the mainland. The 19km course can be done in a shade over 23 minutes! I approached the committee to be part of the entertainment for the event. This didn't pan out. Instead of being bummed about it, I thought I would go there and fly anyway. I set up a respectful 100m north of the finish along the beach. First thing I did was to ground slide my kite in an arc to give me a limit line as to how far I could reach, just in case. The wind was sweet, Vented with a 3 frame sweet. I was very nervous as there was a lot of people walking up and down the beach but as I began to fly the nerves went. Actually I think the showman beat the nerves into submission. I started to get a feel for the wind, and my confidence grew. I began to play to and with the people that were receptive, following them along with my kite. I flew for 2 1/2 hours solid. I chatted to heaps of people. I posed the kite for heaps of photos. I even got the "shaking handles" gesture and a heavily accented "Revolution" call out from the international visitors. All in all I had a great time. The day was HOT, the wind was cooking. I'm definitely going to get out there more this summer. Who knows, might even get an invite for next years race! Thanks Rob.
  22. I used to call them sissy sticks, but now I've had a turn, magic is more appropriate. Tightened up the response on my B2 somewhat. Only had a limited go but, WOW. Wind was single digit low but I could feel it. Nice glides too. Can't wait to rip on them for a long session. TBC... Had a bit of a chuckle Paul, your title is "newbie". And nothing could be further from the truth!
  23. Feels good to have a little beach sand in my bag!
  24. Thanks. A square of sticky backed Dacron is included in the kit.
  25. I agree, Reefy. As my schooling in Oz defines "tale" as a story. Which could still, loosely, apply as it is the ribbon that states the wind direction. Tells the tale of the wind. I also think that vernacular is very much region specific. MOM and MUM for instance.
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