After a full 3 hour session of zero wind, I gave my SUL a thorough go. We flew my Indoor Rev (on 20 feet), my modified SUL (on 30 feet), my buddies SUL (on 50 feet I think) and my other buddies Zen (on 50 feet). Some Plutz gliders and a Vented iFlight.
The mods to my SUL were a significant improvement to me and suited the way I like to fly. Quick response to inputs using 15" handles, was a little slower compared with 13"s. And a killer glide! Flat, effortless and just poetic to watch.
The glide I can attribute directly to the magic sticks as the kite wasn't under load and they have never been that impressive before. I'm sure the new Diamond rods helped too. Wow they just eat up the low low wind conditions.
Flight was sharp and somewhat zippy considering there wasn't any wind. I much prefer the 15" handles to the 13"s. Still used my usual "Rob, this is too much" brake! Might have to source a set of 17"s as I reckon they would be so sweet.
Spent more time on the Indoor and SUL than the Zen. Once I put the Zen on longer handles (15") it was much less of a truck, more of a Cadilac. I just couldn't gel with the Zen. It felt like a lot of work for the return I got. First time flying one though. That's a kite I'll have to revisit another time.
All in all, I'm really happy with my modded SUL. I realise that Sticks and the French mightn't be for everybody but it's working for me so far. Can't wait for a decent breeze to test out the Sticks on my B2! Stay tuned.
(Note: Original post from the Rev forum but I've added some more details to this one.)