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Everything posted by SparkieRob

  1. Pretty cool.
  2. Sand doesn't get stuck in my shoes when my shoes are flip flops. I did at least have jeans some of the time. It was a welcome break from work and winter. The Windfeathers are going to become a part of my kite travel contingent. They were definitely handy for staking out our place. Wind feathers are part of my std kit. I'll dig up a photo.
  3. I have this exact bag, I keep my "non Rev" kites in it. I always thought it was a larger model speed bag. I recently got some new buckles for it direct from Prism at no charge! Great prize to whomever wins this one!!
  4. Either way it will be "street fighting" with me in 6 weeks!!
  5. Best to just to just call Theresa (from The Kite Shoppe) and chat to her with your requirements. I would reckon 10 feet should be enough to have.... 3 foot per top leader, about 6 inches per bottom and top pig tails. That leaves you some change. Those are pretty rough estimates. You could always get more... When I get some, I want about 100 feet! Papa needs some train lines!!!
  6. No running, you guys are missing out! The only kite I haven't done at least one 360 with is my PoloVtd, and that's only a matter of time...
  7. He meant for YOU to do a routine on a trampoline... Hey, I'd even buy one for you to do that!!
  8. That's a great idea. Do you find the mason line is too stiff or thick? I found it too elastic. In the lower winds it would be ok, but I could feel it "mush" higher up. There wasn't the connection feel to it as it would soak up a short sharp input and turn it into a slower one. But looking back, the line drag and drop from long lines would have the same effect. And you would learn to adapt to it. Give it a shake and let us know!
  9. See a thread "mini leaders" somewhere here, or could be on the Rev Forum, about using tiny sacrificial pigtails. A good read. In my case, I only use a short leader with 1 knot on the bottoms. I do all my adjusting on the tops. If you do tie your own set, try to get the spacing a the same. In all honesty it's not the end of the world if they aren't, your hand will compensate for your eyes.
  10. Run run run. Actually you'd be surprised how little effort it requires, just technique and "whump"!
  11. I made my first set out of Brickies Line, the string brick layers use to maintain course level. I use old bridles, mostly from my used and abused but well loved B2. Bridles can be done 2 ways. Lower test poundage doubled over so there are "2" strings through each knot. Higher test poundage but a single string with knots.
  12. SparkieRob

    E-cigs ? Vaping ?

    I've had my car for 6 years and I can still smell ciggies when I turn on the A/C. Keep try guys, it's worth it.
  13. SparkieRob

    E-cigs ? Vaping ?

    I only just past 7 years of giving up the darts. I went cold turkey. For a month or so I was pretty grumpy but am loving it now.
  14. Take your time JB, this one will see some Aussie air...
  15. Yep, Special Race. Same same. Thanks for that.
  16. Pink Race Rods!?!! I've never heard of those. What are they like?
  17. Yep, check dead centre of trailing edge. I have a smaller HQ Symphony foil and loop is middle of trailing edge. Trailing edge is the back or rear line of the kite.
  18. I use a 3 frame in my Polo Vtd but I do plan to try my Diamond rods in it.
  19. Not get used!?!! You will put a 2 frame in and fly it in the carpark!!! Actually in all seriousness, the Vtd and XTRA are lots of fun when you frame down.
  20. 11am-12pm Thursday Oz West coast.
  21. Wouldn't get any love in my hands.... ....it would get my Fists of Fury!!! #977 come to papa.
  22. I really like the gracefulness of the light winds. Nice job.
  23. "5 miles per hour!" "5 miles per hour!" "Just like that".
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