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Everything posted by makatakam

  1. Roll it in the opposite direction a few times, decreasing the diameter of the roll each time.
  2. Welcome to the forum. Bunch of flyers in the UK and a bunch of festivals. As soon as the c-crap is over get over to a few of them. They'll help you along. They're even friendlier than RC guys. I also done both, so I can say that with confidence.
  3. Slot? into a specific hole? You may be referring to an end cap, but I'm only guessing. It would depend a great deal on the type of kite we're discussing. It would help pinpoint the item if you posted a photo of it indicating the specific item in question.
  4. Browse through the threads in the "dual line" topics on this forum to get an idea of which kites people like for different reasons. Look to purchase a used kite either here on the forum or elsewhere online. Used kites can keep the cost down and help you not worry as much about destroying the kite as a brand new kite might. Like a used car, it already comes with the first scratch on it.
  5. If you don't want to destroy kites, don't fly. It's inevitable. Nothing ventured; nothing gained. No matter what kite you use to learn tricks, you will eventually break something. It may as well be one which helps most while learning. Fixing an expensive kite is much cheaper than replacing a lesser one.
  6. Thanks. I got it out of the tree using a slingshot and a fishing weight attached to a long cord. If you want to know what happens just disconnect line(s) while flying. Of course, make sure you have lots of open terrain when you do it.
  7. Quad line or dual line won't go anywhere if one line breaks. If it's a single line kite or if all of the lines break the kite will travel downwind. How far it goes depends on the strength of the wind, the altitude from which the kite is released, whether the kite is framed or not, where the lines break and if there's enough line dangling to create drag or possibly snag on objects, and probably a few other factors that I haven't thought of. I've had two dual line kites break both lines. Both were parafoils -- a 1.4 and a 2.2 meter. The 1.4 snapped near the handles at an altitude of about 50 feet in a medium-high wind, and traveled about 100 yards before the lines snagged on a bush. The 2.2 lines snapped near the kite in a 35-mph gust at an altitude of about 80 feet and the kite traveled 300 yards and ended up about 50 feet up at the top of a tree.
  8. I can't help with the ID, but welcome to the forum.
  9. Yes, as oapbillf said, but not as much as you will eventually need to once you get better. That's why the top leaders are SOOOO much longer than the stock ones. The stock leaders are as they are so the absolute novice can actually get the kite off the ground. A new flyer has difficulty (in most cases) launching when the leaders are properly tuned for advanced flight. Stay tuned. We'll walk you through it. Ask questions as necessary. Watch the basics tutorial videos on this forum repeatedly. You will learn something new each time.
  10. There's some being sold on this forum right now. First thing you see at the top of the home page. Mike's kites look to be in good condition, but you can ask him directly regarding that. I would recommend a full vent to complement the MoJo. Keep smiling. Have fun. Watch the tutorial videos again and again. They keep on giving.
  11. Send them in .... "there ought to be clowns".
  12. I think it's prudent to err on the side of caution. If the risk is avoidable . . .
  13. Sorry, the reason you don't see my post is that I deleted it because I posted it without checking if coronavirus was transmittable by objects. I was assuming it was since they keep saying to clean frequently touched surfaces and not touch my face. I don't know for sure if it can be and am researching that.
  14. I see that. John? Aha, it's a two kite prize? Or one red tip and one lime tip? This is going to be fun, because annoying the heck out of John is, well, lots of fun.
  15. Nuts! I was hoping for red with black tips.
  16. Black with red tips, or red with black tips? Half black and half red? Half black and half red with contrasting black and red tips? Black on the front and red on . . . . ? The devil makes me do it. That's my line and I'm stickin' to it.
  17. Is it a "no bridle" design?
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