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How does one locate his or her subscriber ID?

I'm sure JB will be along soon to fill you in on that info... I don't know if that information is available on the website anymore, maybe it is in your welcome email ?

Good luck in the draw & welcome to the forum !


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How does one locate his or her subscriber ID?

Mr. Bailey, your lady luck should favor #1052. ;)

Sorry for this inane step, but the subscription process (forum and PayPal) does not have a function to assign and distribute subscription numbers, so I generally update the master records once a week and look up sub #'s upon request.

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Yup, this would be a great way to convert a die-hard dual liner to the dark side... :ani_whistling:

I like to think of it more as wrenching a poor soul from the depths of the shadows into the beautiful light of day.

Yup, dual line is a tough road to travel... lots of frustrations along the way. But that's what makes it so worth it in the long run. I've been recently dabbling in the 4 line discipline, kind of liking it, but only in higher winds. This set would be what I would need to forget my duals at home for a while...

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How does one locate his or her subscriber ID?

Mr. Bailey, your lady luck should favor #1052. ;)

Sorry for this inane step, but the subscription process (forum and PayPal) does not have a function to assign and distribute subscription numbers, so I generally update the master records once a week and look up sub #'s upon request.

John, didn't this information used to be available in either the member profile or the master member list ? Just wondering...


Neither - we've gone through a couple stages of "# display", wherein members had a signature graphic I gave them in their signature or a number I manually added to their profile, but these days folks usually just include it as text in their signature like Tmadz has done in the first post on this page. ;)

The main issue is that I don't want to administrate every addition and removal of such an item... Until it can all be automated, it's got to be member-managed.

Neither - we've gone through a couple stages of "# display", wherein members had a signature graphic I gave them in their signature or a number I manually added to their profile, but these days folks usually just include it as text in their signature like Tmadz has done in the first post on this page. ;)

The main issue is that I don't want to administrate every addition and removal of such an item... Until it can all be automated, it's got to be member-managed.

That might be what I remember... I didn't know that you used to do that manually.

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As thanks to the backbone of KiteLife (our KiteLife Subscribers) we're putting up an extra TASTY package of kites for you this time around - one heck of an addition to somebody's kite bag! Remember, you will be automatically entered to win if you have an active http://kitelife.com/forum/subscriptions/'>KiteLife Subscription when we do our drawing!
This is a brand SUITE of THREE Revolution B2 quad line kites by John Barresi, from Revolution Kites, roughly a $717 combined value!
  1. http://www.revkites.com/kite-product/revolution-b2-standard'>B2 Standard (STD) - $239 value
  2. http://www.revkites.com/kite-product/revolution-b2-mid-vent'>B2 Mid-Vent (MID) - $239 value
  3. http://www.revkites.com/kite-product/revolution-b2-vented'>B2 Vented (VTD) - $239 value

This prize package is includes THREE SAILS, SIX FRAMES and 3 sleeves only - no handles, lines, DVDs or other extra items.All three kites are PURPLE and black, with grey stripes in the venting area. attachicon.gifhttp://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=4780'>b-series_08.jpeg

And just to get the juices flowing... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUEETOSiNHw'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUEETOSiNHwhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13XANMnfERs'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13XANMnfERshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB_Hm6OKa3E'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB_Hm6OKa3E
If you haven't done so already, you can sign up http://kitelife.com/subscriptions/'>here.Odds of winning for this prize is currently 1/324, and will be drawn on April 1st, 2013!Our thanks, and very best wishes to you... Let the drooling and banter begin! :mf_swordfight:

I don't want to be a spoil sport by any means, and I know that you guys are the best in the world at flying these kites, but rule number 1 that has always been beaten into my brain is to not fly kites near power lines. Those last 2 videos really don't set the best example for following that rule. Just sayin'


The whole thing about flying by power lines is more critical when you're flying a single line kite with little control and a variable amount of line. With a sport kite, the line lengths are fixed, and the pilot usually has a really good idea what's within the immediate range of the kite. Error on the side of caution, but I don't think John was in any immediate danger in the videos...

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