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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Hi all, Takako and I have a 7 hour layover at LAX (1:40pm to 10pm) on Wednesday (5/22)... Anyone in the Los Angeles area want a private kite lesson and/or dinner date in exchange for getting us out of so many hours at the airport?

    Will be offline for a while, but we'll check Facebook messages when we land - include your cell # in a private message or email if you're interested. ;)

    1. Hasek


      Yeah John, I'd love to hang out with you and TK.... you just need to change LAX to CLE : )

  2. Busted! Hard core flier award goes to John Kennedy, caught flying in the park near our hotel - good chat and fly, watching giant fruit bats in the trees. :)

    10am tomorrow, the Redcliffe Rev Clinic begins!

  3. Great breakfast, great morning!

  4. The Japanese contingent arrives in Brisbane!

  5. Boarded, check!

    Aisle seat, check!

    Club atmosphere, check!

    First time on a Virgin Airline, pretty posh! USB, all inclusive food and drink. :)

  6. Off to see our friends down under... PDX > LAX > Brisbane, 2 hrs for first flight, 4 hrs waiting at LAX, 14 hrs to Oz. :)

  7. Ah crap. I originally thought I was leaving on the 15th and planned to do the drawing the day I left... TK corrected me on the travel date, but I never made the other mental adjustment. Total error on my part! What do y'all think is fair in this case?
  8. Cool - glad it's going to appreciative hands! Just send me an email (info at kitelife dot com) with your shipping address. I'm headed to Australia tomorrow, then New Jersey, may not be able to ship for a couple weeks but the kite is assuredly yours.
  9. #115, expired... #840, expired... #67, expired... #431, expired... #161, expired... #1059, ACTIVE, but Eric won the last drawing (sorry dude - gotta skip one after winning)... #594, expired... #744, expired... Whew, finally, we've got a winner! On it's way to an overseas home, #942, this prize is going to Raul Santiago of Spain. Congratulations Raul, thanks to all for playing - two Revs up for grabs soon - stay tuned!
  10. Zzzzzzz...
  11. 14 minutes and counting...
  12. Hear hear.
  13. Thanks for your patience Ralph, put your chips on #1086.
  14. Ya, fly, have fun, fly, stretch your boundaries, have fun, fly, share, explain it to others, have fun. Flying gets WAY easier, but it's never 100% perfect (especially team flying) and the environment is ever-changing which is what keeps the challenge alive forever. Sorry, no such video... Frankly, most of our clinic instruction is one on one and partially tailored to each pilot so the process is a bit different for each person.
  15. I know nothing - we'll have to see! BTW, looks like I fly out late Monday so I should be able to draw a winner - just won't be able to ship until after we're home.
  16. I think you're a better pilot for *any* experience... It's all relative, know what I mean? At this point, what I feel has made me a better pilot is spending significant time with almost every variation out there, in just about any condition. With regard to over correction, it's going to happen... Happens to me, particularly when I'm caught with a STD in rising winds.
  17. A little grass lot 2 blocks from my house... Regular 90 degrees wind shifts, wind pockets, total lulls, 2-story buildings, 10' wall, trees, it's all fodder for the grinder.
  18. I think I may actually be one of the few here who *did* learn on a Rev I first, it's all that was available when I started in 1990. Simple break down: Rev I has less belly, creating less center (loading) pressure. Less belly, less connective fabric between each controllable wing, making them almost entirely independent. The larger 9' kite loads up and pulls more, at which point it is harder to control. Larger kite, larger hand motions required, which is a detriment when learning. In short - I'd say it's far easier to learn on a 1.5... Rev I is more like a truck, Rev II / B2 is much faster and twitchier.
  19. The forum is still active... http://www.gwtwforum.com/ The old GWTW shop was closed and re-opened for some time as Chico Kites... http://www.chicokites.com But that URL now refers to the owner's (Steve Hall) multipurpose website... http://www.kitekids.net They have some products there, but it seems to be mostly Prism and closeout items.
  20. Ah, yep.
  21. For the record, painting with a Rev should probably be first credited to Pierre Marzin nearly 20 years ago. Sadly, there is no video from his work that I'm aware of.
  22. Hey Rob, Sounds like you better learn how to make your own bridles............I love to make them out of two different colors. I use one color for the long horizontal piece, and a contrasting color for the two vertical sections............ Made my first 2 over the weekend, as I got the gift of a new one for free. Figured I should take advantage of it. 80# dacron from the local fishing store @ 10cents a yard. I strongly recommend cored line such as is used on the high-end dual line kite bridles... Dacron sleeve over an unbraided core, makes it much stronger and more durable. http://www.revkites.com/forum/topic/4117-b-series-vs-b-series-pro/
  23. Wouldn't you know it, I have a flight to Australia on the day of this drawing! :/ Worst case, I'll try to draw en route - if not, within a day or two following. Thanks for your patience and enthusiasm!
  24. Hi Mike, I don't have any direct involvement or access with the KC website... Best thing to do is email your inquiry using the contact links on that website. Sorry, would help if I could.
  25. Thanks for the interest guys, I'm keen to do more (both dual and quad, solo and team, as well as oddities like dogstake and water flying with either). I have it all in my head, 23 years of unabashed sport kite flying... Truly, the only remaining impediment to doing more tutorials is the fact that we live inland (very inconsistent wind not good for filming) and rely on our very good public transit system and rental cars to get around... What I need is the ability to jump in my own car and just go when the getting is good - I have people to help with filming and I already have a HUGE list of tutorials drafted with notes - if all goes well, we'll get into a new set of wheels later this year. Also, with iQuad going on hiatus for at least a year after September, I'll be applying a great deal more energy toward more clinics and tutorials which is really where my main interest lies right now. So stay tuned, keep sending the love, just a matter of getting a few pieces into place. Really, thanks for the interest - it motivates me!
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