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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. To give you an idea KiT, Jim is an okay Rev team flier... When iQuad gets together in WW, you're gonna mess your shorts.
  2. Signed by Don Tabor... Wow, a collector's item for sure.
  3. Use a small pigtail on the spin, just above the tip of the tail... Then attach the tail to the pigtail.
  4. Fish, the best way to look at it... If you do a stunt one way, do another stunt the other way to balance out. 2 one way, 2 the other... 3 one way, 3 the other... Possibilities are endless.
  5. Already added your God Bless America routine Penny, and one of Scott's demos with the really long mylar tail. In the demo section of the subscribers area, both from Glenn's contributions and credited accordingly.
  6. Just added yet another 2 videos to the subscriber section, under demos... Demos > 2007 Lincoln City Indoor... Look for Penny's 2nd listing, and Scott Weider (bottom of page). Credits for the video on these two go to Glenn Day.
  7. Rockin' concept Ant... You totally had me there. Could we do it XBox Live for team events? The XBox World Sport Kite Championships, look for it on a console near you.
  8. I probably weighed about 95 lbs at the time, tops.
  9. First sport I ever flew was a Team Hawaiian in 1990... Dragged my butt down the field right away, and I've been hooked since.
  10. Worthy project, I just have to make the time for it... Smashed with work right now.
  11. Wow, single iPod file? Hrm, that's a tall order... I'll look into it. Please, keep checking back (reminding me) every so often if you don't see a result.
  12. I'll be dipping into mine tonight, thanks Glenn! Will be in touch to let you know if it works for the Kitelife archives.
  13. Two more demo videos added to the subscriber section under 2007 Lincoln City Indoor.
  14. Hey guys, just added Penny's awesome Cat in the Hat routine to the demo section of the subscribers section! After log in, go to the demo page and scroll to the bottom. The Quicktime file is still uploading, but the others are ready for download.
  15. Just posting this at Scott's request.
  16. Just added to the subscribers section, the 9 ballet competitors from this year's Lincoln City Indoor! http://www.kitelifers.com/access/content Look under "comp videos", bottom of the page.
  17. Dang! News to me. Well, the only other guy I could recommend is Charly Whitaker, who has one of the largest collections of classic kites out of everyone I know. His site is http://www.kite-classifieds.com - his profile is here - http://kitelife.com/forum/index.php?showuser=23 Send him a private message (PM), he might have one. I did find a Spinoff... http://www.kite-classifieds.com/listing/96...es_Spinoff.html
  18. The Team Hawaiian is actually still in production, and available from Cutting Edge Kites. http://www.cuttingedgekites.com (it's not listed on the site - you have to call them) Tell 'em you were sent from Kitelife!
  19. We've added a 5th iQuad member to our GLKF roster... Steve de Rooy! Mike, you make us an even six... Time for the BIG moves.
  20. Just added two more iQuad guys, bringing the total members in Wildwood to FOUR. YAAAAAY!
  21. Welcome John!
  22. I used my Samsung L60... A whopping 129.5 grams. There's got to be something lighter that will give me comparable or better video, but I've yet to find it.
  23. The one in Blackheath was adjustable as well, we just didn't spend much time on it when I was there. Far as I know, my rig is identical... It came directly from Harrier.
  24. Here's the aerial "RevCam" video iQuad shot this weekend at the 2007 Tulip Festival in Mt. Vernon, WA... MP4 - http://www.kitevideo.net/iquad_us/iquad07_flywithus.mp4 (41 MB) A larger version will be available in an hour or so, uploading now... MPG - http://www.kitevideo.net/iquad_us/iquad07_flywithus.mpg (424 MB) Thanks to Bruce (harrier) for the camera rig, and to my teammates, for not flying up my butt during filming.
  25. Happy birthday young padwan.
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