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John Barresi

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Everything posted by John Barresi

  1. Hello @Craigers91, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  2. Hello @Roadwarrior26, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  3. Looks like 29/101, quick count.
  4. Renewed. Affirmed. Every day.
  5. My favorite kites have been flown to rags, no longer flyable, embedded with memories and stains, now living on the wall.
  6. But bear in mind, ALL line sets stretch, nature of the material no matter how “perfectly” the set is tied to start - line equalizing is inevitable, but usually only needs to be done once or twice.
  7. When you have as tight knit a community as kiting is, “business is business” may still be true but it also comes with deeper ramifications.
  8. As a beginner, can’t really go wrong with any popular quad, they are mainly divided by cost and material quality at that level - main items for any new flyer are making sure you have leaders and equal length lines (links for both below). https://kitelife.com/forum/topic/5530-pigtails-tuning-your-rev-with-knotted-leaders/ == Also, LOTS of free tutorials here... http://learnkites.com
  9. Valid line of thought. I used Gorilla super glue last time, no issues.
  10. Looking into it with TapaTalk, they also handle the KiteLife app for us - thanks for the heads up guys!
  11. Cool. Also, happy to hear this - you can try glue then go to tedlar, cannot do tedlar then try glue.
  12. New drawing is up, locking this one down. https://kitelife.com/forum/topic/8919-prism-micron-blue-karma-51718/
  13. Hello @flat out, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  14. In addition to brake helping invert... Hands above the elbow promotes forward flight, hands below the elbow promotes brake (about 7” between the two positions). Also, fingers slightly higher on the handle promotes forward flight, fingers slightly lower on the handle promotes brake (just 1/4” to 1/2” higher or lower makes a big difference).
  15. Has anyone here tried the super glue sail repair method? I’ve only found it safely applicable if the tear lines up (no lost material) and the tear isn’t more than 2” or 2.5” long, subject also to whether or not it’s in a highly loaded part of the sail... Scotch tape one side of the tear, moving the fibers back in line, ends touching and overlapping, working the tear so the sail is flat (again, fabric edges MUST be able to make contact for this to work), then apply a very, very fine line of superglue along the tear on the exposed (non tape) side of the sail and then smooth the glue slightly, keeping it in a slim line (I use plastic toothpicks to work with the glue here). Let that glue dry, put a piece of scotch tape over the glue you just applied and CAREFULLY remove the first piece of scotch tape (leaving behind the glue and the adhesive it was touching on the tape) and go through the glue application process on the new side. Let that side dry, remove the last (newest) piece of scotch tape and voila, you should have a very durable sail fix. AGAIN, this only works if the tear can be lined up with edges touching when the sail is flat. This method is what I use most of the time, been lucky enough to say I’ve never re-opened one of these repairs.
  16. And love. Simple love.
  17. I’m a big fan of CVF, their style and choreography leaves me excited. While Start’Air may have outflown everyone else pound for pound, they’re still reminiscent to me of Cutting Edge in 2006 (1st place) - I like the six kites and more complex maneuvers flown by CVF.
  18. With @scottweider on the field instructing with me, we’ve already got enough for a 4-pack of team flying for any skill level, on top of the nitty gritty stuff (quad 101, personal training, etc) - will only get better as more folks sign up.
  19. Join us for two full days of quad instruction in Long Beach WA on May 26-27, 2018... This is the workshop for folks who want to build up their solo skills and the very basics of team flying! Along with Scott Weider (Rev Riders captain and veteran pilot), we'll be covering everything from absolute basics (pure beginner) all the way up through advanced techniques and team flying, as well as providing short flight routines that are sure to help your skills along while having fun at the same time. Saturday morning is always a group presentation, full 101 on the ins and outs of Rev equipment and related theory, this covers a metric ton of stuff that even the "pros" think they know, but don't... From there, we usually go through the fundamentals of clean launching, landing and control methods... Students then break up onto their own kites to work on the "homework" (maneuver combinations) that I'll distribute beforehand, during which instructor(s) will make the rounds between each flier, offering supporting instruction, as well as addressing individual interests. Sunday is the same without a 101 presentation, followed by a couple hours (or more) of team skills introduction to close out the day. Students will use their own kites, any line length will work (80'-90' is very common) but 120' length will be required for team exercises. Must be spectra or Skybond lines for team flying. Testimonials - http://tinyurl.com/jb-testimonials Registration is $150 per person and includes full access to the clinic on both days (10a-4p), discounted to $125 for KiteLife subscribers... Clinic sign up here - kitelife.com/forum/store/product/90-quad-line-clinic-may-26-27-2018/ == Please note, there are only 16 spots available and we expect them to fill up very quickly. If you need any equipment prior to the event, we encourage you to check out our long time NW supporter The Kite Shoppe for a full variety of Rev kites and parts. Signed up so far: @kff @Carl Norman @Kite_Lover @Randall Erickson @kiteflyr Phyllis G @jsgotschall @Sallie M.Daggy @Mari Daniels
  20. Jun 16-17 in Long Beach WA! Led by veteran pilot Scott Weider and myself, this dual line kite workshop is for beginner though master levels, starting from the ins and outs of your equipment on up through fundamental flight techniques and trick flying - we'll also have a few Prism kites on hand for folks to try their hand at team and "ground play" flying without fear of damaging valuable equipment. Testimonials - http://tinyurl.com/nnzsmvd Anything with two strings is welcome including foils, stacks with tails and delta stunt kites - the purpose of this workshop is first and foremost to help you maximize the kites you have, and the way you like to fly... During the weekend, we'll cover a whole range of dual line topics that interrelate. Sign up here - kitelife.com/forum/store/product/89-stunt-kite-clinic-jun-16-17-2018/ Registration is $125 per person ($100 for KiteLife Subscribers) and includes full access to two days of instruction from 10am-4pm on both Saturday and Sunday... We only have room for 16 students, please RSVP if you plan to participate. RSVP so far: @Gordon Sievers @khsidekick @Jhsidekick @Russ Wilson Jennilyn W @Flash @kananga @Bumfish @elmo264 @Carl Norman @cyclic @gnikkola
  21. Hello @Woogabooga, Welcome to KiteLife®! Although this is an automated message, it is written with heart - I love kites deeply, and I believe the KiteLife community represents this passion with a very friendly and helpful environment for everyone. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Need to tweak settings? Edit your profile here - View Member Edit your settings - http://kitelife.com/forum/settings/ Other than that, here are a few handy links that you might have a use for... Member Chat Member Map KL Shop And while it's never an obligation, we always love hearing about our new members if you'd like to share some of your kite stories, videos, and/or background... Tell us a little about YOUR kite life!
  22. Be sure to stretch and equalize your lines, “package” kites often include “factory” line sets which will do the job but often stretch unevenly after just one flight... Tether to something solid, put a little body weight into stretching them, then check the offset. Quick equalization and you’re golden.
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