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Everything posted by frob

  1. The questions were back in December, and you replied quickly each time. No problems or complaints there. They're a great list of kites and I'm sure it is difficult for him to stop flying. Had I known at the time or thought to ask the question I would have taken action and spent the money. I'm sure many people would have. But someone else asked so they should reap the benefits of asking their questions.
  2. Nah, my own fault for not asking questions earlier when I asked about two others on the list. Get that kite, they're fun to fly.
  3. Agh, shouldn't have spent time time in chat and Breezin beat me to the reply. I kept looking at the list but the Rev 1 is so large with few replaceable parts. On the other hand, a 1.5 is a great deal even with the SLE. But Breezin, I think contactmic should be getting in first on a potential bidding war since he was the one asking about the update.
  4. If you don't want the stigma for 4/20, you can move it two days earlier to my birthday. In that case you can just send it my way without the drawing, no need for giftwrap. The thing I love most about foils is when a stranger asks if they can fly I can hand over the lines with no worries about abrupt unplanned landings.
  5. They look good, but that wasn't the place I was thinking. You may want to update the other videos page to point to that forum, or have more links. It is rather outdated.
  6. I imagine this is a new record for most panels. At 450 panels you're approaching the complex patchwork quilts that sell for thousands of dollars. Maybe you can start doing that as well to pay for your kites. It looks beautiful.
  7. You know you could also post those to the KiteLife video tutorial section, to replace the "stay tuned" notices.
  8. I love kites, but I don't have anything I could bear to put up. I think it was brilliant to offer the $72 prize (shop money plus subscription) as their karma prize. I may have to steal that idea with a future karma drawing when I have cash but no prize.
  9. frob


    (Just to be clear, I made sure it was marked as 'hidden' until approved.) That's Eli's hand, helping show off my future birthday present. Time to start reserving more money to my kite budget.
  10. frob


    It was beautiful up close, although I'm not sure if this is too much of a spoiler or not:
  11. Thanks for the great experience. I learned things that would have taken some months on my own.
  12. That looks like a fairly good animation package. It doesn't have anything specific to kites, but the animation controls and audio sync seem good enough to build this type of animation. It may have a learning curve, but it seems straightforward to me about building a choreographed routine using the tool. Looks about on par with what I'd do in Adobe's tools, anyway. And it is hard to beat the price. Animation keyframes generally don't work that way. You can select portions of a timeline and apply a few operations to the keyframes as a set, but often that requires many modifications to fix up the animations when done. As for making changes to a continuous sequence of an animation, typically for movement you need to select the entire sequence from the active keyframe all the way through the end, then move everything remaining in the sequence. Unless you've got tools that allow re-parenting animation sequences, chained animations can be time consuming to build well.
  13. That's what I'm thinking about. Again, I do that sort of thing as my day job, but only with simple, rudimentary tools. If there are already tools out there they are likely far more comprehensive and polished. I would personally use something like Adobe Animate (formerly Adobe Flash) since it is easy to manipulate timelines, adjust animation curves, and sync with audio. But if the community could use a simple tool, the kind of thing that could be put together in 20-30 hours of spare time, it may be worthwhile. That tool could never compete with something made professionally, where even the most basic professional tools have thousands of hours and the major Adobe tools have a half million hours, a million hours, or even more hours invested. In that case I would rather push to use those tools rather than cobbling a poor tools together.
  14. Yeah, After Effects could do it too, although that wouldn't be my personal preference. I'm internally debating about creating a simple tool on my own. It would be a big investment of time, costing far more in my own personal hours to me than a person getting a short-term Adobe CC subscription. I wouldn't want to commit to anything, but if there was enough demand it may be something worth providing to the community.
  15. Are you thinking about short elements with 5-10 steps, or are you talking about choreography for a complete song? The Reed Design tools step along a small number of animation frames, but it seems like you mean full routines. While I think you meant Flash videos instead of Adobe Flash (now called Adobe Animate), for me personally laying out things like that with Adobe's tools is easy since I've used it in my day job (game developer), and the editing tools allow straightforward manipulations of timelines with audio. Now I'm curious, too: What do people who don't have access to that type of tool use? Are there any kite choreography tools out there to the masses? Is it something people need?
  16. Festivals are fun, you're right about that. I don't think I'd learn a year's worth of stuff, but they are great. I still remember the Lincoln City festival a couple years back where the wind died and they were closing the party early since nothing would stay up. As people were walking away, the loudspeaker crackled back to life announcing they'd had a last-minute exhibition show in the dead air. You pulled out an indoor dual line kite and wowed the crowd as the unexpected finale.
  17. Both days? Is this just the 4th, or both the 3rd and 4th? I'm trying to justify the 7 hour drive across Texas plus the cost of two clinic tickets and other expenses. I dismissed it earlier since the title says only the 4th. If it is two days I'll start finding room in my budget.
  18. That colorizer is fun to play with. I've tried out a few designs that work with my existing color patterns. Part of me hopes for the win, the other part is terrified I'd win because I'd spend too many hours customizing it, then feel the need to buy a few more to get all the color patterns I want. I don't think I could afford to win.
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