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Wayne Dowler

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Everything posted by Wayne Dowler

  1. Let me further explain my choices: I like my 15" handles on any kite at the low end of its intended wind range!! As I tend to go with more venting rather than change frames, using the different length handles is a way of giving me a little more lift if I need it! I can tell real fast when the wind conditions aren't right for them, as they get hard to control in higher wind! And it is a bit odd, but my Zen just doesn't like the longer handles in anything other than the absolutest light conditions! The 13" handles work for me about 90% of the time!!
  2. I'm just the opposite on handles - I like the smaller 13" on the Zen and my longer 15" on either my SUL or full sail in light winds! Just my dynamics I guess!!
  3. Not only should they feel tight to take down, but should also be a bit difficult to seat fully as you assemble! Most make the mistake of NOT seating the ends fully, and things pop loose way too easy! I used a pull the LE spar, while using my thumb against the fitting and pull/twist the spreader loose type move! Tmadz is right though, this move does leave enough spar exposed to cause a tear in the sail, so be careful!
  4. Got one - love it! Could use another to spread out wear and tear - I'm in!!
  5. All ready for a Xmas flight!! Can't hurt to see if you like them changes, it's all good in Revland!!
  6. Trains - another name for stack!! The man is a stacking demon I tell ya!!
  7. Rob - if you decide to keep them on, look at putting a piece of tape or something, under the fittings! They'll keep the fittings from wearing through your sail!
  8. One of the reasons I went to using a "Buff"! 2 years ago at WSIKF, even using a lip gloss, I burnt my lips - so bad!! Took almost a month to heal fully! If you try out a "Buff", make sure to get one that is UV rated, they make several and not all have the UV protection!!
  9. Nice - I be #13 !! I'm in!!
  10. Standard kitefliers uniform anymore - wide brimmed hat, sunscreen ( or a Buff ), long sleeve UV rated shirt, long pants, even a set of goggles to protect eyes!!! I surfed as a teen (late '60s), it was a fashion to be totally tanned back then!! Lucky no permanent damage so far, but through tempting fate!! COVER UP!
  11. Have fun with it Adam!!
  12. You do plan to make WSIKF, right??
  13. It really depends on what winds you want to use it in! Just like Revs, there is a correct wind range for most dualies too! Put too heavy a sail up in light stuff and you'll have trouble keeping it flying! So it depends on when you want to use it, how many kites are you interested in getting!! Just my $0.02 worth!!
  14. I wasn't aware that CTW had any stores still open!! All the ones that I know of have either closed or changed hands to new management!! Case in point - the CTW store in Lincoln City is gone now!! Neither was I. Was walking back to our camp spot and literally ran into the building. Was a bit tired from the session Not sure who owns it at this time - a very nice gentleman and his lady friend were running the place when I went in. I wonder if the name was sold to a different store!! Like I said CTW as a chain of stores up and down the coast is out of business, as far as I know!!
  15. I wasn't aware that CTW had any stores still open!! All the ones that I know of have either closed or changed hands to new management!! Case in point - the CTW store in Lincoln City is gone now!!
  16. Now that's a blast from the past!! Got one with the high wind upgrade! Came with a twisted Spectra? line - 50# for normal, 100# for high wind! I ended up with a Prism Alien, but now a Revhead and fly an xtra-vent!
  17. Sent a PM to you!
  18. I've got the non-vented and find it glides plenty slow enough for me!! Seen the vented at different venues, but haven't seen a huge difference between the two!! Got an iFlite II, bigger and slower, but still tons of fun!!
  19. Maybe just the solo flier, like the Blue Angels?? I always fly team with the thought - We're only as strong as the "least experienced" flier, the sooner they "get" it, the better the group! And more flying together helps you "get" it faster!
  20. No problem Paul! I've been one of the inexperienced before and had almost all of those commands come my way! Once as I was just starting out in team, Amy D. had me stand next to her as she called! Did I get an earfull!!!!! All meant to help though, and a person needs to remember that!! It's not meant as a personal attack, just showing you how to blend into a group!!
  21. I'm guessing you mean turn "where" the leaders does, not "when"! Turn too soon, you end up in front of the person you're supposed to follow!!
  22. And the ceiling fans, other light fixtures, etc - anything in the way!! I don't fly much in the house with 2 cats looking very funny at my "UFO"!!
  23. Agreed on the "grip" idea!! Again, I'll use indoor to explain! There's a saying- "if you aren't losing a handle now and then, well, you're holding them too firmly"!! Maintain a light grip pressure, you're not choking them out!! My handle foam fits right in the crook formed by my fingers, I don't hold them in my palms anymore!! It's become more of a finger control over a hand control! More finesse!
  24. The real trick is to find some one willing to lead on a regular basis! Takes a certain skill to lead, know what goes in each move, yet still fly your own kite!!
  25. One of the things we encounter is that we use way more input than what is needed! My indoor time has really shown me how to wait at times and let the kite work before giving it any more commands! Learn to slow down and let the kite breathe, while you do too!
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