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Penny Lingenfelter

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Everything posted by Penny Lingenfelter

  1. Welcome to the forum. I'm in agreeance with Monkey- 80 lb or 90 lb works in most conditions. If your lines sing, bring it down. My daughter and grandkids are in La Maddelana, Italy. Do you actually have light winds there or is it just about twilight time that it drops down and then picks up again? You can get a SLE and swap out your exp spars on it in light wind. No adjustments necessary as a general rule. BB Penny
  2. I use kite line. Really but someone will have a good answer for you.
  3. I've got today and tomorrow to pack for an indoor fly at the Kids Expo on Saturday and leave from there to Buggy in Seaside. the weather and the tides are suppose to cooperate. It's the 20' x 30 stage on Saturday that has me worried. I've got to go looking for short, short line. It will be fun. have a great weekend! BB Penny
  4. Wow, all the buggiers are just back from the desert. Wonder how many will actually have enough energy to make it for this get together? BB Penny
  5. You can hand sew or machine stitch it back on. Till it gets to short, then you can add a new piece of venting. Those Rev.'s do keep on keeping on. I've had leading edges replaced after years of fun abuse. BB Penny
  6. Great article Scott. Any chance we can get a picture? BB Penny
  7. Sunset Beach Bum Buggiers still Rule the Road at the Edge of the Sea.. Come buggy On! Phil has called for a buggy get together this weekend at Seaside. I spoke with Kurt Anderson today and was hoping he'd be able to get down there. But Jon... you who Jon. lol Jon is older then I realized and after 20,000 miles in the RV and a week of buggying, he's tired. I'm hoping he'll at least come down in the van. I get so few opportunities to see everyone down there. There's only a slight possibility Kurt will make it down. I wanted to toss him in an RV where he could nap as needed and we could go visit him. Like he says dream all we want... it just may not happen. It's looking like it might be a gorgous weekend and low tides about 1-2 ish Kurt said. I won't be able to get down there till Sat. night after my last indoor event of the season. (I think) I'm looking forward to some buggy time... but if the wind is light and I have to buggy even if I can't tack back... or if the wind is strong who will come get me after hours of buggying.... who will get me without Kurt there? He was always my buggy hero. Pass the word.... Seaside Be there or be square. BB Penny
  8. Hey LLamma You've been so quiet. Good to see you in here. I already told him happy birthday. It seems like overkill now. What the Heck. Amy, he's still alive after his birthday... that says something right there. ok... Happy Birthday Monkey Boy!!! Penny Lingenfelter
  9. I'm so sorry. I get carried away and it seems to be a great way of unloading for me. OOps, Hope it didn't feel like a 1-2 punch. You had so many interesting ideas we hadn't touched on yet. The Rev. Blast! 25 ft. of line. Kewl!! I can fly my Super Blast down to about 2 mph on long lines. 60-100 ft. Do you use adjustments or a slip knot on your handles? Do you need to with the Blast? The Super Blast has two settings. Luv to Buggy with it too~ I've flown ballets with it and people said they cried. (All good.. I didn't hit them with it or anything.) There are quite a few kitefliers out there involved in different aspects of music in their lives. If you compete, that must be very useful. Advice..... Look to your handles. What did it take to do that move? If your facing 6:00 and want to lift that (M) left wing, what do you need to do? Push down on the right thumb. Not up/down.. that doesn't change the plane of the kite. Use your wrist to push down... at the same time the back of the handle is pulling back on the top of the M. Just remember to step back if you need to in the beginning or anytime... but practice...."Milking the Breeze" to walk forward and gain ground. I guess the main thing I could tell you is to take kiteflying advice with a grain of salt. We all have different fly styles which makes it so kewl. You'll learn and create your own style. And you'll move your handles to make the kite do what you want it to do. With a Rev. you'll always have a dance partner too ~ Kiteflying without music is just kiteflying. I always play my toons. There's a buggy bash at Seaside this Weekend. Hopefully, everyone will get there. I can't get down there till Saturday night at the earliest. Sunset Beach Bum Buggiers Rule the Road At The Edge Of The Sea. Buggy ON! Enjoy! BB Penny
  10. Or... yes, you can put pigtails onthe top and bottom spar end caps. I just put my line through the cap and over it. It gives the kite a quicker response and takes a little practice. Wobbles will show easier, so it makes a better flier out of you. However, it is harder on the kite. It wears down the top of the leading edge and the screen. So yes, it's doable. But do you want to do it? That's up to you. I don't recommend it to people except in light wind. BB Penny
  11. We're glad your here. That bicycle move to pivot on spot will take practice. For me it helped to concentrate on pushing down on my thumbs. That gives the handle it's bicycle movement and gives the inverted Rev it's lift. Pushing right thumb down, left thrumb down. Then once you can pivot, move your arms or body to take the pivot wherever you want to. A Circle of Circles, Diagonal Pivot UP, Can you reverse the kite in any direction? Draw a figure in reverse? Reverse Wing tip Circle? Reverse 1/4 window circle. Snap Turns? Up/Down on Tip (Kite facing 9:00 or 3:00) Pull that kite out of the sky to free fall and save it within inches of the ground. There's so much more to do with a Rev. It's like they say. Once you get it up, can you control it? I like to practice with a dollor bill folded in a twist to look like a Rev. Then I have a model to work with. What does it take to make the kite do the move you want it to do? A "Reverse Walk Across" takes 3 moves for each step. Example: Facing 6:00 Clockwise to 12:00. Reverse up, reverse down, stop,hold. Next step Counter clockwise, 12:00 to 6:00. Reverse down, Reverse up, Stop (inverted) hold. Practice your reverse so you can learn to do tricks that require it. It's not just learning to fly a move or make the kite do what you want it to do. You'll have to learn to improvise for different wind ranges. Laying the kite out to milk the breeze.... If my kite is layed out, so are my arms! My hands are not near each other as some kiteflyers will say to do. That's false.. they should be together for some things, but not for everything. Since it's just like your holding the kite when it's in front of you. When the kite is laid down your Right arm is extended, and left arm drawn back (like your scatching your shoulder. I think.. not sure.. .it's like Shoot the Tiger move in Tai Chi. And if you know Tai Chi, that's pretty much how you change the direction of the laid out kite too. Left arm out, Right arm to shoulder. That's laid out while you are walking slowly forward to keep it up. To fast and the lines are loose and the kite drops out. In light wind in the beginning you might fiind yourself walking backwards and pumping the kite up.. whatever works. After you learn to lay it down and walk forward it's much easier. And don't forget to click your heels 3 times and say, "there's no place like home, there's no place like home" while you try to make your way back to your starting place in light wind. Now what was your question? Happy Easter!! BB Penny~
  12. We want to hear more... Not about us. About you. How long have you been flying. Which size blast did you get? (I buggy with my super blast) What moves your working on. etc. John and I are called pioneers in this sport because we've been at it almost since the beginning. But everybody who learns to fly is a pioneer in kiteflying. Not only is it all new but you might come up with something new to the world. You never know. Seriously, the first 5 years are the funnest and there is still no end to how much you can learn and improve. So if you want to share the day, expreriences, frustrations, highs and lows.... inverted or 12:00? with us we'd love it! Before I went to bed last night I thought.... 3D Flying~ A place where none is better then some. I'd like the bumpersticker. John.. my buggygruven kitelife, and several other bumperstickers bit the dust. OH dear.. that just made me think of Mike. He would have loved to have been at World Cup. I need my bumperstickers! I'm going to go fly tomorrow and put slip knots on my single handle and adjust one shorter. I think that made it easier to change direction without the swivels. Ok... long hard day moving my brother in lawinto his new condo.. I'm babbling.. Sorry.. WOO HOO! Cutting Edge Won!!! No words can describe how they must be feeling.Yeah!! Best Breezes, Penny
  13. Woo Hoo! Way to go! The Best Team in the World still!! Congratulations!!!!!! We should have a confettie parade.. or a kite parade. BB Penny
  14. Ohhh,.... Monkey is going to be hurting. lol Happy Late Birthday Monkey! BB Penny
  15. You can go up, lay it down and float to the right, and turn, floating to the left, or you can up again and start over. Since I no wind fly, I think of my left hand not only pulling slightly back towards your ears. (this gives the kite lift) but pushing my brake and actually moving my left hand up in an upside down position. But again, I was thinking NO wind, not milking the breeze. It's a matter of practice and what ever works. The main thing in a light breeze is keep it moveing. If someone snaps to 9:00 and holds it there w/no wind to light wind then they are giving an illusion of it stopping. They have to move backwards at that point to hold it on spot. You'll find indoor kiteflyers come up with some unique ways to make the kite move with no wind. BB Penny
  16. Wow, sounds like there are a few moves combined on this. Ok, A free fall... Go to the top of the window. I don't think you have to put both handles in one hand. Grab the two bottom lines as far out as you can and jerk them to you. "Jerk, or Flick, are words that mean hard enough to make it happen-not so hard you pull it out of it. Let the kite fall free, take a step to 3 steps back, extending handles and stop the kite an inch from the ground. And that is what it should do if you grab those bottom lines. Milking the Breeze? Where do they come up with these names? If you want to gain ground. Take the kite to the top of the window, facing 6:00 as an example..push your right handle forward, pulling (pulling-see jerk)your left handle up a bit. Your right hand is pushing down on your thumb, or your breaks. In other words, the kite is inverted and your giving it lift. But if it's a dead weight in no wind, you have to keep it moving. So you work it back and forth. Your arms are to the right, switch the kite from 5:00 to 7:00. Once you learn to lay the kite down, you'll be able to do this and much more. Axle? Practice. Can you pivot across the window yet? a foot from the ground, diagonal, tip to tip? Reverse walk across. Flick Flack? Your wanting the kite to wrap in the lines instead of popping in and out of the window? Pull, release, pull release? Hmm, seems like everything we tried to avoid is a trick now. I'm showing my age. What is the difference between an Axle and a flat spin? A month of flying is great isn't it! Enjoy the months ahead with it. I can describe a no-wind Axle ~kind of sort of~ I like to put a wrap in it first. Flying, Lay the kite flat. Pull wing at shoulder height, pre-act with the pull on the right hand to keep the kite from falling out. I'm sure that 's not much help.... But I know your having fun trying! Best Breezes, Penny
  17. Your best hope will be Sonia. if she didn't get it, no one did. Ron sent me a copy of the commercial. Yup, Parks are in it, I'm in it and you can see Scott and someone at the end of one. All 30 seconds of it.. AND I was having a bad hair day. BB Penny
  18. Theresa sold all of her single handles out at the event. BB Penny
  19. I wish, but he's best at the sexy sweet stuff I guess. He didn't get any demo's And about 4 pictures on the camera. BB Penny
  20. Here's one you might like better for your dad Amy. The starting of the goodby wave. BB Penny
  21. The kitefliers like Alan and I were always in motion I think. Alan was Water, I was Fire. BB Penny
  22. Here's a picture of the last show at Lincoln City. I'll try to put on. BB Penny
  23. Wish I could help Amy. All Steve recorded was the show and it was one without the jellyfish. Sonia is probably our best chance. Hey, I saw Lindsey with a camera. Wonder if he had a video cam? It's great to hear about your dad. Hopefully we'll find video he can watch. Happy Saturday! BB Penny
  24. I got a message from Ed this morning. Lincoln City is trying to make a proclamation for national Kite Month at their next meeting. And he hopes to see us back in June. (I'm waiting for my invitation) Yes, Lincoln City does Rock! BB Penny
  25. "The only sad part was after rerigging my indoor kite and single handle I lost good reverse. I cringe everytime I see the video." There is such a difference between the Arlington fly and the show. One of the link lines on the the handle had broken and it was about 1/2 inch shorter. So I moved that handle to compensate. It took a while and was becoming very responsive. When I put new even links on the handles I put all four handles on the ground, nice and even. I've pulled the handles up and out trying to find my sideways reverse, so far with little success. I'm wondering if the one line shorter was an advantage? Of course a lot's been going on. Grandma was getting ready to pass on. We were taking turns staying with her. She made it past Arlington, She made it till I got back from Lincoln City. She hugged me tight and said, Penny, I love you, I love you, I love you to death. The nurse said, that's what she needed. Grandma and I had a nice visit while I fed her dinner. We're close after 10 years of daily phone calls. She got to hear about the kids, grandkids, and greatgrand kids, and she got to hear about the Indoor Flying at Lincoln City. When I told her I was "Fire" in a show called "Elements", her roomate spoke up, "Who fired you?" I explained indoor kiteflying to her. Hard to say if she believed me. Grandma spent most her life in OR, so she liked to hear about it. I was tired and needed to clean up after the trip and go to work. The next morning I popped in to tell her I would spend the night after work. She passed away in her sleep later that morning. It's been hard to say or write, and we didn't have the funeral till yesterday. I gave a eulogy and passed out her favorite flower to her kids and family. Honeysuckle. Very aprapro. (sp) If someone spoke of grandma and said she was a joy, I knew they didn't know her. She was a little crouchety. The gardner said that you have to pinch the honeysuckle, and keep pinching it if you want it to grow. So family members and Millie, one of her caregivers, have something to take their aggressions out on and remember Grandma. I'll miss her. Sorry, this place is kind of like my blog. (While John's away, Penny will play ) I better go figure out how to get that darn reverse back. I hope we get some video of Arlington in comparision to the show. Ouch! 1/2 inch... #893@ Better go work on it. BB Penny
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