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Penny Lingenfelter

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Everything posted by Penny Lingenfelter

  1. OK, Allen, but if I bring the matches, that leaves you to bring the dances. Hey, Amy... you've got monkey... I bet he's got some moves to share. I flew last night at Harold's 80th Birthday bash. Ewww, It was a little to small. 3 more feet makes the difference between work and a beautiful fly. At least I didn't poke anyone's eyse out, but I almost took out a speaker I couldn't see a few times. Black, against a black backdrop. I should have cased the joint first. BB Penny
  2. Money is always good, but Ron Desparado (+j) cornered the market on that years ago. In his free style he'd pull off his tear away pants and a few of us girls screamed and ran up and put money in his shorts. I wouldn't want to be to much of a copy cat. And what was I thinking... with all the spanking going on out there... this won't be anything new. But it sure is a hilarious class. BB Penny
  3. I've been back in the gym all week. I started working on an indoor stack. It is flying very smoothly. Then I received my music for the Lincoln City Indoor Kite Festimal on March 24th-26th. It's slow and then very fast. A stack can't really fly that fast, so I went back to my single handle for practice. I like the music, but not how I'm flying to it. Finaly after a few days, I'm starting to get a better feel for it. It's kind of like belly dancing music. So I attended a class at the gym yesterday for the first time. I thought, why not- I can probably get a few moves out of it and Steve will think it's a perk. What kind of class? It's a strip tease class. Mediam exercise class, girls only. lol It was fun! Woman came from 30 miles away to take this class. One of the first moves Jen taught us was a step, slap, look move and I remembered Debi Parks doing that in one of her routines. You probably won't see any moves from me this year, but next year there might be a few surprises. Nothing obscene, but a few added steps with attitude. Amy, the class is on Thursdays night if you want to drop in. $10. Next year I'll get good. BB Penny
  4. Yes, thanks for the update. Please keep us posted. How are you launching your kite in still air on long lines? BB Penny
  5. My eyes are twirling when I try to imagine it. I think that will do. Penny
  6. Allan you can fill in for him. BB Penny
  7. I don't even know what to say. The kite world will miss him. Our prayers are with his friends and family.
  8. Names, I'm alays trying to think of a good name. Fiesta Del Aire Circus del aire ... ok, maybe the guys aren't ready for that one. You had some good names there Allen. Double disk me, please. BB Penny
  9. I always have music in my head too. I have learned to distinguish the music in my head from music others can also hear. Hey, what do you think about asking Parks if a few of us can get out there with UFO's and Air-Yo's? 4-6 of those out there would look kewl. BB Penny
  10. Just that.. Perhaps they will find another sponsor. they were that close! At least we still have Brookings and San Ramon. BB Penny
  11. I'm liking it. It actually has slow and fast to it. Who's music is that in the indoor posting? BB Penny
  12. did they email you the music or snail mail? Yeah, I'm fire! BB Penny
  13. Fair enough. Deal me in. BB Penny
  14. Would 2 DVD's be ready by Lincon City? BB Penny
  15. I laughed when I read that. Sorry, I forgot to mention she was blind. We've an eye disease that carries most of the eye diseases with it. I've been legally blind, had cateracts removed a few times, lens implants a band around my retina on one eye. Acute glaucoma- loose an eye in an hour. In our history we had one relative who the doctor accidently took the good eye, and one doctor who purposefully took the good eye thinking it would heal the bad eye.(?) And we've probably cornered the market on glass eyes. lol Very hereditary. So I started flying the Rev. before the cateracts started growing. They were pretty removable except for around the edges- Vitreous retinatropy-deterioration of the retina. I asked my Eye doctor the proper name and he said it would take ten names to call it. So I practiced flying with my eyes closed using a kite bag for a blind fold.. and learned to play the drums. But when I had the cateracts removed and the lens implants in, I left the drums and got back to my kites. Woo Hoo! Now I think if my sight leaves me tomorrow I would still fly kites. Grandma only remembers our homemade brown paper box kites. lol I remember them too. Hey, Lincoln City is getting closer! And I'm flying tomorrow morning! I'm packed and ready. I couldn't go to the kite meeting tonight. To exhausted after staying w/Grandma last night. I don't want to die in a crash on the way home and I need to go to sleep now. Best Breezes, Penny
  16. Thanks Amy And guess what.. I'm an optimist, but she is doing great. She's talking more. (For a day she only talked to me and I was afraid the family was going to think I was crazy) She told my mom she loved her. Woo hoo.. she's eating better then she ever ate before. Moving all body parts and wanting to know how the great grandkids are. Now if only she could understand how I fly an indoor kite. She just can't imagine it. It doesn't really matter though, does it? Hugs back at you. Lincoln City Indoor Kite Show is getting closer! It's going to be awesome! BB Penny
  17. My grandma is sick. She's 93 and had a massive stroke. I stayed last night and today. My mom and sisters and I will take turns staying with her. No response in 20 hours. Mom said she probably wouldn't grow a new leg. Which is what she always does when she gets sick with one leg in the grave. She grows another leg. Mom said yesterday she didn't think there was going to be a new leg, but since yesterday, she started sucking ice cubes, opening her eyes, moving her head and arms and smiling. and she's hungry after 3 days of nothing. I always thought she'd live to be 100. She'd say, I'm going to die tomorrow... why can't you take me to the right doctor to fix this pain all in the same sentence. She won't let herself quit. Mom ran me off to get some rest and I'll go back tonight and stay. I told Grandma before I left.. it was ok if she grew another leg. She smiled. Probably no flying today........ BB Penny
  18. Yes she was at the fest with her husband. She wore all brown. She tried the UFO, but not the quad. I believe she works in a day care or preschool? BB Penny
  19. You did fine for a first time Amy. Trust me, we've all crashed and will do it again. Sides.. half the things the kites do that they call tricks were just errors in the past. We won't be surprised at all when you pull some tricks out of your sleeve. I know.... I can 360 the UFO and you can jump over it. lol BB Penny
  20. Hi Stefan, I coud share a few guesses. Did they have other teams compete? Were they able to get the time off of work to attend? Hopefully, it's a reason along those lines. BB Penny
  21. Ok, Monkey, I like to share. Video would be great. There is a little video in the members section from Arlington, OR. Did you check that out already? It can do more then that for sure. BB Penny
  22. No problem posting them... ok.. a small one. Thanks John! The arms are of equal length. If you can put a swivel in your handles it should be easier. I ping on the strings as needed at this point. I can't wait to get back to the gym. I've cheated and slept in late every day this week. Tomorrow I'll go. BB Penny
  23. How did I miss that move? Heck, if it's been done.. not sure I'll bother. But you guys don't get to complacent. BB Penny
  24. Awesome pic's Allen. Could you please rescan the left side of the chronicle? How rude... I don't remember the red bird taking a nose dive. BB Penny
  25. Oh, that's going to hurt Monkey.. .. wait... hot tricks... how crazy do you think the crowd would go if I kicked you where it hurt? Huh! NObody's done that before! lol Yikes... I better go fly a kite... I'm taking these hot tricks way to seriously! lol BB Penny
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