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Everything posted by jaydub200

  1. Next problem. I select the category and then get : Sorry, there is a problem You cannot create adverts in this category: missing PACKAGE INFO, TYPE or ITEM CONDITION. If you have already created them, edit your category and choose which ones the category will use. Contact the system administrator. Error code: CL-SUBMIT/2 Looks like a missing step in the script as I see no screen to enter the details of what I want to sell.
  2. As a non-subcriber, am I supposed to be able to enter ads. Asking as it appears I can't. I get a message saying "The page you are trying to access is not available for your account."
  3. FA is not that active. However, the problem is the lack of active UK flyers rather than a fundamental issue with the forum. I would be very surprised if your account doesn't still work
  4. The way back when machine is your friend: https://web.archive.org/web/20131012053815/http://www.idemployee.id.tue.nl/p.j.f.peters/kites/basics/alphaidx.frm.html There was an updated version on Fractured Axel called the Tricky Wiki, however I think this is no longer supported following the last site update, although it is still accessible: http://fracturedaxel.co.uk/wiki9/tiki-index.php?page=HomePage
  5. Worth looking at Kareloh's website. He has some great links to open source kite plans: http://www.kareloh.com/kite-plans/ The Magnet, Magnet 112% and the [Return} are definitely worth considering.
  6. There are two buoyage systems in the world and the US and Europe use different systems. Red and green are used the other way around, so in Europe it would be red, left, return. I probably didn't explain that very well before.
  7. Might work like that in the US. Other way round in Europe. Red is port and port is left in nautical terms. So never understood why everybody attaches red lines to the right hand side of the kite. Still put the red lines on the right regardless. Sent from my EVA-L09 using Tapatalk
  8. jaydub200

    Esinger's Kites

    Interested in what you think of the Lumokites Vega and Vital.
  9. What is the kite? My gut feel is that it is just designed to be a fixed three point bridle. Although you can slide the knot out as per your second pic to form a turbo bridle, that looks to be a lot of turbo and in my view is unlikely to be a design feature of the kite. Reverse turbos (where the turbo bit is on the outhaul rather than the inhaul) are much more popular, which again makes me question whether you creating a turbo is an intended feature. The line going from part way up the uphaul to part way along the inhaul is almost certainly there as a keeper line to stop the inhaul catching on the keel. It will only be an activator if it is taut when the bridle is tensioned along all three legs.
  10. According to my wife I have many personality flaws. I'm not sure not flying a rev is seen as one of them. Flying any sort of kite is probably in the list somewhere though.
  11. I'm not into Revs, but that is one stunning pic.
  12. In my experience a turbo makes the kits a bit softer than a standard three point bridle, so not sure whether it's a good move or not. Whatever you do if you do significanlt alter it, make sure that you have all the measurements to revert it back to teh standard settings.
  13. Both Tapatalk and the KL app are working for me on Android. Thanks, JB.
  14. Unable to connect via Tapatalk. Just downloaded the KiteLife Android app and get the same error on both: Server error occurred: '1 Call to undefined method IPS\forums\Topic\Post::canGiveReputation() (MbqRdEtForumPost.php:429)'
  15. Hi Paul, Welcome to KiteLife Jon
  16. It looks as though kiteworld.co.uk is and does appear to have some 2mm parts.
  17. Tim does sell parts. They are on his web site, but they are parts for his range of kites, so not sure he will stock any 2mm fittings that OAP was looking for (apart from end caps). Always worth an ask though. Send him an email and he will respond.
  18. And so you should So you should. Tim's construction techniques match anybody's and his collaborative kites with Andy Wardley, the Gemini and Deep Space, deserve a space in anybody's kite bags. The later Chris Goff kites are a bit more radical and won't be to everybody's tastes, but they are still excellent kites. And having had the pleasure of meeting Tim at the UK Crantock gatherings, he is one really nice guy. Linda and the kids are pretty special too. What a shame Crantock is no more. I have some very special memories not only of the place, but just as importantly of the people; kite flyers are special after all.
  19. Thought I ought to finish this thread off to confirm that when viewing unread posts in Tapatalk and selecting 'Mark as Read' in now does what it's supposed to do and refreshes the screen to leave no threads being displayed. I noticed this after a Tapatalk upgrade on my Android phone an upgrade or two back. Interestingly the Kitelife App did the same thing as Tapatalk when I reported this issue. You had to refresh the screen for the threads you had just marked as read to disappear. No idea whether it was the Tapatalk or the web site that was causing the issue, but happy to report all is working as intended in Tapatalk.
  20. Except it's wrong!!! (Or at least it offends me as an almost lifelong sailor - been racing sailboats for 42 years) The luff is the leading edge of the sail so that is also equally applicable to a kite. However, amomentary loss of pressure is a lull, not a luff; and over sheeting the sail is stalling it, not luffing it. I'm not sure I would ever consider using luff as a verb in kite usage, but if it is remotely applicable then Brian's definition is the only one that would carry any weight with me: "This would be similar to pulling the top lines on a quad toward you and easing the bottom lines away from you until the kite was right on the edge of losing lift." (P.S. Only my opinions of course. Us Brits would never be dogmatic!)
  21. Agreed. It's not as though kites spin fast enough to create any noticeable centrifugal force anyway. You give slack and the leaders help the lines drop out the way. As a side benefit, they make the lines a bit more visible next to the kite.
  22. Yes, a good deal for you guys that side of the water. Best get in there soon, as the weakness of Sterling against both the Euro and Dollar means that prices will have to rise soon. I doubt Tim will offer any group discounts although you may be able to save on delivery charges if you have all the kites delivered to one person. He is after all a one man band trying to make ends meet. Great kites from a great guy and some of the best build quality in the business.
  23. Rob, Thank you for your kind words. There are only five videos out in the wild with me flying in them and I'm relieved to say you can't identify me by name on a couple of them. I suspect (actually, I hope!) the one you are referring to was a Bryan Beasley vid from a Better Flying Day he had organised at Hinckley, which was the one time my flying on camera didn't 'freeze'. My VF entry was more noticeable for someone being pulled over by the police in the background rather than my flying! I use Tim Benson's knuckle duster and finger straps (see his web site) which are the perfect length for you to rest your index finger against the cord loop, so I don't think it is a sensitivity thing, just ineptness on my part, Don't get me wrong, I can slide the kite, but it is only occasionally and always on a downward trajectory so even if I get it sliding I have to pull out before the kite hits the ground. I will go so far as to say that I don't think I have ever felt in control of a slide. Years ago when you were struggling with the JL, I wished I could jump on a plane to talk you through it and show you. The side slide is another one where it would probably benefit me to spend some time with someone who can do the trick. One of the guys in the Northern Monkey Kite Group in the UK is hot on slides, so perhaps I need to make an effort and go and fly with them again soon. I do have some of Mark Reed's videos on the shelf somewhere, so in the meantime I'll have a look and see if I can pick some nuance I haven't spotted before. I do think one of the issues with both the Prism and Dodd Gross videos is that the kites have moved on since and the size of hand movements tends to be exaggerated compared to what most modern trick kites require. Always enjoy watching you fly, so keep the vids coming. Jon
  24. When I get frustrated with side slides, I always settle back to doing other tricks. I never have got the hang of doing slides and you do them without even thinking about it. Grrrrrr.
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