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Quad Count (they all count)


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2 hours ago, photomom said:

I just finished making quad handles for my Lee Sedgwick UFO.  Does that make it a quadline kite and do I add it to the quad count?

Mine is in my quad count. I've only had mine in quad configuration though. 

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Haven't updated my numbers in a bit.. You'll notice The Jester isn't mentioned since it has a new home.

12 Revs

        Shook Mesh 75% #214
        Shook Mesh 40% #206
        RWB Trifinity,
        Rainbow Trifinity,
        B-series Custom Full Sail,
        SUL Old Glory,
        SUL Ghost
        Full set of B-Pros (Full Sail, Mid-Vent and Full Vent)
        Full Vent SLE Black/Lime

6 Freilein Vertigos (4 in a stack plus  a full sail and a Max  all of them are Red White & Blue)
2 Freilein Exodus (one full sail and one Mid Vent) Both the Cool Color Scheme
1 knockoff (it was a gift)
16 home-mades

     2 RWB Full Sails
     5 The Spectrum Stack
     1 Yellow
     1 Purple
     1 Plaid RWB
     1 RWB Mesh
     1 Mesh #2 Yellow Green Blue Black
     1 Mesh #1 Blue Black Lime
     1 SUL Indigo Sunrise
     1 Full Sail Midnight Royal Taboo
     1 Full Sail Yonder

4 converted HQ Symphony 2.2.4's
1 HQ Mojo

Power Kites:
3 HQ Crossfires 2,3,& 4M
1 8M Toxic
1 2M Hornet
1 2.8 Skydog
1 4.5 Flexifoil Bullet
1 3.5 Flexifoil Blurr

total 50 Quadline Kites
8 of those are true power kites.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone,
I suppose you will all fall off your chairs laughing about kite collection having seen the long lists that you have posted. I only started quad-line flying in October though... right now the kite bag contains:
- baSic std by Feine Drachen
- baSic vents by Feine Drachen
- Phoenix Pro Full Sail by Bazzer Poulter
- Phoenix Pro Vented by Bazzer Poulter
- Penguin-Rev by Korvokites
- Custom Rev by dotmatrix

Greetings from Germany,

Evaluation of a SkyKnife will start next week and another kite will be custom built in summer.

Sent from my [device_name] using http://KiteLife mobile app

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No laughing from out here in the sticks.  Looks like a great collection to me.  I never thought I would own more than a couple kites but things changed when I found out how friendly kites became.

Greetings from the Dark Side of the Blue Ridge, SHBKF

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On 5/9/2018 at 8:42 AM, Kataranka said:

Evaluation of a SkyKnife will start next week and another kite will be custom built in summer.

Any chance to hear anything (like feel and differences from a more revlike kite) about this later? I have been considering a Skyknife for a long time, but got my B-series in the mean time. Talking about Korvokites - didn't know that they did "penguin-revs" also.

5 hours ago, SHBKF said:

No laughing from out here in the sticks.  Looks like a great collection to me.

And most certainly not from the north either. Besides you got one more quad than I do even when I include a power kite when counting:

  • 3 B-series (std/mid/full).
  • 1 Spiderkites Smithi Pro (much controllable foil).
  • 1 Peter Lynn 5m^2 Peel (power foil)
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This is what I have so far.

Synergy Deca 6 UL by GuildWorks

Minergy Zero Wind by GuildWorks

Revolution 1.5 (Original Release)

Sedgwick Revolution 2

Ash by Bazzer

Phoenix Pro Full Sail by Bazzer

Phoenix Pro Mid Vent by Bazzer

Phoenix Pro Vented by Bazzer

Phoenix Pro Xtra Vent by Bazzer (Ordered)

Fulcrum Custom by Skyburner

Fulcrum Custom Vent by Skyburner

Lambo by Lam Hoac

Symphony 2.2.4 Riffclown/HQ




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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest LeeBB

How long Have Most Of You Guys Been Flying And Collecting Your Quad Kites.  Some pictures of y’all  collection would me Fantastic And Really a treat.  I’ll maybe Have One I can Add to y’all  list one Day ,  ha  

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6 hours ago, LeeBB said:

How long Have Most Of You Guys Been Flying And Collecting Your Quad Kites.  Some pictures of y’all  collection would me Fantastic And Really a treat.  I’ll maybe Have One I can Add to y’all  list one Day ,  ha  

Believe it or not, my first Rev was in 2014. followed quickly by a full vent and the Terry Murray stack. My first homemade mesh was in 2015.. I was flying my Symphony 2.2.4 Conversion (first real quad stunt kite) in 2013.. It was designed and converted in Early 2012. Most of my kites are pictured in my Galleries.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm considered a newbie in my home field of kite fliers, only doing it since '96 (10 hrs per week).  

I got the first quad 1993 but didn't know squat about tuning or adjustments for a couple of years.

Made my first quad kite and entered at the Smithsonian Fest in 1999, won but who builds a sport kite as a novice? 

I was told in 2004 at a competition (1st one entered '99) that I had finally learned how to back-up.

Stopped making kites when Bazzer and Shook came on board.  They would both try to follow my requirements w/o charging too much extra and built 'em way better than I could ever do.

I beat my dear friend & MMB competition nemesis after eleven years of failures (2 or 3 times annually!) in 2015, yeah as a soul flyer too with no music or routines preplanned.

I have had folks tell me "No you can't team-fly with us" and I've had to respectfully ask others to leave a team-fly 'cause they couldn't cut it themselves (both of these courses of action are extremely tough on everyone involved!)

I am not a collector and I have more kites than I can fly or even want to carry, just hate to sell 'em off.

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  • 1 month later...

Haven't updated my numbers in a bit.. (Only completed kites are listed.. Kites that have found new homes are also not listed)

13 Revs

        Shook Mesh 75% #214
        Shook Mesh 40% #206
        RWB Trifinity,
        Rainbow Trifinity,
        B-series Custom Full Sail,
        SUL Old Glory,
        SUL Ghost
        Full set of B-Pros (Full Sail, Mid-Vent and Full Vent)
        Full Sail SLE Red Black
        Spider RX

6 Freilein Vertigos (4 in a stack plus  a full sail and a Max  all of them are Red White & Blue)
2 Freilein Exodus (one full sail and one Mid Vent) Both the Cool Color Scheme

18 home-mades

 From Tails
     2 RWB Full Sails
     5 The Spectrum Stack (72")
     1 Yellow (84")
     1 Purple (72")
     1 Plaid RWB (72")
     1 RWB Mesh (72")
     1 Mesh #2 Yellow Green Blue Black
     1 Mesh #1 Blue Black Lime

Scratch Builds
     Jester II
     Yonder (72")
     Crazy Quilt


As of this posting there are still 3 Perspective Kites, 3 Greytone Kites and another XUL in works. These were not included in the count

8 converted HQ Symphony 2.2.4's (1 Classic Blue. 1 Classic Rainbow, 1 Edge, 5 Neons)
1 HQ Mojo

Power Kites:
3 HQ Crossfires 2,3,& 4M
1 8M Toxic
1 2M Hornet
1 2.8 Skydog
1 8.5 Flexifoil Blade
1 3.5 Flexifoil Blurr

total 56 Quadline Kites
8 of those are true power kites.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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